Community > Posts By > ohshizabear
Gentlemen Prefer Blonds
You really have a messed up perception of guys. I've seen you say some pretty ignorant stuff on these boards. I understand you may have a history with the male sex, but this is in no way based off of any kind of fact. Do I really need to provide a list of women of different hair colors that I find attractive to show you how much bullsh*t this is? Some guys like blond girls, some guys like innocent looking girls, some guys don't. Some guys like exotic looking women. Some guys don't. Some guys may like you, but I'm guessing from what I've seen from your attitude on a couple threads that most guys don't. But then again, I could be making a broad assumption based on next to nothing. There, see how much it sucks when people do it to you? =/ Who are you talking to? ![]() ![]() ![]() It was meant for the TS. I probably should've quoted her, but I figured that not quoting anyone would direct it towards her by default. |
Gentlemen Prefer Blonds
You really have a messed up perception of guys. I've seen you say some pretty ignorant stuff on these boards.
I understand you may have a history with the male sex, but this is in no way based off of any kind of fact. Do I really need to provide a list of women of different hair colors that I find attractive to show you how much bullsh*t this is? Some guys like blond girls, some guys like innocent looking girls, some guys don't. Some guys like exotic looking women. Some guys don't. Some guys may like you, but I'm guessing from what I've seen from your attitude on a couple threads that most guys don't. But then again, I could be making a broad assumption based on next to nothing. There, see how much it sucks when people do it to you? =/ |
Who are these girls?
dude you are messing with the wrong women. find you a nice stable girl not to young cause those are the crzy ones, I say from 24 and up they start getting a bit more sensible. especially if they have a j. You would think so, right? If that won't work, what the hell else am I supposed to do, I'm not some kind of prozac wizard. i can't stop freakin perving you. but thats not the point the point is girls are sometimes batch*t crazy. thats just a fact of life. dating is a weeding process. you have to dig through a whole lot of manure to find the well nevermind i forgot where i was goin with that so whatever ohhh yeah so some (meaning half) of the girls your age are kinda off their rocker. you should date older women. like 28 year olds from california southern california nevermind. ![]() Sorry love, I'm in San Francisco and the economy isn't too friendly on long distance relationships these days =( aw come on .. we can meet in santa barbara for awkward moments :p Haha, I couldn't do that to my man JT, he's clearly been putting in some time. |
Who are these girls?
These girls who post about all the horrific things they let dudes do to them. And I get a steamy pile crazy b*tch feces thrown at me because I have the nerve to text her, just to and then get busy for twenty minutes. Obviously that's just one example, but believe me when I say that I have more. Seemingly nice girls go batsh*t crazy at my person, when my intention may be as harmless as wanting to talk to her for a bit because I hadn't heard from her all day. Where do I find these girls who will let themselves get walked on? I'll make them feel like princesses by treating them like human beings =/ Do you usually talk about women that way? No, because grown women respect themselves enough not to repeatedly let a significant other walk all over them. "He slept with his ex and then he came clean and he begged for forgiveness. Then he asked me to move in, then we got engaged, now I might be pregnant and he says I'm not the one. Can you believe that he did this to two other girls before me? Is it over?" Yeah, I'll talk **** on that person all day. |
Who are these girls?
dude you are messing with the wrong women. find you a nice stable girl not to young cause those are the crzy ones, I say from 24 and up they start getting a bit more sensible. especially if they have a j. You would think so, right? If that won't work, what the hell else am I supposed to do, I'm not some kind of prozac wizard. i can't stop freakin perving you. but thats not the point the point is girls are sometimes batch*t crazy. thats just a fact of life. dating is a weeding process. you have to dig through a whole lot of manure to find the well nevermind i forgot where i was goin with that so whatever ohhh yeah so some (meaning half) of the girls your age are kinda off their rocker. you should date older women. like 28 year olds from california southern california nevermind. ![]() Sorry love, I'm in San Francisco and the economy isn't too friendly on long distance relationships these days =( |
Who are these girls?
