Community > Posts By > bluesky35_01
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Fri 04/17/09 11:16 PM
So maybe it is a direct reflecttion of the people who make the laws in our countries? I know for one, that I would support A bill or law that outlawed cheating, provided it was not a mutual thing and agreed upon by both sides. However ,in my lifetime, I have never even heard of this even being raised for legislation in western society, maybe I missed something?
Although I am not in to that sort of thing at all, I guuess some people are, but if both sides don't agree, then I would say that is stealing something from someone, wouldn't you? |
If you hit someone you go to jail, if you break a legal contract you get sued, if you cheat on someone nothing happens? Why is that? Why is cheating not a criminal offence? I would say it prolly destroys more families and creates more anger in the world then drugs, maybe??
If your not happy with your partner, leave or get a divorce, why would you want to put someone through that. All it does is shows what kind of a selfish, greedy, scumbag you ARE! |
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Fri 04/17/09 10:45 PM
Maybe google will spider your post and attract more Toronto singles to join? Thanks. I'm relatively new here as well ,and seeking to date women in 25-40yr range. So far I have met a few on this site, not in person yet. But I'm not in a real big rush. One particualry seems pretty cool, so even if there is only one, and she is a great match for me, that is all I need. Good luck.
Plus, I gotta admit, I'm starting to have a blast in the forum. Give it shot.. |
I owe my Son my life, I have had him for 4 years now solo, and never seen a penny of finacial support from mom. However, she does take him every other weekend, and watches him after school for 2 hours a day for me while I'm at work. So it works out. She is trying finally after 12 years to do something with herself now, so I am happy. Mostly for my son, he deserves MOM to be something better.
When I was younger, I was miss-lead by my parents seperation, it was very hard for me to endure. I promised myself that I would never let that happen to my children. I want to break the chain, do more, be better then my folks were. There was a time that I was heading down the wrong road in life, I was mixed up in some pretty nasty crap. However, when the news of my ex's pregnacy came out, I decided it was time to straigten out, make a better life and do the right thing. And you know what, IT FEELS FREAKIN GOOD!!!! I have a wonderfull releationship with my son, and he loves me to death for it. Without him I would be alone, I would be so much less, I would have most likely ended up in jail or dead due to the area I grew up in. I owe him my life and I dedicate myself to him for all eternity. Remember, no matter how hard things get, the beauty of life is, there is always another day to change. To make things better. To correct your wrongs. Never Give UP. |
What do you think got you to think this way now? Were you ever intestested in anyone?
Guys Help!
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Fri 04/17/09 10:04 PM
I was in the exact situation you are in, but for me I stuck in there for 9 years. In the end, I was cheated on, lied to, and she attempted to commit suicide. She was and prolly is still a very nice person, but Depression can destroy lives if not taken care of properly. You need to make a call, if he is not going to seek help, are you willing to go down with the ship? appearently I was, and let me tell you, it is a horrible thing to live through, you can only watch as the person you love gets destoyed, it is traumatizing. And in most cases it only gets worse with age if not properly treated. Please don't waste 9 years of your life, I know it's hard to give up on someone you love, trust me I am the most loyal person out there, once your with me and I love you, you are family, and you don't just give up on family. But truefully, you can only help someone who wants to help themselves, and from where I see it, he needs to fix himself, not you. It's not your fault, keep reminding yourself of that. Plus the grass is greener eventualy, even if your sitting on it alone.
Anyone know of a good cottage for rent/timeshare in the Muskoka area in Ontario? Would love to get something like that going for the kids one of these summers. Preferably on a lake? Love that, How about you?
Hi all, another newb on the site. Trying to meet some new interesting people. So far so good.
Creeps and Weirdos
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Fri 04/17/09 08:49 PM
I agree that there are wierdo's and pervs out there, but 1 year? That may be a little too much don't you think? I mean I am all for taking your time, but I'm not sure if you would have too much luck dating, if you never went on a walk, or over to someone's house for a full year? Maybe I am wrong? While it is good to be safe, you can't be paranoid? I am sorry for your bad experience, and hope you don't think that I am making light of it. But there are still some decent people out there. Unfortunately you really have to weed through the rift raft to find them.