- Have you ever seen God yourself Everywhere :) - Have you ever listened to his voice In every decision I've made :) Thousands of people is being murdered , raped somewhere in this world Yes people can be awefully cruel. Imagine a girl being raped... screaming for help .. what does this God do then ? What this God has given to humanity ? Why are you so worried about the here and now. Yes it's unfortunately the girl was raped, but the rapist will have his reward for his action. Remember, we were kicked out of Eden and separated from God. So we spend our life trying to acheive getting back to God. Where I will spend all eternity with God and I'll never have anything to fear, cry over or be sad about. God has given his self for humanity on the cross so you could live. And while we're separated from God, he never promised it would be a paradise here, plus again the woman being raped was a use of free will of the man doing the raping. Has no connection to God in that exact context. You see God !!?? How does he look like ? He or She ? Does God has any particular gender ? You failed to answer another question , why do God fail to feed those poor people ? If this God can't feed people here, there is no guarantee that he/ she would be able to feed people in what you say heaven . Anyway, be happy with your God . |
I believe in God :) And either you believe in God or believe that you evolved from Monkeys ![]() I think your parents did not have to do sex .. God brought you in this world ![]() |
Read more here: http://www.biblica.com/en-us/bible/bible-faqs/who-wrote-the-bible Who Wrote the Bible? Many people contributed to the writing of the Bible. In fact, the Bible is a diverse collection of writings from about 40 main contributors—30 in the Old Testament and 10 in the New Testament. Some books are actually collections of writings from several authors, not just one. For example, while many people think of David when they think of the book of Psalms, there are individual psalms attributed to Moses, Asaph, a man named Ethan, and the sons of Korah. Old Testament authors The accounts preserved in the Old Testament—also known as the First Testament or Hebrew Scriptures—go back thousands of years. They were written down and communicated orally. Many regard Moses as the primary human author of the first five books of the Bible, known as the Torah. Regardless of the role others may have played in compiling the Torah, it’s thought that Moses ensured the narratives, genealogies, and law codes were collected and retold faithfully in these five books (which are, after all, known by many Jewish people as the “five books of Moses”). As already mentioned, David is considered the main human author of the Psalms, though others contributed too. David’s son, King Solomon, is credited with writing or inspiring much of Bible’s wisdom literature (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, etc.). The First Testament also contains oracles from prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, and others. Many of these messages were delivered in person—shouted from street corners, spoken in front of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, or pronounced in the royal courts of Israel and Judah. Only later were these oracles written down, often by the prophets themselves or by their scribes. As time passed, all these writings were collected together into the First Testament. The Jewish people received them as divinely inspired Scripture. New Testament authors The New Testament consists of stories, teachings, and letters that circulated among the first Christian churches. Letters from apostles like Paul and Peter are among the earliest writings in the New Testament. These letters were meant to be read aloud by communities of believers in specific locations. After the recipients heard the message intended for them, they often memorized it and shared it with neighboring Christian communities. Luke and Acts, a two-volume series on the life of Jesus and the early church, was penned by a physician named Luke, who was also a traveling companion to the apostle Paul. The gospel of Matthew is popularly attributed to a tax collector variously known as Levi or Matthew—though given its content, some think it was written by someone with more training in the Hebrew Scriptures. Mark’s gospel is thought to record the memoirs of Peter, as told through the pen of John Mark. The gospel of John was written by one of Jesus’ closest disciples, giving us an eyewitness account of the Messiah's life. Not just any book, not just any author. Of course, for Christians, the Bible is more than just a human book. It is the authoritative, written Word of God. Through this ancient collection of books, God speaks into our world, revealing who he is and how he’s at work—then and now—repairing all that is broken. God did not simply give dictation to the human authors of Scripture; their contribution is real. Their personalities, perspectives, and writing styles are all discernable in the text—as are the unique situations and circumstances of those to whom they were writing. Yet God’s universal message is present from Genesis to Revelation. It is truly amazing that God used so many people to tell his big story, one that transcends language, culture, and time. The Bible is a diverse collection of literature, yet it contains a unified message of redemption and renewal. God has given us a Bible that’s fully human and fully divine—fully inspired by his Spirit and fully a product of the world in which it was written. Lol.. you are telling the same old story again and again, however the subject matter is. You are telling what you have learned from those priests or religious people , who brainwash you . Just tell me, have you ever felt God? Have you ever seen God yourself ? Have you ever listened to his voice ? Thousands of people is being murdered , raped somewhere in this world. What this God is doing now ? Imagine a girl being raped... screaming for help .. what does this God do then ? What this God has given to humanity ? All the modern day inventions, medicines, communications, everything was and being invented by Human beings, not that God. Ask your God to give food to all those poor people in this world,this God will never be able to feed those people. You did not understand my point . People believe in God , because they are told so. They never verify it themselves . |
