Community > Posts By > ArtInMotion

ArtInMotion's photo
Tue 04/21/09 12:53 PM
thank yoou so very much, so much affection and appreciation such diversity here its weird how we can all meet here talk so freely share ideas and yet on the street we would probably walk right past all of these people we are so interested in.

ArtInMotion's photo
Tue 04/21/09 09:40 AM
i have to admit i eally didnt expect this to be so organized, i mean its really like a community people welcoming people and having good conversations and getting along i am definitly a pessimist in some areas i think i took my dislike of the area i came from and spread it out to define everyone, people as awhole as being unrealistic and rude but thats not so, its not fair is it?

ArtInMotion's photo
Tue 04/21/09 09:37 AM
I spoke to a girl i know about to have one and she says she wonders how good a mother shell be, if she will feel the same, i swear if you talk to any mother or father who is in the right state of mind children wise they will tell ya the same, this part of you comes out screaming and bloody but you dont see the blood you dont smell the sweat in the room you see her/him :) you see your baby and then you cry. and when your done your not the same its like being baptized in your own emotion brought out of it someone else. thats how it was for me, t was very moving i had an aunt die holding my hand and i had the strength to hold my composure, but when i held my baby i lost it. you just get hit with this realization that your not living for yourself anymore your living for them. and thats very very moving.

ArtInMotion's photo
Tue 04/21/09 09:30 AM
i guess you can say im still new i hit the forums pretty quick and thats kinda odd because im not a big computer guy i just recently made a myspace page, a product of peer pressure lol i guess i decided to use this as an act of desperation? i meet people all the time but lately im likeing to get a litle conversation in before meeting someone. im single but im not desperate .....but i figure fate can play the role of my scout for now ya never whos going to pop up and say hi right? i tend to rant though i feel like i have alot to say but noone to tell it to if i even got to know someone purely to have good conversations with id be happy about anything too religion myths urban legends science math art art art your fav coffee brand i dont care!!!! well im done ranting like a crazy person.....ya.

ArtInMotion's photo
Tue 04/21/09 09:20 AM
ty for all the compliments to my baby everyone really i appreciate it

ArtInMotion's photo
Tue 04/21/09 09:17 AM

Ha ha, very cute pic of the two of you!

Hi, back to you as well too winking

please dont wink keep your eyes open...eyes like that should never close wow

ArtInMotion's photo
Tue 04/21/09 09:15 AM
typically when my father left i played the strong silent didnt give a **** type but i always knew i wished he would have been around. when i look at her i cant think of being anywhere not with her mother because of excessive amounts of arguing but i am in her life and i always will be im such a hard ass but i look at her, hell i even think of her i get just to that verge of tears but then i smile and im just i dont know children put you in a heavenly mental state im so thankful for her, ive done so much in my life i never should have i WAS moving through a bad series of events that meant prison or death eventually, but now shes here...and so am i...and its just perfect im not rich im still getting my life together step by step but its perfect...she makes it perfect. dont they?

ArtInMotion's photo
Tue 04/21/09 09:07 AM

for your daughter>

and for you! thank you, her name is Syriana Nicol

ArtInMotion's photo
Tue 04/21/09 09:04 AM
my daughter makes it cute doesnt she? thats my baby.... :*)

ArtInMotion's photo
Tue 04/21/09 09:02 AM

I still have rolls upon rolls of canvas, frames and frame making stuff, easels, palletes, hundreds of tubes of oils and acrylics, brushes that you just can't get anymore, palette knives, clay modeling tools, charcoals, stained glass & lead, silk, textile ink and film for silk screening, and so much more that my folks had when they died. Lots of stuff I'm not sure what it is. Jars with blue and red powders, dfferent oils, etc. (My dad made his own paint on one of his I should do something with them but I'm no artist. They just sit in my storage room.

I kinda hate to prt with it but don't like the idea of it going to waste. Maybe I'll go down to artbreak on the river and find some starving artist to give that stuff to. Or trade them for a portrait that actually makes ME look good.

(Yeah I know, but it COULD happen!!!)

Donation isnt a bad idea at all really i would love to have all of that at my fingertips might end up making someon young artist very happy

ArtInMotion's photo
Tue 04/21/09 09:00 AM
hi :) gothcha...hahah!

