Community > Posts By > usakindatheart
Any TEXAS man NOT into
afield deleted, drats..
been off this site too long... (sigh) |
hello texas, taking my kids to see america's got talent next wed in prairie texas.. I think it will be fun...
usa |
the name of my movie about the last 3 years of life
would be Dropped but not flat... |
North Texas Irish Festival
wow, wish I knew of this earlier, is there a thread about events around texas here?
Any TEXAS man NOT into
no, I do not fish, even though, I think it would be fun to catch a marlin for the rush in the ocean...
I just do not like to wait forever for a fish to bite, much less put a little live fish on it, or some stinky bait on the hook, then if you do catch one, it can break the line, then you have the guilt that the fish is going to die somewhere tangled up with the line, or you have to pull the hook out, and their is blood and the fish squirms and its fin sticks your hand, and its slimmy and little scales come off on you, then you stick a metal thing in its gills and tie it off to keep them alive till you have to bash em in the head or suffocate to death before you cook them.. then its that cleaning of them and splitting them open, and de boning them.and getting rid of their guts, that is so gross and the oil from the cooking of them, that can splatter on you and get you burnt so no, I do not fish I do like to sail though.. do you? |
Any TEXAS man NOT into
espn, hunting, fishing, nascar, sitting on his lazy boy chair drinking beer for hours....
is there any man in texas on this site, that is NOT into that? looking for perhaps a more.. refined man? over the age of 45? try not to bash me, just can't seem to find anyone that doesn't live for those activities in my area... perhaps they are hiding? (I hear crickets chirping, it is so quiet in this thread...) |
I am freezing in texas it is 34 degrees... brrrrr
I am writing a thesis on the dynamics of jelly beans, and how they are affecting global warming. thats funny... |
About Integrity
disagree, lots of kids from generation x are moral and upstanding
true.. the video game generation, can be more selfish and think it is their right.. but with good parents and a strong family/community and hopefully religious background... most will come out of they age and have their own children I remember when men wore their hair down to their butts and the 50 generation thought my generation was all going to hell now, they are doctors/lawyers/ business men and women making the decisions of this country... no, I would not wipe them off yet, just wish they would see more of the big picture of the U.S. and all the struggles we have fought for our amendment freedoms to piss them all away, for believing that obama is going to save this country from themselves... its a CON and they just do not see it, oh well... almost 50, just a few more decades to go and I am out I am sure the x generation will take it where it needs to go for them well.. hopefully they will... my opinion only usakindatheart |
This is adorable.....
a black panther is VERY big in the wild
had one jump the pasture fence, 15 feet beside my daughter while feeding the horses.. the horses spooked, but didn't even faze the cougar.. he jumped that fence like a gazelle... it wasn't adorable it was down right scary he was BIG |
If gravity has hit you,
and your finding them by lifting your skirts then fake boobs are better If you lay flat and they completely disappear but just have two eyes staring at you then fake boobs are better If when you lie down, and the boobs fall in your arm pits, or when you walk you got wing boobs that make it difficult to put your arms against your sides then having a reconstructive job is okay If your just whining cause you have B boobs then it is not okay... usakindatheart in my opinion only |
Pssssst! I've Got A Secret!
i have come to the conclusion that some people just have to find other
people to unload off all their guilt.. and by saying don't tell anyone they have in some perverse way, pulled another person into their drama that most likely did not want any part of it in the first place, and was just being nice to let them vent. i stay away from people who enjoy giving others their guilt and self pain. I unfortunately have a few secrets from others i must take to my grave, for my word is my bond. Old school... but, i detest them for giving me those secrets... and if anyone says, don't tell or can you keep a secret... i know to stay the hell away from their most likely unhealthy mental lifestyle choices... jmo usa |
people like that get beat up around here...
What type of friend are you?
Id video tape it!!! ![]() yep blackmail goes well these days and sometimes necessary because of the economy... blame the economy... |
i enjoy skipping
while being a skipper when i strip... |
I try to think of myself not as an optimist or a pessimist but a realist. I realize that if I do not find someone particularly attractive, then the relationship will not proceed anywhere romantically. It's just a matter of personal preference, really. Obviously, if somebody who is not "my type" messages me seeking just that, how do I let them off easily, without seeming shallow? Do you believe that such a preference makes me shallow? you really should pop that zit.... just saying.... |
did not see anything in east texas...
felt mosquitoes though.... |
why would you have a fire going in the flipping hottest summer in texas in decades???
wait, maybe your not from here.... |
I've been trying to understand why a certain group of women (don't want to point any fingers) appears to dislike me. I speak to this group the exact same way I speak to any woman. I say hello, give them some kind of complement and shake hands. But, this one group seems to view me with suspicion. Anyway, I think I've found my answer. It's that this group of women have low self esteem. So, when I tell them they are pretty, they assume I am not being truthful and I have some other motive than just being a friendly, social fella. Any thoughts? its not you, its the drool... |
sultry moist and incubated here