These girls who post about all the horrific things they let dudes do to them. And I get a steamy pile crazy b*tch feces thrown at me because I have the nerve to text her, just to and then get busy for twenty minutes. Obviously that's just one example, but believe me when I say that I have more. Seemingly nice girls go batsh*t crazy at my person, when my intention may be as harmless as wanting to talk to her for a bit because I hadn't heard from her all day.
Where do I find these girls who will let themselves get walked on? I'll make them feel like princesses by treating them like human beings =/ |
I Create Evil
said God Isaiah 45:7 I personally think that if God exists and he created everything then he is like everything he has a Positive and a Negative. Everything we know has two sides, men=women, hot=cold, day=night and it goes all the way down to the Atom, so to me God and Lucifer are the same one is the positive the other is the negative of its essence. Otherwise how could such a perfect being create such horrors as we see them on this planet it's because even if he is all powerful he is torn between is two side. Oh yeah I don't believe in God so I don't believe in Lucifer. Just thinking out loud today ![]() ![]() That's right, everything we know has two sides. Including triangles and the wind =/ |
I only know a couple of people who'll be moving up when the semester starts at SFSU, so I figured I'd post a shout out and see if I can meet some new people =)
This is a terrible argument. I'm an atheist, but your defintion of faith is way off. Just because you can't prove something doesn't mean we're trusting something "we know isn't true". It means that we're believing in something not knowing if it's true or not. Do you really think all religious people that base their whole life around God know it's not true? No, of course not. In fact, many claim they know God is true and I believe that many of them actually think there is a god. We go too often with assuming someone isn't telling the truth just because we find their statement ridculous. Sam Harris brings this up all the time and I'm with him 100%. He says that radical islamics that do suicide bombings really believe they are going to meet with 72 virgins or whatever the number is. As mooon005 put it, you guys are being cynics. Here's my favorite definition from belief that is not based on proof. Nowhere in that definition does it say belief in something we KNOW IS NOT TRUE. There's a big difference. I was beginning to think that I was the only one who picked up on this. People like the TS are just as bad as Bible thumpers because they open the door for them by doing stupid things like incorrectly defining things that can be googled in 5 seconds. |
I Create Evil
Edited by
Fri 08/14/09 03:12 PM
Evil and Sin by their true definitions are anything that is against the will of GOD. GOD does not create evil in the way that the OP is suggesting. But GOD will allow evil to come upon a person or nation if they turn away from him. If we are hell bent (pun intended) on finding some "inconsitency" with the Bible, there are a number of places to find those. I suspect that people who make these threads are not seeking any real truth or explanation. I'm not the type to say "I will pray for you" or " I hope the Holy Spirit opens your eyes" I say: "How ironic that the one you dont belive in gave you the free will to not believe in him...or his Word" Doesn't sound like irony to me, even if he does exist. We're using our free will in one of the ways that it was intended. I say: "Someone needs to learn the definition of the word ironic before they go throwing it around in holier-than-thou posts on a free dating site." =/ ...Yes, I said it making that emoticon expression too. |
I don't think the majority of people do it to be evil or dishonest. It's just regular folks trying to make themselves look good in order to get a date. If they look better than their pictures.....good for them! Evil has nothing to do with it, but it is dishonest. They're not telling the truth so they can get something they want, how else would you describe it? Normal people who aren't pleased with their image, do what they can to make the best of it. They change up their clothes, do their hair different, put on make-up, hit the gym, go running, alter their diet. Or they can just get comfortable in their own skin. I'm really skinny. There's plenty of girls who aren't into it. So what do I do? I eat when I'm hungry, I work out a bit, and if I see results, sweet. Do I lie about my body type? No, because as easy as it would be, there's another person on the other end of that lie. I might be getting what I want, but I'm intentionally lying about being what they want. There's a reason why this sort of thing is frowned upon. |
Edited by
Fri 08/14/09 12:26 PM
oops double post thing, can't find the delete button =/
its a bullshizz lie. its all about looks. people expect to SEE one person and end up SEEING another. that makes them feel lied to. but if the lie benefited them, they wouldn't give a fig over it. so yes.. its about the looks. Sure, looks help a lot, but if I show up and she's raging b*tch (feel free to insert some other glaring character flaw) and I'm not having a good time, it doesn't matter if she's a perfect 10. Don't expect me to call for a second date/meeting. no one would expect you to either. hell i remember walking out on a date becuase a guy talked to my breasts all night long. its like come on people have some class. but thats not the point. the point is if you saw a pic, and that pic was a good one, and then you saw the person and that person was just a hot mess... would you be pissed? and what if the real person was nothin like the picture but betteR? would you still be mad? its like what part of the photo lie would you accept? If they were less attractive, it'd be an underhanded lie. I might ride out the date, see how it goes, but a lot of the interest would be killed. If they were more attractive, I'd be confused, pleasantly surprised, but I'd look for an explanation. If I'm not looking for anything serious, it'd probably be ok. If I am, it'd be a problem, because clearly this person has no problem lying and I have no interest in GUESSING how she feels and thinks because I have no idea if she's being honest with me or not. |
This is a funny topic for discussion, because girls seem have the attitude that guys need to "suck it up and come talk to me." Well that's a pretty convenient stance to take when you don't have to do any of the approaching.
