Community > Posts By > attheconference

attheconference's photo
Mon 06/20/16 04:14 AM
I am attheconference.
Please help me.
Thank you.

attheconference's photo
Sun 06/19/16 07:28 PM
Two days now, unable to access
Messages received ftom inbox/list plusembarrassing..i can't respond to people who contacted me and who i conta ted.
Please you have permisdion to view thebinfo,bplease tell them i cannot answer.
Help me. I will comply as soon as i can, but
I am very busy.

Thank you.

attheconference's photo
Sat 06/27/15 02:54 AM
What does that mean and/or why does it appear next
to only 2or3 photos when you Search
Thank you

attheconference's photo
Wed 05/06/15 07:08 PM
What is it?
Do you have to subscribe for a fee?

I just received word of a mutual m atch, would like to reply, but first need to k n ow if there is a ch a rge for Mutual Match.
Ple as se be so kind.
Thank y ou.

attheconference's photo
Sun 05/03/15 02:11 PM
I kniw it is an old que s tion butvi woukd love to be able toput a new ohoto on my orofile
Howcdi i do it
Thanj you
You are all so very nice and willing t o answer questionsv
Haveca wonderful day

attheconference's photo
Wed 04/08/15 12:18 PM
Does it mean the person received it but chooses not to reply?
Does it mean my profile needs to be complete in order for my message to be sent?
Does It mean I need to stop?

This NO REPLY is sad.


Thank you.


attheconference's photo
Wed 04/08/15 04:21 AM
Edited by attheconference on Wed 04/08/15 04:42 AM
With the above status, will a return message I sent 10 hours ago, about 9pm eastern standard time Tues 4/7, and marked SENT, to actually be received by that person? SO can I send a message to someon who contacted me before I my profile became incomplete, which it is at present?
I want to be in touch with that person and no one else, that is one reason profile is incomplete. I DO NOT WANT ABYONE ELSE TO contact me.
What do I do ?
Thank you.

PS IF the message was allowed to go through, and if it did go through,
1' how do I know if it was accepted. And
3 Did it actually go thru before the computer shut off?
4. WITHOUT "viewing" the person, how can I check to see the message?

The problem here is that I was in the process of sending message , ready to click on I Think "continue" and the computers shut DOWN because closing time at library. But my site says "message sent to..." and is still on.
This is very important to me. I am in hopes of being able to once again hear from the person, J', who I hope sees this.
Thank you
