Would you date...
Its really hard for me to say I guess it really depends on the girl. I also know I can be a bit on the possessive side of things. Now I'm not the kind to get pissed over buying her a couple drinks but having her have guys oogling over her all night and trying to touch and grab is a bit different. But like I said it depends on how she is towards her job and if there are any feelings involved.
I'm thinking I'm glad its friday and I can relax.
I found a couple of great relationships on here. Neither of them is going on any more but both lasted a while and were pretty damn awesome so yes you can find someone here. But it is like anywhere else you get what you put in. Good luck.
Dont Know What To Do.
I think its best not to worry about it. Complaining about it and assuming things are a certain way is good way to push away those whom look for what your like before they respond I.e. those whom do their research before responding. When you do it smells of desperation which is like a really bad B.O. Wine seems like a good idea though. SO in closing give them wine not whine.
Zee's Pub! - part 6
T G I muthah fuggin F!!
Smoke a little,turn on some music,then work on a puzzle or catch up on some reading.
Dammit I'm late!
wtf - part 5
Wtf I am ready for winter to be over with.
what do you think of words
Source material.
I haven't been called a babe in long time((((Leigh)))) And I'm not thaaaat young. You might not be that young, but you are definitely a babe! |
what do you think of words
The thesaurus is the best friend of someone looking for words to use in place of other words.
Thinking I am looking forward to cold day spent mostly in the truck tomorrow.
I haven't been called a babe in long time((((Leigh))))
And I'm not thaaaat young. |
Aloha and welcome to the nut house.
Look Up
I look up and while knowing I am not even a spec in the grand scheme of what is our cosmos. I also remember that I am still where I am with other people whom are just as small. I don't feel insignificant or humble because the universe is so large. Because the meaning of my life is found through my interactions with the other specs whom are close to me. The sky holds beauty and magic for my viewing pleasure. But thats about it.
If you keep a good impression with you sister in law maybe she'll introduce you to one of her single friends.
Day wasn't boring it had its problems to solve and was very wet and cold.
I would think its another of those situational things for me.
How Do You feel right now?
(((((Leigh))))) Thank you I needed a hug.
Mind over Matter-Young the Giant.