Read more here: http://www.biblica.com/en-us/bible/bible-faqs/who-wrote-the-bible Who Wrote the Bible? Many people contributed to the writing of the Bible. In fact, the Bible is a diverse collection of writings from about 40 main contributors—30 in the Old Testament and 10 in the New Testament. Some books are actually collections of writings from several authors, not just one. For example, while many people think of David when they think of the book of Psalms, there are individual psalms attributed to Moses, Asaph, a man named Ethan, and the sons of Korah. Old Testament authors The accounts preserved in the Old Testament—also known as the First Testament or Hebrew Scriptures—go back thousands of years. They were written down and communicated orally. Many regard Moses as the primary human author of the first five books of the Bible, known as the Torah. Regardless of the role others may have played in compiling the Torah, it’s thought that Moses ensured the narratives, genealogies, and law codes were collected and retold faithfully in these five books (which are, after all, known by many Jewish people as the “five books of Moses”). As already mentioned, David is considered the main human author of the Psalms, though others contributed too. David’s son, King Solomon, is credited with writing or inspiring much of Bible’s wisdom literature (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, etc.). The First Testament also contains oracles from prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, and others. Many of these messages were delivered in person—shouted from street corners, spoken in front of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, or pronounced in the royal courts of Israel and Judah. Only later were these oracles written down, often by the prophets themselves or by their scribes. As time passed, all these writings were collected together into the First Testament. The Jewish people received them as divinely inspired Scripture. New Testament authors The New Testament consists of stories, teachings, and letters that circulated among the first Christian churches. Letters from apostles like Paul and Peter are among the earliest writings in the New Testament. These letters were meant to be read aloud by communities of believers in specific locations. After the recipients heard the message intended for them, they often memorized it and shared it with neighboring Christian communities. Luke and Acts, a two-volume series on the life of Jesus and the early church, was penned by a physician named Luke, who was also a traveling companion to the apostle Paul. The gospel of Matthew is popularly attributed to a tax collector variously known as Levi or Matthew—though given its content, some think it was written by someone with more training in the Hebrew Scriptures. Mark’s gospel is thought to record the memoirs of Peter, as told through the pen of John Mark. The gospel of John was written by one of Jesus’ closest disciples, giving us an eyewitness account of the Messiah's life. Not just any book, not just any author. Of course, for Christians, the Bible is more than just a human book. It is the authoritative, written Word of God. Through this ancient collection of books, God speaks into our world, revealing who he is and how he’s at work—then and now—repairing all that is broken. God did not simply give dictation to the human authors of Scripture; their contribution is real. Their personalities, perspectives, and writing styles are all discernable in the text—as are the unique situations and circumstances of those to whom they were writing. Yet God’s universal message is present from Genesis to Revelation. It is truly amazing that God used so many people to tell his big story, one that transcends language, culture, and time. The Bible is a diverse collection of literature, yet it contains a unified message of redemption and renewal. God has given us a Bible that’s fully human and fully divine—fully inspired by his Spirit and fully a product of the world in which it was written. Lol.. you are telling the same old story again and again, however the subject matter is. You are telling what you have learned from those priests or religious people , who brainwash you . Just tell me, have you ever felt God? Have you ever seen God yourself ? Have you ever listened to his voice ? Thousands of people is being murdered , raped somewhere in this world. What this God is doing now ? Imagine a girl being raped... screaming for help .. what does this God do then ? What this God has given to humanity ? All the modern day inventions, medicines, communications, everything was and being invented by Human beings, not that God. Ask your God to give food to all those poor people in this world,this God will never be able to feed those people. You did not understand my point . People believe in God , because they are told so. They never verify it. |
I can not see air, I can not see God, but I was taught about both, they both fit my experience and make sense,, so I believe in them You feel air, breeze , did you ever feel God ? Have you ever seen God ? Have you ever listen to his voice ? Where does this God go , when women are raped, people are murdered in the name of religion, or just for nothing ? What does this God or something like that do then ? People believe in God because most of them fear the life after death . Are there any scientific proof that , there exists a life after death ? Have anyone ever seen any kind of heaven or hell ? I don't want to attack your sentiments , but please think rationally . |
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Wed 06/03/15 03:20 AM
