Community > Posts By > ohshizabear
Oh, she's a gold digger
Does anyone else find it absolutely ridiculous that a black man gets the word *edit* removed from his posts on an website that's supposed to be aimed at people 18 and over? Would it be less offensive to you if I started using the term "person of color"?
Oh, she's a gold digger
Just thought you should know =P
I use this account name for different things, I don't like that anyone can google it and see that I'm on a dating site. It gives my profile and a few of the things I've posted on.
I don't mind that other users can see, but I do want a modicum of privacy. I tried de-activating my account and it still comes up. |
~so I asked her....
I find saying "you can control how you feel about things" interesting. Feelings by their definitions are a reaction not a choice. Thinking through feelings and keeping them in perspective so they do not mess up your life is an action. Given the person has the experience, coping skills, and support some actions are more possible than others. Dealing with some experiences few people have experiences with, except by observation, or some cleaned up text book version doesn't really make many people qualified to be supportive. The example of saying being with your dying parent is somehow better than not does not even acknowledge the bazilion feelings that a person would go through much less how alone you feel to find anyone who would have a clue how that feels or that you would want to. Can anyone say they control the memories they have? We may control the memories we make but not necessarily the ones we have. Control of your own life is an illusion of a soft life. IMHO Spot on dude. Clearly I could not put it better myself. There you go, articulated well without the use of cynicism or sarcasm. If you can say that you disagree with this post and actually provide a sound reason as to why (not even one I agree with), please do. |
~so I asked her....
Edited by
Sun 08/23/09 12:45 PM
I knew not to take it personally when you attacked me in a different thread... especially considering it was one as silly as hair color preferences. You are an angry man, and are pretty much attacking anyone who is not able to say what you need to hear. I wish you peace. ![]() Haha, you posted a thread saying that guys particularly liked blonds because it they were looking for virgins and I made a point with a sweeping generalization of my own. I'm sorry if you thought I was attacking you, but I would've said that to anyone who posted that thread. I've already said I'm not looking for advice. I'm actually doing pretty well. I found my reasons to keep going and I am. But to say that it's not natural to feel sad and that I chose that for myself is something I think is worth responding to. To a point, I think it's also worth responding to people who take my views out of context or misrepresent them. I've continued to do so because I'm talking to different people, but I'm not gonna go back and forth with one person over an issue. I'll say what I'm gonna say to who I'm gonna say it. I think it's pretty reasonable, considering I'm not the one belittling other people's problems. Again you have misinterpreted my words, that was not what was in the thread. And you have attacked those here who attempted to help you.. you put your problem out there and used anger in retaliation because your hurt has kept you from communicating... peace brother ![]() I used a personal situation as an example. Clearly you read what you wanted to read and that's cool. Generally people without real foundations for what they're saying are content to dismiss other people as being unfit for discussion instead of actually explaining their point further =P |
~so I asked her....
I knew not to take it personally when you attacked me in a different thread... especially considering it was one as silly as hair color preferences. You are an angry man, and are pretty much attacking anyone who is not able to say what you need to hear. I wish you peace. ![]() Haha, you posted a thread saying that guys particularly liked blonds because it they were looking for virgins and I made a point with a sweeping generalization of my own. I'm sorry if you thought I was attacking you, but I would've said that to anyone who posted that thread. I've already said I'm not looking for advice. I'm actually doing pretty well. I found my reasons to keep going and I am. But to say that it's not natural to feel sad and that I chose that for myself is something I think is worth responding to. To a point, I think it's also worth responding to people who take my views out of context or misrepresent them. I've continued to do so because I'm talking to different people, but I'm not gonna go back and forth with one person over an issue. I'll say what I'm gonna say to who I'm gonna say it. I think it's pretty reasonable, considering I'm not the one belittling other people's problems. |
~so I asked her....
