Topic: Tipping point
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Tue 03/25/08 05:58 AM
It is crucial that you see
Necessary for you to hear
Of the utmost importance
that you feel this
That the light truly
Beyond protective skin
You have made to keep you safe
from understanding the pain
For you see
It is the only way I can survive
Through you
My life line
Before the day is over
You will remember none of this
Retain no image of this event
No comment will pass from fingers
to keys
To the electronic light of day
We miss SO much
This too shall slip under your radar
Unnoticed in the days movement
Don't believe your eyes
They deceive you
Your ears hear only lies
In the mountains of truth
Negativity stands out
Positivity blends in
Goes unremarked on
While outside the storm grows darker
Hows the weather where you are??

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:15 AM
I found this one very interesting...

LAMom's photo
Tue 03/25/08 12:13 PM

It is crucial that you see
Necessary for you to hear
Of the utmost importance
that you feel this
That the light truly
Beyond protective skin
You have made to keep you safe
from understanding the pain
For you see
It is the only way I can survive
Through you
My life line
Before the day is over
You will remember none of this
Retain no image of this event
No comment will pass from fingers
to keys
To the electronic light of day
We miss SO much
This too shall slip under your radar
Unnoticed in the days movement
Don't believe your eyes
They deceive you
Your ears hear only lies
In the mountains of truth
Negativity stands out
Positivity blends in
Goes unremarked on
While outside the storm grows darker
Hows the weather where you are??

I've noticed That when I come into your Home,, I find a Man
who's Soul is healing,, seeking,, and has seen beyond one's

My Weather is quite nice,,, Thank You (((( Will ))))


no photo
Tue 03/25/08 05:48 PM
Good read Will....drinker smokin

no photo
Wed 04/09/08 12:27 AM
Thank you..Very muchflowerforyou