Take it from somebody that knows. It is hard to go to college once you have been out of high school for several years. It is even harder if you have kids to deal with and a full time job. My soon to be ex-husband did not do anything to help me continue my education and all it did was stress me out to no end. I don't know how your home life is, but if she is pulling full time school, full time work, and any other household responsibilities, she is going to be stressed whether she is going to school or not.
Your best bet is to support her to your fullest ability. If you make life hard for her, you will end up causing problems in your marriage and she will end up resenting you. Yes she may break down because she is stressed, but school may not be the main reason for the increase in stress. You need to look at the division of labor within the household and see what you can take on to relieve some of her burdens. As for her going to school to please her parents, at one time or another each and every one of us has done what we could to make our parents proud of us. The question to ask yourself is "Why does she want to go to school to please her parents?" Is it because she will be the first one in her family to graduate college or some other reason. Overall, just be the best husband that you can be and like durtydduck said, you really need to grow up. I don't know how old you are, but singing in a band and being a wrestler are not lifelong careers. It would really show your wife that you support her by enrolling in college with her...even if it is to just get an associates degree. |