Read more here: Age of the Universe 15 Billion Years or Six Days? Today, we look back in time. We see 15 billion years. Looking forward from when the universe is very small - billions of times smaller - the Torah [The Bible] says six days. They both may be correct. What's exciting about the last few years in cosmology is we now have quantified the data to know the relationship of the "view of time" from the beginning, relative to the "view of time" today. It's not science fiction any longer. Any one of a dozen physics text books all bring the same number. The general relationship between time near the beginning when stable matter formed from the light (the energy, the electromagnetic radiation of the creation) and time today is a million million, that is a trillion fold extension. That's a 1 with 12 zeros after it. It is a unit-less ratio. So when a view from the beginning looking forward says "I'm sending you a pulse every second," would we see it every second? No. We'd see it every million million seconds. Because that's the stretching effect of the expansion of the universe. In astronomy, the term is "red shift." Red shift in observed astronomical data is standard. The Torah doesn't say every second, does it? It says Six Days. How would we see those six days? If the Torah says we're sending information for six days, would we receive that information as six days? No. We would receive that information as six million million days. Because the Torah's perspective is from the beginning looking forward. Six million million days is a very interesting number. What would that be in years? Divide by 365 and it comes out to be 16 billion years. Essentially the estimate of the age of the universe. Not a bad guess for 3300 years ago. The way these two figures match up is extraordinary. I'm not speaking as a theologian; I'm making a scientific claim. I didn't pull these numbers out of a hat. That's why I led up to the explanation very slowly, so you can follow it step-by-step. Now we can go one step further. Let's look at the development of time, day-by-day, based on the expansion factor. Every time the universe doubles, the perception of time is cut in half. Now when the universe was small, it was doubling very rapidly. But as the universe gets bigger, the doubling time gets longer. This rate of expansion is quoted in "The Principles of Physical Cosmology," a textbook that is used literally around the world. (In case you want to know, this exponential rate of expansion has a specific number averaged at 10 to the 12th power. That is in fact the temperature of quark confinement, when matter freezes out of the energy: 10.9 times 10 to the 12th power Kelvin degrees divided by (or the ratio to) the temperature of the universe today, 2.73 degrees. That's the initial ratio which changes exponentially as the universe expands.) The calculations come out to be as follows: 1. The first of the Biblical days lasted 24 hours, viewed from the "beginning of time perspective." But the duration from our perspective was 8 billion years. 2. The second day, from the Bible's perspective lasted 24 hours. From our perspective it lasted half of the previous day, 4 billion years. 3. The third 24 hour day also included half of the previous day, 2 billion years. 4. The fourth 24 hour day - one billion years. 5. The fifth 24 hour day - one-half billion years. 6. The sixth 24 hour day - one-quarter billion years. When you add up the Six Days, you get the age of the universe at 15 and 3/4 billion years. The same as modern cosmology. Is it by chance? But there's more. The Bible goes out on a limb and tells you what happened on each of those days. Now you can take cosmology, paleontology, archaeology, and look at the history of the world, and see whether or not they match up day-by-day. And I'll give you a hint. They match up close enough to send chills up your spine. If, 10 years later , science discovers that the Universe is 400 trillion years old, how would you divide ( rather explain ) those six day ? ![]() |
" less sexually aroused or even start denying any sexuality " ![]() Besides this being one of the most sexiest statements ever.... ![]() But you are not American. The problem is NOT the woman's LOST of sexually or the need for sex or the desire for sex... it is YOU. She is not seeing you like she use to. So just TRY to think what is different about the way you talk to her?, Threat her? Do you pay attention to her? Listen to what she says she wants and needs? Spend more time with her. Help here do things. It will not change in a day or a week. But it will get better, when she sees the OLD you, the man she fell in love with. OR the NEW man you can be for her. Hope this helps.... make a date, make lots of dates ![]() This one is perhaps the most relevant one, the husband could try to do.To become the Old one, that's important . I am from a society , where a couple would never go for a divorce, so easily. The couple would keep doing their best to keep the marriage relationship forever. But, the era we are living in, is something different than that of our parents or grand parents. We need to think wisely.Today, everyone is working hard to make a living, to live a better lifestyle. We don't have time to spent time with our nearest ones.Therefore, we must stop for a while and look back. I agree with you, rediscovering the ' OLD you ' is very important. |
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Mon 06/01/15 02:15 AM
It��s a very complex question. I am not saying that there is no God; neither have I seen him or her. How do we learn about God? A baby has no Idea of God, when he or she takes birth. When he or she grows up, perhaps it��s their parents who teach them about God��s existence .We start believing in God; just because someone says that there is a God. Either parents or the Bishop, or the religious leader... there are so many people. We start believe in God, because someone claimed that God has told him personally to spread his words. We have never seen him, nor did we ever hear his words directly.