that's all self pitying bullshat you have a choice in how you respond to any crisis or tragedy. If you choose to bitter and cynical and negative then so be it but dont expect my sympathy. I have it harder day by day than 99% of the people in this country and I choose to be happy and cheerful instead of whining about it. And I dont have patience or tolerance for those who choose not to It's self pitying bullsh*t to think that people have feelings? Kudos for having a hard life and dealing with it, but you miss the point. I think it's pretty natural for a person going through hard times to be upset about it. I respect people who can keep their head high in hard times, but I'm not impatient or intolerant of those who can't. There's a difference between not having control of something and giving up control. There are things that make people sad, and there are people who make themselves sad. I agree that people who simply give up on happiness are making a bad choice, but to say that people who are unhappy choose to be so is just stupid. Kind of egocentric there, aye? Didn't say you. You're entitled to your opinion, and like I said in the same really doesn't matter to me either way. How's about you don't quote me and then say something like that if it's not directed to me then? It's not egocentric, it's common sense. |
~so I asked her....
Edited by
Sun 08/23/09 11:18 AM
If something motivational helps us see a brighter day, it wasn't wasted...even if the day isn't all that bright to begin with, see? Aren't emotions fun? The mental ability of humans is vast and wide, and yet millions close out due to their own idealogy and don't ever accept anyone else's view due to personal or public circumstances. Presenting a different point of view and then defending it isn't being closed-minded. If I simply give up a point of view any time someone raises an opposing one, then I don't actually have one of my own. Clinging to a point of view that you know to be obsolete is being closed-minded. Listen, it has to do with how YOU CHOOSE to handle it. Noone is responsible for your feleings but YOU. You choose how you feel, noone, and nothing can MAKE you feel anything. Until you realise this, you will be allowing everyone, and everything to control how you live your life in your mind. YOU are thinking this.. it only exists in... YOUR world. That's right, I CHOSE to be saddened by the loss of a family member. Her dying didn't make me feel that way, it was my mind! *Gasp* Thank you so much. That whole bit with the screaming for help, the look of terror she had, the chips of dried blood in the tile, that was all in my head. A self-destructive mind-**** because I figured life was just going just a little bit too well.. It's not as though extraneous circumstances can lead to a chemical change in the body that gives us feelings of sadness, levity, lust or aggression, right? This is what I'm talking about. This isn't advice, it's holier than thou bullsh*t. What the hell kind of advice is "it only exists in... YOUR world." If I drove a car through a shopping center, plowing over everyone in sight. Stopped, got out of the car and looked at all of the enraged and saddened survivors and said "Don't be upset! It's all in your mind!" Do you think that'd actually help anyone? |
~so I asked her....
You need professional help, talking about something like that in these forums isn't going to help you at all. I'm not looking for help. I'm actually adjusting pretty well, all things considered. I'm just pointing out that you guys can give whatever recycled advice you want, but that doesn't mean it actually means anything. These are all just words. "The only one who can make changes in our lives, is us, it just depends how much you want it." Do you think that people always end up where the want to be? Do all people who end up in bad places end up there because they didn't WANT to be in a good one? Of course not, sometimes you reach up and you fall. "You're in control of your own destiny." No, you're in control of what you do. There's no way of telling what will actually happen because of what actions we take, you can only do your best. "The only one who can make changes in our lives is us." Really? Cause I'm pretty sure that just about anyone can make a lot of choices that can change a lot of people's lives. These aren't helpful quotes. These are just words with no real value. I'm all for giving advice and motivational tidbits, but they have to actually advise and motivate. |
~so I asked her....
We can not control everything that happens in our lives, others have their choices too. We do unconsciously pull in people and circumstances for the learning they provide us. We always have the choice of how we will respond to everything that comes. We are never given problem without a gift..we receive the problem for the gift it contains, if we allow it.... ![]() Well isn't that great, I didn't know that I was entitled to a gift as soon as she was done bleeding out in the shower. Where can I pick that up? ...Are you serious? That kind of stuff works great for after school specials, but in the real world, not so much. Sometimes there's a positive to the negative and sometimes people just die. Don't think she was kidding... everyone has an opinion... you're too young to be so jaded, lighten up ![]() That's funny, I have an opinion, it's just a jaded one. I guess I must be jaded because I don't see the positive in seeing the person I love most say "I'm passing out," as they lose consciousness, slump into a pool of their own blood and die. Why don't you help me out with my jaded young mind and tell me what gift I'm missing out on? |
~so I asked her....
