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Topic: looking for texas cowboys to chat with!!
yashafox_F4X1's photo
Fri 03/28/08 07:06 PM
I think Pinky didn't find no cowboys or no chat.

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Fri 03/28/08 07:23 PM

I wonder if anyone from texas could put a tumble weed in a box and send it to me?

You can't put a tumbleweed in a box silly they crumble when you try to pick em up .... :tongue:

yashafox_F4X1's photo
Fri 03/28/08 07:24 PM
She said she'd send you a little weed?

Did she try going outside and yelling, heeeere cowboy, cowboy, cowboy. Heeeere cowboy. Shoooooook Heiffer! Shoooook Shook Shoook Soeeeeeeeee!

damnitscloudy's photo
Fri 03/28/08 07:25 PM
What!? So I have to psychically goto Texas to find a tumbleweed!? NO FAIR! laugh

no photo
Sat 03/29/08 08:48 AM
hey there folks of the community.i did find someone tochat with,sorry it wasnt you t.ihavent left yet.yee mother ****ing ha!!laugh

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