After reading again I may have taken it out of context ,my post may not apply to what you said ,sorry
Hi there
All I'm going to say is chivalry is dead and it makes me sad ,I often go out of my way to do things for ladies at work or wherever and 9 times out of 10 it isn't appreciated or they think you think they can't do it for themselves ,for example today it was pissing down and I saw a female colleague getting ready to run to her car so I thought I'll get her an umbrella so she doesn't get her papers soaked ,so I run up to her with said umbrella and said "here you are ,don't want to get wet and cold" she just said "no thanks" and walked in the pouring rain to her car ,I actually felt like a fool and a little embarrassed ,and I don't quite understand why it is this way nowadays , I try to be mr nice and look where it gets you ,usually nowhere (let's be clear ,I don't do these things to get laid or whatever) ,I do them because it feels good and I believe woman/ladies should be treated that way ,and I will continue to do so whatever reaction I get , although maybe I'll try the "treat em mean keep em keen " trick and see how that pans out (not) anyway it's a tough world we live in nowadays you just need to do your best be your best and hopefully attract the best , hope I made sense at all ,it's my first post so be nice :) |
New and a bit nervous ;)
Hi there
How's it going ,cheers for the advice ,nice and simple ,I'll get right on it :) |
New and a bit nervous ;)
Hi everyone
I'm new to the site and dating/fun and have come out of a 13y marriage so am looking for fun times and friends only ,need to rediscover myself and work through past hurts so I can leave the past right where it is ..the past , I didn't want to come across as creepy or anything but am quite keen to meet like minded ladies for "fun" intimate fun ,can anybody give me some advice on the nicest was to go about it ,haven't had to pick up a lady in a looong time ,thanks for reading and sorry for the ramble ;) |