And you know what's really funny? I hear girls rip on guys (nice guys and ******** alike) for approaching them when they didn't want it. I hardly ever hear a guy complaining to his buddies about a girl who came up and tried talking to him =/ |
its a bullshizz lie. its all about looks. people expect to SEE one person and end up SEEING another. that makes them feel lied to. but if the lie benefited them, they wouldn't give a fig over it. so yes.. its about the looks. Sure, looks help a lot, but if I show up and she's raging b*tch (feel free to insert some other glaring character flaw) and I'm not having a good time, it doesn't matter if she's a perfect 10. Don't expect me to call for a second date/meeting. |
Just got a new lip ring
I like your attitude! So many people give their opinion when it's not it's not asked of them. ![]() Although, you DID ask "whatcha ya think?" Next time make a definate statement without the question mark: "I got a new lip piercing!" (end of sentence and post). ![]() For whatever reason, I tend to be controversial to so many. I don't care about how other's feel about me; they do not validate me, and for those that are ultra conservative, I start to feel sorry for them. One day they MIGHT regret not taking a big juicy bite out of life. ![]() I won't have regrets; I won't have feelings guilt because I sat back and laughed, judged, or otherwise reacted CATTY to things I didn't understand. When I don't understand something, I dive and explore! It may not be for me but at least I can make an educated choice rather than have a blind, ignorant reaction. Just nod and smile, and keep doing what turns you on in life! ![]() Wow, your simple post inspired a lot of emotion and fire! Bravo! ![]() Hehe, I'm glad you liked it. I figure that if I'm only going to post on here like 10 times a year, I should at least try to make them count. |
Just got a new lip ring
Edited by
Sat 08/08/09 10:18 AM
Just be yourself....your never gonna please anyone...some will like some won't, most won't even be aware you exist... I thought I made it pretty clear that this isn't about pleasing anyone. I thought "if you hate it, you hate it," was a pretty good indicator. I have it, I like it, I'm keeping it. This was for me. And even though it won't change my decision to keep it, I'm still curious as to whether other people like it as well. That's really all this is, an opinion poll. So instead of analyzing my motivation, a simple "Looks good," or "You jacked up your face," or some other expression of opinion would do just fine. |
Just got a new lip ring
Sorry dude. Wasn't trying to offend you. Was just kinda curious ![]() Keep in mind that there are usually a lot of cases where people will ask our opinions, and then get pissed when they actually GET them. lol But no, I'm not one of those. If you hate it, you hate it, cool. If not, that's cool too. Lip piercings are HOT! ![]() Responses like this are warmly accepted too =) |
Just got a new lip ring
Just because my liking it is enough of a reason for me to keep it, that doesn't mean I'm not at all interested in seeing what some other people think.
I figure people on the internet who don't know me will be the most brutally honest. Do I need to go on or is it okay for me to be curious now? =/ |
Just got a new lip ring
I like it and I plan on keeping it regardless, but whatcha think?