Why don't we ban religion?
the reason we shouldn't ban religion is freedom of speech freedom of peaceful assembly and oh yeah,, wait for it freedom of religious expression there is no feasible way to legislate peoples faith or enforce such legislation,, and no way to prevent them from congregating without crossing a very dangerous line trying to combat the spread of values by imposing ones own to the exclusion of others is not a 'moral' thing to do,,whatever ones faith or lack of Faith is actually possible without religion. No one is trying to destroy faith. The title of the thread regards banning religion (aka money hungry, less-than-ethical corporations that happen to get tax breaks, btw)... not faith. |
Why don't we ban religion?
If the only way you can argue your position essentially comes down to "because God/bible." Then just save your breath. Because SCIENCE. |
Why don't we ban religion?
This topic is way too deep for me...but what's two cents...aren't faith and religion two different things..?...Faith to me is what one creates and feels in their heart...religion is how one chooses to practice would faith without religion be that bad..?... ![]() ![]() Exactly. It's religion I take some issue with. If people understood the difference, the world would be a far better place. |
Why don't we ban religion?
David Cameron and Barack Obama are both wimps. They haven't got the balls to come out and say that Islam is no good, instead they say it's the people that believe in it with all their hearts that are no good. Because let's face it, peaceful muslims don't really believe in Islam, they're like our protestants. A couple more generations down the line and they'll be atheists. Hah yes.. lets ban away with it..what a great thought. fanatics aside, what do you think keeps the world in order.. meaning what do you really think keeps people from going out and doing whatever the hell they feel like doing. what stops them from committing every conceivable crime, act or sin ( of any religion). Law?.. police.. no.. they would be the first things to go. It is that thought that people must atone for wrongs they have done to their higher power.. whatever that may be. That is what keep order in this world. So lets take that all away and see what happens. The wild west???.. the wild west would be a cub scout meeting compared to what would happen. total mayhem. worldwide chaos, totally out of control No. Stop it. Based on that perspective, all the Atheists and Agnostics are sociopathic murderers. People are capable of being good without needing a reward for good deeds. Frankly, I'd be more concerned about people who only do good IN ORDER to get a reward... Really? If it were proven tomorrow that there is in fact no God(s) or higher power of any sort to eventually answer to.. an this had to be accepted by all.. that in fact when you die.. you do just that.. and there is no after life.. or second calling... no reckoning,basically that's it.. your dust. you would see a total change in all of civilization... and it would not be pretty. I'm Catholic.. if we were to chuck the 10 commandments, which by this time would have been proven to be BS. and all other religions were chucking their versions, as religion no longer exist. what effect would that have on civilization. Do you really think people would continue to follow rules that no longer carry any moral weight. That they would continue to lead a honest "sin" free life without the faith they were lead to believe they had?. Their faith would now be in who?.. in what?...mankind? We are raised to be "God fearing people".. take God (or any God like entity) out of the equation.. and who do you then fear. The only other thing to fear would be mankind Current atheists ( who believe in no Gods.. no higher power of any type) comply a very small percentage of the overall population. A population driven by religions and who's core laws are derived from religious believes throw that all out the window and see what happens Also, curious: would you teach your children to be good so that they get a reward, or because it's the right thing to do. I teach dogs to be good and they get a treat. I would hope that as humans, we're slightly more evolved than that. But thanks for degrading the value of a good dead. Apparently intrinsic motivation is not a concept that you're familiar with. Too bad, cause it's the BEST! CHEERS!! Yes we were taught what was right and wrong.. all of us. By our parents and them from their parents. So on and so on. And all from a cornerstone of religion. That is where the basic "rules" come from.. they differ per religion, but that is where they originated. Take that cornerstone away and see how fast the foundation cracks and crumbles. Then see just how mankind evolves... Cheers!!!! This is such a horrible way to try to 'prove' your point. It can't even pass as anecdotal. "ALL of us" didn't anything. He only thing sweeping generalizations do, is make us want to counter by showing statistics to prove then wring. I won't embarrass you, so I'll skip that part. I was not raised with any overarching religious influence. My daughter also will not be. Yet, we know the difference of right from wrong. How is that possible? Based on your logic, we'd really be a little family of horrors. Humanity does not come from religion. Compassion does not come from religion. It comes from an evolved brain. It is what separates us from so-called wild animals. Its logic. logically, if we cooperate, we live longer, happier lives. To cooperate, we must communicate. To communicate and, build community, we must care for the weaker in that community. Do bad harms this theme and we all suffer. I am not, as some may argue, trying to devalue ones faith, but, it does start to feel as if you are trying to say that my good deeds are attributable to someone (God) other than myself. Highly offensive. |
Why don't we ban religion?