ArtInMotion's photo
Tue 04/21/09 08:44 AM

Chantix, get a prescription from your doctor. It works and makes it so much easier to quit. I know I recently quit using it and I couldn't have without it. It's pricey but call a Quit Line and I think they can get the price down for you to like $25.

Quit the weed. It is smoking and causes the same harm as smoking.

Good Luck! Baby is adorable!!!!!!!

thank you very much, she IS adorable :)

ArtInMotion's photo
Tue 04/21/09 08:42 AM
Can you say random

if you leave your brushes to harden, and your clay to dry, your pencils to roll away under old furniture you have.....commited murder. A suicidal heart which doesnt feel the same love of the arts. Even hearts can be mended though....Inspiration and
imagination are the bandages used to heal the wounds causing pain in the minds of artists who throw away their gifts. Sometimes a waiting period is the best medicine after all though. Artistic purgatory. If your thinkin of turning a deaf ear toward your screaming heart, your heart trying so so hard to inspire you....think again, create again. dont lose the things god gave you and if you dont beleive that god gave you these gifts dont waste the gifts your family passed to you within your blood. it doesnt matter who gave you the gift what matters is wether or not your going to use it. USE IT. you have an ability not everyone has, you can inspire others. you make others laugh cry smile frown confuse them make them think. give them a memory that they thought they had lost, give them something to remember. wether its a few poetic phrases or a few well placed brush strokes, you have the ability to move people. In some cases bring people together.

maybe im too random, maybe im crazy.....maybe im not right....maybe i dont know what im talking about but im still an artist....i still create...

ill never stop.

ArtInMotion's photo
Tue 04/21/09 08:19 AM

I love to draw, you give me a peice of paper and something that will leave a mark, and give you something to stare at. personally i prefer pen and ink over most tools. im just curious about what other people might prefer, charcoal? paint, ketchup for all i care, what inspires you.

I'm not much of an artist, although I've done some comic strip work.

Nowadays, all I do is write books.

ya know its like i said in another reply drawing acctual pictures or not and this is just my opinion, but it sounds to me like you never stopped being an artist you still put images in peoples heads inspiring more art in other forms to flow from their hands as well as yours what do you write?

ArtInMotion's photo
Tue 04/21/09 08:17 AM

mixed media - paint, plaster, wax, dirt, charcoal, conte, graphite, ink ... whatever I can get my hands on

i think i love you...haha j/k thats amazing though that you can be so artistically talented thats a great quality so much imagination do you have a fav i wonder?

ArtInMotion's photo
Tue 04/21/09 08:13 AM
YES! yes yes yes it counts art is more a feeling than an activity one way or another its pictures isnt it? pictures and emotions, i could draw you a picture and you can visualy analyze it or you can write me a beautiful poem and let the pictures create themselves in my mind see? i have an uncle who uses mainly spray paints and brushes, an aunt who can sketch her arm of, a grandmother who paints nature scenes and animals, an aunt who uses charcoal to create images to along with her poetry all of these different methods make up peices of art maybe its just a hobbie maybe you are dedicated to your work but your definitly creating art dont doubt that, i know im ranting but its just so important to me idk

ArtInMotion's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:45 AM
I love to draw, you give me a peice of paper and something that will leave a mark, and give you something to stare at. personally i prefer pen and ink over most tools. im just curious about what other people might prefer, charcoal? paint, ketchup for all i care, what inspires you.

ArtInMotion's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:33 AM
id look at her with a surprised look on my face and say whats your name again?? j/k i would to react period i mean it would depend on the situation right? i think the question needs to be more specific like what would you do if someone told you they are falling in love with you after you just cut them off in line at the dmv

ArtInMotion's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:29 AM
i smoke weed i think that makes it hard to quit because ya know smoking while tryin to quit smoking kinda feels im working backwards i dont know

ArtInMotion's photo
Sun 04/19/09 10:25 AM
if you have to live with one better of going with the one you can talk to or else youll be callin that dog wilson after too long and what if you need quiet to sleep you might end up beating that dog into dinner after on too many whisteling sessions could u imagine o.0