Then why we should believe that there is God? |
So, whats the conclusion ?
The sex starved couple should try to find a way, otherwise get divorce . Then go ahead for another relation ? So simple .. is not it ? |
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Mon 06/01/15 01:11 AM
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Mon 06/01/15 01:10 AM
Well, to some extent , you are right. But, lets have an example : I know a couple, both of them earn very high salaries, they love each other, they care about each other. The wife ( a bank manager ) leaves home at 8a.m in the morning and comes back tired at 8 p.m. The husband works in an MNC leaves home at 10 p.m and come back at 10a.m next morning. Even on Sundays , they remain busy for some reason. If the relationship is important enough they will make appts what ever to keep it going.. Problem is, they just don't have sex. The guy has a very high sex libido. He has recently met a lady , who is divorced . The guy and the lady has fallen in love with each other . This is the worst type of cheating IMO...Emotional cheating... He is already cheating as far as I am concerned. Even if , the guy manages his sexual urge, will he be able to manage his emotional aspect ? If he is not cheating his wife, don't you think, he is actually cheating himself ? He has got just one life , why should not he go ahead ? He is cheating on his wife...Emotional cheating is so much worse and the physical is bad enough... But this face it sex is sex cold blooded at times to fullfill sexual needs why he can't take care of his needs in the shower by himself is not my business. He is already in another relationship.. You have stated he is in love with someone else. Time to file papers and get it over with and the let the wife find someone that she deserves who will treat her with honour.. And let him continue on with the woman he is cheating with... I am also wondering now if he is afraid to leave because of assets... may be.. may not be. |
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Sun 05/31/15 02:29 PM
If they "love each other" then the guy would not have been attracted to the other woman in the first place: he would have sat down w/his wife & said we need to schedule a time that we can have sex on the weekend...(yes, just like any other event in their weekly schedules). If the wife "loved" her husband she would initiate such a conversation herself, if the lack of sex was an issue for her.
Obviously this couple has lost their physical desire for each other...they should not be married any more unless they are BOTH okay with no sex & BOTH okay with finding a sex partner outside of the marriage, which would more likely be opposed by the wife. It seems they are roommates & not husband & wife. Divorce would be a simple solution, then they could both devote their time to their jobs. I do think that when they are both single again, they will be surprised to find that they want to go out on dates & have sex. They just don't want to have sex w/each other anymore. It happens, love turns to companionship w/out sex & that's not a happy marriage, unless both parties are completely okay with the no sex part. This is the best answer so far. Thanks for your comment ![]() |
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Sun 05/31/15 11:39 AM
Well, to some extent , you are right. But, lets have an example :
I know a couple, both of them earn very high salaries, they love each other, they care about each other. The wife ( a bank manager ) leaves home at 8a.m in the morning and comes back tired at 8 p.m. The husband works in an MNC leaves home at 10 p.m and come back at 10a.m next morning. Even on Sundays , they remain busy for some reason. Problem is, they just don't have sex. The guy has a very high sex libido. He has recently met a lady , who is divorced . The guy and the lady has fallen in love with each other . Even if , the guy manages his sexual urge, will he be able to manage his emotional aspect ? If he is not cheating his wife, don't you think, he is actually cheating himself ? He has got just one life , why should not he go ahead ? |
There are many reasons, for which a couple become sex starved . Sometime, it is work pressure, sometime it is because of any decease... there may be a lot of reasons. If one partner gradually become less sexually aroused or even start denying any sexuality, should the other one get into an extramarital affair with other lady or guys? Is having sex with another lady , in that case a real guilt ? What you say ?
Provided that , both are given free of cost, I would choose 3 months without internet.
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Is sex love?
Completely depends on the situation and circumstances .