... and it is not incumbent to make sure ALL poor are fed,, we can only do our best to feed those we can,,, The Tanakh (a.k.a. Old Testament) teaches the opposite. It tells us that the tithe was established in order to make sure that people trapped in physical poverty had enough food for survival. So, avamari2 has a valid point. did it say that ALL people would be fed? did it specify a set number or a general 'people' ? Lol... Maybe just the reeeeeaaaallly hungry ones... but lets save a couple billion for our gawdy churches though. I'm not really going to argue anymore. I'd be spending far more time pointing out the basic flaws in reasoning. It really is a pity that there has yet to be a really healthy, logical debate on this topic. I'd personally be very interested in being involved. I love this stuff. It fires me up. I am also not ignorant about differences btwn religions and differences btwn schools. I'm a vet. I've got Catholics and Mormons in my family. My ex was a Jehovah Witness (who now claims non-denom). My daughter has attended 8 schools in 5 years... spanning three states and two countries. Trust me... I know, and I can still say your argument is flawed. |
Why don't we ban religion?
morals wouldn't disappear but the world would change, not for the better for all the 'war' that people like to refer to their are many more charitable and gracious and beautiful actions inspired by 'religious' lessons as well whether we have religion or not, we will have people who do terrible things,, remove religion(Which is kind of impossible) and they will just find something else to scapegoat for their interests and choices that harm others,,, why are religious people harming anyone? don't they go to hell for that? (cept muslims, they get a bunch of virgins in a special room in heaven) because they were born HUMAN, and humans harm humans I don't think much about Hell, those answers would be best found in a Bible if we are attempting to live a life Pleasing to God, we will not harm others intentionally not just humans, all animals fight... for food, mating, territory... god or not, we will always find a reason to fight... i mean, we haven't stopped fighting with religion, have we?... if your living your life to please "god", sounds like a sad existence... And terrifying!! How do they know they're serving the right God? What if they understood the rules wrong. What if, upon your death bed, you're faced with the horrible fear that he WON'T be happy with you!? ::gasp!!:: Not for me. I'm happy. I've made mistakes and learned from them. I will pass when my time comes being pleased with the life I've led, and have no regrets or fears. |
Why don't we ban religion?
morals wouldn't disappear but the world would change, not for the better for all the 'war' that people like to refer to their are many more charitable and gracious and beautiful actions inspired by 'religious' lessons as well whether we have religion or not, we will have people who do terrible things,, remove religion(Which is kind of impossible) and they will just find something else to scapegoat for their interests and choices that harm others,,, I'm not sure it would be for the worse though. No one can say for sure. It is impossible to know that. I wish that we could start a dilineation (sp?) between 'faith' and 'religion.' Faith is plenty good and healthy. For those honest with it, great for them. Awesome. Keep on keeping on... Religion, though? Love the massively elaborate churches you all buy with those tax-free donations... so, all the poor are fed, then, right? No? Oh... oops? church is to faith what school is to learning its a place for people to commune TOGETHER over shared values, ideas, lessons,,,etc,,, and it is not incumbent to make sure ALL poor are fed,, we can only do our best to feed those we can,,, I think that's a tad over simplified. People from different alma maters generally don't immediately hold a discriminatory perspective over/against each other. And all schools generally teach the same things (emphasis on generally). Religions, tech vastly varying perspectives that are usually not very accepting of alternative views. Religion divides. Faith does not (have to). |
Why don't we ban religion?
morals wouldn't disappear but the world would change, not for the better for all the 'war' that people like to refer to their are many more charitable and gracious and beautiful actions inspired by 'religious' lessons as well whether we have religion or not, we will have people who do terrible things,, remove religion(Which is kind of impossible) and they will just find something else to scapegoat for their interests and choices that harm others,,, I'm not sure it would be for the worse though. No one can say for sure. It is impossible to know that. I wish that we could start a dilineation (sp?) between 'faith' and 'religion.' Faith is plenty good and healthy. For those honest with it, great for them. Awesome. Keep on keeping on... Religion, though? Love the massively elaborate churches you all buy with those tax-free donations... so, all the poor are fed, then, right? No? Oh... oops? |
Why don't we ban religion?
