Topic: Painful Home
DeathsTreaty's photo
Thu 03/27/08 04:36 PM
Its Painful and feels like Home...for the most part ^^

briank66's photo
Thu 03/27/08 04:41 PM
Eat some Percocet's and drink some beer...the pain will go away smokin

DeathsTreaty's photo
Thu 03/27/08 04:43 PM
I dont like beer and not supose to drink that...

And I dont know what "percocet's" are...

bastet126's photo
Thu 03/27/08 04:55 PM
percocet = acetaminophen and oxycodone

i think he was trying to get you stoned!

DeathsTreaty's photo
Thu 03/27/08 04:56 PM

I dont like those kind of things....

I stay with the pain ^^

Winx's photo
Thu 03/27/08 04:56 PM
percocet = pain pills because you said it's painful.

bastet126's photo
Thu 03/27/08 04:57 PM
good choice on the 'just say no'; sorry about he pain flowerforyou

Winx's photo
Thu 03/27/08 05:01 PM
I hope the evening gets better for you.flowerforyou

DeathsTreaty's photo
Thu 03/27/08 05:01 PM
Ill stay with the pain and just kind of let it become an emotionla thing then break down in a few days and repeat the cycle till Death does me my Part ^^

DeathsTreaty's photo
Thu 03/27/08 07:11 PM
this post has a new record for quickest Death ^^

briank66's photo
Thu 03/27/08 07:12 PM

this post has a new record for quickest Death ^^

See, ya' should've took the Perc's and drank some booze. You would have totally forgotten about this thread drinker


no photo
Thu 03/27/08 07:12 PM
Pain sucks.

pkh's photo
Thu 03/27/08 07:13 PM
awww sorry for your pain,hope you feel better soon

wyatt1844's photo
Thu 03/27/08 07:14 PM
Pain let's you know you're still alive.

DeathsTreaty's photo
Thu 03/27/08 07:14 PM
Pain does suck in very large amounts ^^

I cant drink and I dont like taking anything unless its chocolate...

And I dont forget my threads....most of the time ^^

Lily0923's photo
Thu 03/27/08 07:36 PM

Pain does suck in very large amounts ^^

I cant drink and I dont like taking anything unless its chocolate...

And I dont forget my threads....most of the time ^^

no, but you do forget my name...

DeathsTreaty's photo
Thu 03/27/08 07:37 PM
I didnt forget your name.... ^^"