Community > Posts By > gterry05

gterry05's photo
Wed 09/06/06 09:59 PM
Thanks, to all of you, wow!! I needed that!!

gterry05's photo
Wed 09/06/06 09:54 PM
These kind of words that are used are words of ones judgement of another
person, I try not to judge anyone..What you like may not be what I
like,What you do may not be what I do,does that mean I am above you? No.
It just means we are different. To put someone down because you don't
agree with a person choices in life is not something I choose to
do..Every story has to sides to it, so I don't know truthfully, what
makes a person any of those words I've heard describe people
Man/Woman.Ohhh and I do have to keep in mind this question," Who am I to
judge anyone"?

gterry05's photo
Wed 09/06/06 09:35 PM
Kat........ KISSES TO YOU!!!

gterry05's photo
Wed 09/06/06 09:23 PM
Well, I don't know when it happen but it happen!! I have became one of
those older people out I believe there is someone for
everyone we just have to meet them and for you and me and all of us I
truely believe,hope,and pray that day will come!! Hang in there!!

gterry05's photo
Wed 09/06/06 09:15 PM
What makes a woman sexy? This is a question that will get a lot of
different feed back. (Everyone is different). For me though,

A woman that knows she is beautiful not only for what is outside but for
who she is on the inside.

To me it is sexy to see a woman being pure, no walls,no past hurts,no
false image,just her being her....

I think it is so sexy when a woman knows what she wants and goes after
it. A woman that dosen't NEED me but wants me...

Honesty,Love,Respect,Desire,all to me make up "sexy"..

Ahhh.. I think it is sexy to laugh,to cry,to love and to be ok with all
of that!! The way she walks,The way she turns her head and the nights
moon seems to glow off her body,or that intense look she has when tring
to figure something out,but most important the way she loves, "to me",
sums up just how sexy she is....

gterry05's photo
Thu 08/31/06 12:58 AM
Anytime my friend, and thank you I'm up late and couldn't sleep your
post gave me somthing to think about. :-}

gterry05's photo
Thu 08/31/06 12:53 AM
I don't fear death. Maybe I should? For me life has brought many twist
and turns, and somewhere along the way, my fear of death just stop being
there. Now, I think it is healthy to want to survive and continue to
live. I dont believe any healthy minded person wants to die.

For me, death does not bring fear, but because I don't know when it will
happen and yet I know it will happen, It confrims to me that I need to
see each precious moment for what it is,another precious momment...
"There is nothing to fear but fear itself", Some smart guy said that!!

gterry05's photo
Thu 08/31/06 12:33 AM
I truely hate to hear the mistreatment of anyone, and my heart is
burdened, and I truely am sorry for you that have been affected bby a
person in a negitive way.

For someone, to set out to offend or hurt, another human being is just
pure evil. I heard the word "neanderthal" used, I couldn't agree with
you more in the way some people choose to act, the key word is "choose".
Each day that we are so blessed to awake, to a new dawn is another day
that we can do something good for those around us, or do something evil
to those around us but here is the the (thing),it is a "choice" that we
all, have to make. What will your choice be?

One more quick comment I would like to state. When we are wronged not
"if" but "when" We also have a choice. Do I let the wrong harden my
heart? Or do I learn vital info from it and move on with a open mind and
heart? The heart or "soul", is so pure and gentle and should be treated
in accordance. How many people can I show that i truely love them? And
what better way to show them than in my actions.......

gterry05's photo
Wed 08/30/06 09:05 PM
Ramblin fever (Merle Haggard).

gterry05's photo
Fri 08/25/06 04:38 PM
If one is up front and honest and their other half is ok with it than
who am I to judge?? No foul,no harm!!HONEST and UP FRONT are the key
words here.

gterry05's photo
Fri 08/25/06 04:26 PM
Chuck,well put!!I couldn't agree with you more.

gterry05's photo
Fri 08/25/06 04:16 PM
Oh man..... Is love real??? Not only IS love real thankfully but this is
what it is: Its those butterflies that flutter in your soul when near
that one,its kind,honest and pure,it's forgiveness and
understanding,love has no record of time and is warm in the heart,love
is there for anyone to have it is uncondistional and without
judgement...Love is the greatiest gift to give someone..All is deserving
of love!! To feel love all one has to do is give love...

gterry05's photo
Fri 08/25/06 03:37 PM
LoL!! Kat, well put.And to should i get back at my ex?? It is never the
right the thing to harm anyone for any reason other than life threating
protection of one's self!! So my answer to you is NO it's not right!!
Though you may feel like doing something because it hurts to be hurt and
its ok to feel that way but its never "ok" to hurt anyone!!!

gterry05's photo
Fri 08/25/06 03:22 PM
See I don't see the point??You harmed me so I'm going to harm you in
some way?? Though I have been very hurt at times in my life I don't
believe I have ever set out to hurt any of the ladies I have met. I did
however have a lady once that wasn't in the same frame of mind as I.We
had broke up and I was seeing another lady when she got two guys
pretending to be detectives from from some police dept. go to my new
girlfriends parents house and tell them that there daughter was seeing a
known drug dealer and they had surveillance tapes and had been tracking
me for some time and that there daughter was in "grave" danger.These
people who were heavily involed with the Catholic Chruch flipped out!! I
was with the lady when her mother chrip her to come over right away!!
After days of the daughter not speaking with me a friend of hers called
and told me the story. Not long after the friend calling, the ex called
and asked me how did I like being a drug dealer!!!Wow!!

gterry05's photo
Fri 08/25/06 12:42 AM
Ive heard of this but never really did it!!

gterry05's photo
Fri 08/25/06 12:39 AM
Someone to share my life with,she wouldn't judge me,or try to change
me'she would love me when thing are great and she would love me when
thing are not so great..

We wouldn't pretend,We will laugh together,we will cry together,she
would never wavier in who she was for me or in what her morals were nor
would she ask that of me, she would be open minded & honest and in
return i would be the same.She would grow with me not behind me not in
front of me but beside me and I her..
We would teach one another about each other,We would talk openly and
love the same,she would cherish me and I would cherish her until we were

gterry05's photo
Thu 08/24/06 03:12 PM
This is somthing that I have not been able to do with success.Dont get
me wrong I see some of them time to time but yea......very awkward!!!
Its like we are both faking not to remeber what made us the ex in the
first place..My hat goes off to you out there that can do this....

gterry05's photo
Wed 08/23/06 08:53 PM
Well thank you kay i dont know if i am a great daddy but i am a PROUD

gterry05's photo
Wed 08/23/06 08:49 PM
Ok heres the deal i pay every week for the support of my child and it
truely upsets me when i hear of fathers that dont pay!!THEY SHOULD AND
IF THEY DONT THEY NEED TO BE IN JAIL!!But unless a child is in danger
he/she should never be kept from a parent not over money..

gterry05's photo
Wed 08/23/06 08:41 PM
Well i think there is so much more than sex but i think it is down to
earth to enjoy like and want sex,so long as sex is not the foundation of
the relationship..But i do believe it is a healthy important part!!