David Cameron and Barack Obama are both wimps. They haven't got the balls to come out and say that Islam is no good, instead they say it's the people that believe in it with all their hearts that are no good. Because let's face it, peaceful muslims don't really believe in Islam, they're like our protestants. A couple more generations down the line and they'll be atheists. Hah yes.. lets ban away with it..what a great thought. fanatics aside, what do you think keeps the world in order.. meaning what do you really think keeps people from going out and doing whatever the hell they feel like doing. what stops them from committing every conceivable crime, act or sin ( of any religion). Law?.. police.. no.. they would be the first things to go. It is that thought that people must atone for wrongs they have done to their higher power.. whatever that may be. That is what keep order in this world. So lets take that all away and see what happens. The wild west???.. the wild west would be a cub scout meeting compared to what would happen. total mayhem. worldwide chaos, totally out of control No. Stop it. Based on that perspective, all the Atheists and Agnostics are sociopathic murderers. People are capable of being good without needing a reward for good deeds. Frankly, I'd be more concerned about people who only do good IN ORDER to get a reward... Really? If it were proven tomorrow that there is in fact no God(s) or higher power of any sort to eventually answer to.. an this had to be accepted by all.. that in fact when you die.. you do just that.. and there is no after life.. or second calling... no reckoning,basically that's it.. your dust. you would see a total change in all of civilization... and it would not be pretty. I'm Catholic.. if we were to chuck the 10 commandments, which by this time would have been proven to be BS. and all other religions were chucking their versions, as religion no longer exist. what effect would that have on civilization. Do you really think people would continue to follow rules that no longer carry any moral weight. That they would continue to lead a honest "sin" free life without the faith they were lead to believe they had?. Their faith would now be in who?.. in what?...mankind? We are raised to be "God fearing people".. take God (or any God like entity) out of the equation.. and who do you then fear. The only other thing to fear would be mankind Current atheists ( who believe in no Gods.. no higher power of any type) comply a very small percentage of the overall population. A population driven by religions and who's core laws are derived from religious believes throw that all out the window and see what happens Also, curious: would you teach your children to be good so that they get a reward, or because it's the right thing to do. I teach dogs to be good and they get a treat. I would hope that as humans, we're slightly more evolved than that. But thanks for degrading the value of a good dead. Apparently intrinsic motivation is not a concept that you're familiar with. Too bad, cause it's the BEST! CHEERS!! |
Why don't we ban religion?
David Cameron and Barack Obama are both wimps. They haven't got the balls to come out and say that Islam is no good, instead they say it's the people that believe in it with all their hearts that are no good. Because let's face it, peaceful muslims don't really believe in Islam, they're like our protestants. A couple more generations down the line and they'll be atheists. Hah yes.. lets ban away with it..what a great thought. fanatics aside, what do you think keeps the world in order.. meaning what do you really think keeps people from going out and doing whatever the hell they feel like doing. what stops them from committing every conceivable crime, act or sin ( of any religion). Law?.. police.. no.. they would be the first things to go. It is that thought that people must atone for wrongs they have done to their higher power.. whatever that may be. That is what keep order in this world. So lets take that all away and see what happens. The wild west???.. the wild west would be a cub scout meeting compared to what would happen. total mayhem. worldwide chaos, totally out of control No. Stop it. Based on that perspective, all the Atheists and Agnostics are sociopathic murderers. People are capable of being good without needing a reward for good deeds. Frankly, I'd be more concerned about people who only do good IN ORDER to get a reward... Really? If it were proven tomorrow that there is in fact no God(s) or higher power of any sort to eventually answer to.. an this had to be accepted by all.. that in fact when you die.. you do just that.. and there is no after life.. or second calling... no reckoning,basically that's it.. your dust. you would see a total change in all of civilization... and it would not be pretty. I'm Catholic.. if we were to chuck the 10 commandments, which by this time would have been proven to be BS. and all other religions were chucking their versions, as religion no longer exist. what effect would that have on civilization. Do you really think people would continue to follow rules that no longer carry any moral weight. That they would continue to lead a honest "sin" free life without the faith they were lead to believe they had?. Their faith would now be in who?.. in what?...mankind? We are raised to be "God fearing people".. take God (or any God like entity) out of the equation.. and who do you then fear. The only other thing to fear would be mankind Current atheists ( who believe in no Gods.. no higher power of any type) comply a very small percentage of the overall population. A population driven by religions and who's core laws are derived from religious believes throw that all out the window and see what happens Morals disappear without religion? Really? So... WTF have i been wasting my time being nice and honest and donating to people. I need to care less.... OR believe in God... but since I can't 'force' myself to believe in something (you either do or you don't). Your argument is horrible. Look up the logical fallacies. Look at 'slippery slope.' Get back to me when you can have a logical, critical discussion. |
Mens Body
Edited by
Mon 01/19/15 06:55 PM
You all secretly want a guy that's hung like a Horse, at the end of the day? Even though you're all too polite to say so? ![]() ![]() ![]() No, not too polite at all (why would that be polite?). Too big HURTS! I can't say that I have a list. I've dated some super sexy men before. Very aesthetically pleasing. But they really were idiots. Not bright at all. Really only good for one thing. So, I can't go on a date with anyone and get all excited over anything physical. I need so much more than that. Up to and including master sex skillz. :-) |
Such a pet-peeve...