We can not control everything that happens in our lives, others have their choices too. We do unconsciously pull in people and circumstances for the learning they provide us. We always have the choice of how we will respond to everything that comes. We are never given problem without a gift..we receive the problem for the gift it contains, if we allow it.... ![]() Well isn't that great, I didn't know that I was entitled to a gift as soon as she was done bleeding out in the shower. Where can I pick that up? ...Are you serious? That kind of stuff works great for after school specials, but in the real world, not so much. Sometimes there's a positive to the negative and sometimes people just die. |
~so I asked her....
Edited by
Sun 08/23/09 08:15 AM
We are responsible for our own happiness. So then, by that logic, we are all responsible for our own sadness too. Ultimately, yes. **** happens, sometimes it makes us sad. When my mother passed away, I had mood swings, crying fits and came pretty close to offing myself. Am I responsible for feeling that way? Or was seeing my mom bleed out in the shower just the most tragic and horrifying day in my life? See, we can control our mood, but life's comedies and tragedies affect our emotions. |
Straight up, 1-10. Preferably the last person of the opposite sex to post before you, but do what you want.
I give Monica from the eHarmony ad up there a 4.5 cause I'm not a big fan of that dude Josh she's with =P |
Roommate Wars!!!!
So I am sure we all have lived with roommates before and little problems have arised here and there. For example drinking your milk that they did not pay for so when they buy there milk your por half down the sink and add water to it for pay back hee hee. Or they get up right before you and use all the hot water so you have to take a cold *** shower. Well I think I top the roommate war list. So this morning I snuck into my roommates car and took down her handicape sign and put it under her seat then on my way to work I call the tow company and had her car towed!!!!! So whats the worst thing you have done to a roommate???? i dont have one, and far as i know i never will but that was not funny at all especially doing that to a handicapp person ![]() ![]() You know, it didn't even occur to me that she pulled a prank on a handicapped person. I've gone from busting up laughing to "Oh ****, that's ****ed up" that fast all week. |
I'll respectfully decline.
pls listen to this.
Kind of funny because I just lost my wife to my bestfriend. But we are all still friends Sounds like you lost your wife to some guy who told you he was your best friend and you believed him =/ |
I say call her first. If she refuses to do that, then it's a guy trying to set himself up.
10 inches ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Every guy with a decent sized d*ck either: A. Knows exactly how long it is. B. Has a ****ed up ruler =P |
Edited by
Tue 08/18/09 02:38 AM
The problem is that this is a cycle that feeds itself. Because while you've calmed down and said that this was out of emotion, lots of guys don't. These are the guys that go out and eventually find a girl that will let themselves get walked all over.
But yes, I whole-heartedly agree. Lot's girls don't see a nice guy, they see a friend or a doormat. One thing that girls don't seem to see is that guys who have experienced success in dating, will stick to what has worked for them. Take a gander at the advice section and you tell me how many girls are complaining about the a**holes they're dating and how many nice guys can't find a girl. Yeah, you let this happen, but you didn't do it to yourself. I'm sorry, that's just retarded. You didn't make out with those guys, did you? No, I didn't think so =/ |
Gentlemen Prefer Blonds
My point sure know IF Someone REALLY loves/cares about you when you cut your hair off!!! Or changes the colour. Bad day at the beauty shop?????...... ![]() Ok dude, I get it. You respond with a one-liner, comedy optional, you do the ... and your emoticon chain smokes another cig. You're real formulaic- oh I mean cynical and cool and all that. |