Finally, a job!
Some of you might remember my "I had enough" thread back in Dec when I quit my job, my only source of income. It has been a challenge in the tourist town where I live to find jobs I had a shot at but today I got hired 'on the spot' as a cashier for Home Depot. It is part time but close to home and year round!!
I didn't know there were any companies left that offered you a job without the stressful waiting period after the interview. Anyway I am excited because I love hardware stores and projects, tools, paint and men who drive trucks. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted not only from my shoulders but for the people who love me and have been worried. They are not on here but still I would like to thank all my loved ones, both family and friends who encouraged me, believed in me and sent money! |
Spring break has a whole different meaning to me. As in Spring break PLEASE!!! Just a sign will do for now. We got another 8 inches of snow today then mixed with ice and then rain. 14 degrees tonight without wind chill and the wind is howling so everything will be frozen solid, yes, please Spring break!!! More snow due Monday, the day of the first real interview I care about, and more due Wed. And to think I waited many years to move here!
Proud or Perturbed?
Be proud of him always for any invention he comes up with... his brain is working and he's creative, could be worse, could be out drinking and druggin and not have any brain cells left to invent anything. Plus without his creative invention he might just sleep with the light on and that would raise your electric bill! LOL Being unemployed so long everything turns to thoughts of money! |
3 People who and why???
So really no one knows Neil Young's "Living with War" CD?? This just can't be true.
Headed to LA
Have a great time!!
Can't help you from Maine though.... |
Everyday i work towards
Well good luck with this approach! Hope your nothing is meaningful, really the way you put this...I hope "nothing" is good for you. The way I read this, that means that any time you are not at work or working you are happy. So I wish you lots of time not at work!
we r not stuff
We don't care what you are and we don't care about labels. Jump into the forums and get to know us and let us get to know you.
Welcome and good luck! |
Hi all....just joined..
Hi, welcome and good luck! Jump into the forums for fun!
They Just Don't Get It
So I get a random, out-of-the-blue, unsolicited IM this morning from a woman in Ghana. OK, this is always a bad sign. Ghana is a red flag on the best of days; a skull & crossbones the rest of the time. And she starts in with how much she likes my "kind of person" and how we should start a relationship. And I respond with "You're much too far away for me." And she asks 149 questions about LDRs and why I don't want to have anything to do with them. It's not rocket surgery, people. And I ran out of ways to explain that I'm really not interested in someone unless I can be around them, in person, on some sort of regular basis. Which she, apparently, cannot assimilate. Then she made the cardinal sin (I always wondered about that term -- what kind of sins can red birds do?) of asking questions which are clearly addressed in my profile. Ghana + not reading profile + being persistent about not listening to my answers = scammer, probably. I'm pretty good at that sort of math. Then she started talking about marriage. Another thing I want nothing to do with. They just don't get it. I got one from her boyfriend today! They must have been bored and decide to have some fun with us. |
3 People who and why???
ok, I know you said :living right now" but I am not the first person to break this rule so...
1. My late husband, just to hear his voice and maybe touch him. 2. President Obama, to ask if he knows he is named in an amazing song on an amazing CD by Niel Young. The Album is "Living with War" and the song is "Lookin' For A Leader" this album names Obama as a potential president long before Obama announced he was running. 3. Carl Castle, cause what a hoot that would be! Does any one the Neil Young CD, Living With War? It itself is amazing and has an interesting story. |
In search of "Dream Idol"
Teeth, job, vehicle that runs, own place that is not a pig sty.
Decor Help
you know that deep reddish brown that a real peach has on it, might just be the thing to off set it. Like this one!! If it doesn't over power the peach itry wants to keep. |
Decor Help
A pale moss green?
single mom newbie
Hi, although I am married, I am looking for a fun date...... Well at least you are honest. |
single mom newbie
Hi everyone! I'm new to this site too. I'm hoping to find someone to laugh with and enjoy some time with. Wish me luck! Hi and welcome! Jump into the forums for laughs and some fun. Good luck! |
single mom newbie
Hey gang!! I'm a single mom new to the site. My bestfriend met his gf here and they now have a baby so thought what the heck I will try. Hi and welcome! good luck in your search. Jump into the forums and have some fun as you get to know us and get known. |
hott girls
So two hot people with no pictures. Interesting. Guys you can do better than this!
The world NEEDS men...
who cannot be bought nor sold; whose word is their bond; who put character above wealth; who possess opinions and a will; who are larger than their vocations; who do not hesitate to take chances. who will not lose their individuality in a crowd; who will be as honest in small things as in great things; who will make no compromise with wrong. who will not say they do it "because everybody else does it." who are true to their friends in adversity as well as in prosperity. who do not believe that shrewdness, cunning and hard-headedness are the best qualities for winning success; who are not ashamed or afraid to stand for the truth when it is unpopular; who can say "NO" with emphasis, even when all of the world says "YES." If a man like this exists I would like to shake his hand, if more that one exits I would like to give them all a little kiss. We are imperfect beings and often fall short of the mark but if we all, male and female strive to meet these ideals the world would be a kinder place. whose ambitions are not confined to their own selfish desires; who can stand and will stand on their feet whenever they fall. who can never spell pride amid mountains of honors AND MOST OF ALL... men who will always stand for the right though the heavens fall |
I have actually gone to Scarborough Faire!! Many times, in Waxahachie, Texas!! Love them pickle vendors!! OMG!! I know I'm a nerd but i plan that event for my family every year like a holiday ritual!! So if I'm ever in Texas and craving a pickle you will hook a brother up?........... What kind would ya like? Oh God! CAN I PLEASE ANSWER THIS?????? I think you just did!!! LOL Sorry about the empty post, hit the wrong button... |
I have actually gone to Scarborough Faire!! Many times, in Waxahachie, Texas!! Love them pickle vendors!! OMG!! I know I'm a nerd but i plan that event for my family every year like a holiday ritual!! So if I'm ever in Texas and craving a pickle you will hook a brother up?........... What kind would ya like? Oh God! CAN I PLEASE ANSWER THIS?????? |