What do/does xxx think of xxx. ITS SO VAGUE! Ask the question you want answered!! Are you asking if men are judging you bc you're single and preggers? Are you asking if men find pregnant woman attractive? I may come off as rude, but I have a 10 y/o. You'll have the same frustration when your kid gets older. |
Why don't we ban religion?
"Why don't we ban religion?" Start with a ban on the worship of sex. That is the biggest religion on this website. This confuses me. Have you ever HAD sex? It's WONDERFUL. Religion? Meh... :-) ![]() ![]() OUT OF THIS WORLD!! (budum-cha!) |
Say Something Vague - part 8
I can sleep naked, I can sleep with only underwear, just a t-shirt, set pjs, or lingerie. I can sleep in a coat, a robe, a hat and gloves.
I cannot sleep with socks on. I read that sex is better with socks on... this may prove awkward one day. "Good MORNING.... oh! Hold up, gotta get my socks back on before we can play..." |
Why don't we ban religion?
"Why don't we ban religion?" Start with a ban on the worship of sex. That is the biggest religion on this website. This confuses me. Have you ever HAD sex? It's WONDERFUL. Religion? Meh... :-) |
Why don't we ban religion?
Frankly, I'd be more concerned about people who only do good IN ORDER to get a reward... I think your possibly talking about politicians, who have a business incentive in their personal agenda, while being a politician. ![]() Not all politicians are looking for rewards. Religious fanatics... politicians... One redeeming quality (?) of the politicians is that they don't try to convince other people to be as disingenuous as they are... Politicians just openly suck at life... they know how they rank on the social scale. |
Why don't we ban religion?
yes lets ban it i heard or read somewhere religion is poison or something along those lines if you think about it most wars are about religion and we have all been brought up on different variations of the same stories and when you think of it a bit more how corrupt do you think the world was back in those days its still veritably corrupt at the moment ![]() Wars are never about religion. They are about power and control. Wars are USUALLY about religions... who FIGHT for power and control. |
Why don't we ban religion?
David Cameron and Barack Obama are both wimps. They haven't got the balls to come out and say that Islam is no good, instead they say it's the people that believe in it with all their hearts that are no good. Because let's face it, peaceful muslims don't really believe in Islam, they're like our protestants. A couple more generations down the line and they'll be atheists. Hah yes.. lets ban away with it..what a great thought. fanatics aside, what do you think keeps the world in order.. meaning what do you really think keeps people from going out and doing whatever the hell they feel like doing. what stops them from committing every conceivable crime, act or sin ( of any religion). Law?.. police.. no.. they would be the first things to go. It is that thought that people must atone for wrongs they have done to their higher power.. whatever that may be. That is what keep order in this world. So lets take that all away and see what happens. The wild west???.. the wild west would be a cub scout meeting compared to what would happen. total mayhem. worldwide chaos, totally out of control No. Stop it. Based on that perspective, all the Atheists and Agnostics are sociopathic murderers. People are capable of being good without needing a reward for good deeds. Frankly, I'd be more concerned about people who only do good IN ORDER to get a reward... |
Help :P
No. Just be you. Be honest, be real. Know your struggles and don't hide them.
If you are truly YOU, the right girl will find you and appreciate you. No 'hacking' involved. |
Older Guys Younger Women
Yeah.... if these younger ladies could just relax off the older guys for a sec... you may like the supposed stability of the older man, but the reality is that for some of us, we can't reach in to the bin of men in YOUR age range, because it does make it awkward.
I've gotten a lot of early- mid- 20 year olds messaging me, and I'm sorry... i just can't. I'm divorced with a kid. I've done my time and i came out the other side a little jaded. The young guys have nothing to offer me. I need someone who understands some of the difficulties and issues I've been through. |