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Topic: War????
Dragoness's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:03 PM
I have been asked now on numerous occasions to write something in the Current News and Events in my own words. I have shared many cut and pastes on interesting topics that I had read of others then posted my opinion on said article of interest. But this will be in my own words with the exception of the famous quotes I will use as a back drop.bigsmile

War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today. ~John F. Kennedy

My objection to this war is long lived. I objected when I noticed that instead of bin laden, our administration targeted Saddam for the crimes committed against us on 9/11. Regardless to the conspiracy theories out there about the pointed distraction to Iraq instead of bin laden, I, for one believe, that it comes down to a personal agenda with our President. President Bush wanted Saddam because of his own personal agenda. This is a crime in and of itself, to utilize the country's lives for personal reasons. I believe it is obvious to anyone who opens their mind enough to see the truth of Iraq's importance in 9/11.

“Preventative war was an invention of Hitler. Frankly, I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing.” -Dwight D. Eisenhower

Now, we know that President Bush and cohorts, fudged, finigeled, manipulated and basically pushed the issue through to get to invade Iraq. There is no way now of not knowing the truth to this matter unless one chooses to stay in denial. There are problems basically with every excuse given for going to Iraq. The "creating a democracy" theory does not fly as they did not ask us to "democricize" them. The argument of WMDs has been debunked and really was never founded due to the intel from Saddam's brother-in-law that we had since Clinton's time. This is available on the internet for public viewing. Of course, not alot of Americans knew this but it is there for all to see. The UN resolutions that we care nothing about when one of our allies violated them, Isreal has many many more than Iraq ever had and we care not about that. So these resolutions are shady at best. Lastly but of course not leastly, Saddam was a dictator of ill repute but we helped him into power and utilized him for our own purposes when it pleased us, so all of his atrocities were not a problem at all when we wanted him or needed him. So all of this really takes us back to a personal agenda by our president. Which gets us back to Iraqians have been a victim of our President's personal agenda. Iraq did not strike us on 9/11, had no envolvement in 9/11 and had nothing to do with bin laden.

The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower

It is not odd to folks, the extent we went to to find Saddam in his hole but we cannot locate bin laden? Is not odd to folks that the reasons for us being there changes depending on the weather and what has been proven untrue? Is it not odd to folks that our young men and women are dying daily for retribution for 9/11 in Iraq? I could go on and on but the jist is obvious.

In war, truth is the first casualty. ~Aeschylus (Thanks, Dan)

War grows out of the desire of the individual to gain advantage at the expense of his fellow man. ~Napoleon Hill

So we are there now. The rhetoric is that we are forcefully saving these people from themselves. Which is not saving nor helping and cannot be made so. We are waist deep in the quagmire of the feudal warfare that has gone on there for at least a thousand years. Is there any way for us to stop the feudal conflicts there, no, that is an internal process, we cannot change it. Do they have the right to kill themselves for resolution of these conflicts, of course, we did it here to resolve our issues in the civil war. Regardless to our exceptional knowledge and determination we cannot change their religious, ethical, structural and human rights to do as they please in their country. Do I hope that by some miracle that something good will come from this illegal endeavor, yes, I do. Something good needs to be placed on the blood of these people, ours and theirs.

When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die. ~Jean-Paul Sartre

Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war. ~Otto Von Bismark

The military don't start wars. Politicians start wars. ~William Westmoreland

Lowest accounts are 80,000 Iraqis and 4,000 honorable Americans have now lost their lives. Regardless, to the beliefs that if we leave we are abandoning and failing on a promise, leaving is the best option available to us. The promise of what? We promised Iraq nothing. We invaded to remove Saddam. So this promise is non existant. The top advantage of removal of military is to remove the military under the "occupation" guidelines and then offer help where THEY SAY THEY NEED IT, putting control of their country in their hands, where IT should have been from the beginning. They need to feel in control to gain control. We must end the occupation and then offer to help rebuild that which we tore apart and offer military assistance if needed and where they say they need it.

All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers. ~François Fénelon

War doesn’t determine who’s right. War determines who’s left
~Bertrand Russell

It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

So thank you for reading. I hope this satisfies those who have not liked my posting articles by other authors for discussion. I have shared my opinion here and made it short. I am very American, very patriotic to my country and I want my country to be the best on this planet.

Remember being the top dog means to never forget your humility.

Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime. ~Ernest Hemingway

In war, there are no unwounded soldiers. ~José Narosky

Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind. ~John F. Kennedy, 1961

We have war when at least one of the parties to a conflict wants something more than it wants peace. ~Jeane J. Kirkpatrick

Liberty and democracy become unholy when their hands are dyed red with innocent blood. ~Gandhi, Non-violence in Peace and War, 1948


MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:12 PM
flowerforyou That was great Dragoness. flowerforyou You are a patriot and a real American.flowerforyou

wouldee's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:14 PM
I love those quotes

They say it well and yet war rages.

Not what should be.

Keep up the questions!!!

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

Dragoness's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:14 PM

flowerforyou That was great Dragoness. flowerforyou You are a patriot and a real American.flowerforyou

blushing blushing blushing thanks mirrorflowerforyou

mnhiker's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:14 PM

I have been asked now on numerous occasions to write something in the Current News and Events in my own words. I have shared many cut and pastes on interesting topics that I had read of others then posted my opinion on said article of interest. But this will be in my own words with the exception of the famous quotes I will use as a back drop.bigsmile

War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today. ~John F. Kennedy

My objection to this war is long lived. I objected when I noticed that instead of bin laden, our administration targeted Saddam for the crimes committed against us on 9/11. Regardless to the conspiracy theories out there about the pointed distraction to Iraq instead of bin laden, I, for one believe, that it comes down to a personal agenda with our President. President Bush wanted Saddam because of his own personal agenda. This is a crime in and of itself, to utilize the country's lives for personal reasons. I believe it is obvious to anyone who opens their mind enough to see the truth of Iraq's importance in 9/11.

“Preventative war was an invention of Hitler. Frankly, I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing.” -Dwight D. Eisenhower

Now, we know that President Bush and cohorts, fudged, finigeled, manipulated and basically pushed the issue through to get to invade Iraq. There is no way now of not knowing the truth to this matter unless one chooses to stay in denial. There are problems basically with every excuse given for going to Iraq. The "creating a democracy" theory does not fly as they did not ask us to "democricize" them. The argument of WMDs has been debunked and really was never founded due to the intel from Saddam's brother-in-law that we had since Clinton's time. This is available on the internet for public viewing. Of course, not alot of Americans knew this but it is there for all to see. The UN resolutions that we care nothing about when one of our allies violated them, Isreal has many many more than Iraq ever had and we care not about that. So these resolutions are shady at best. Lastly but of course not leastly, Saddam was a dictator of ill repute but we helped him into power and utilized him for our own purposes when it pleased us, so all of his atrocities were not a problem at all when we wanted him or needed him. So all of this really takes us back to a personal agenda by our president. Which gets us back to Iraqians have been a victim of our President's personal agenda. Iraq did not strike us on 9/11, had no envolvement in 9/11 and had nothing to do with bin laden.

The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower

It is not odd to folks, the extent we went to to find Saddam in his hole but we cannot locate bin laden? Is not odd to folks that the reasons for us being there changes depending on the weather and what has been proven untrue? Is it not odd to folks that our young men and women are dying daily for retribution for 9/11 in Iraq? I could go on and on but the jist is obvious.

In war, truth is the first casualty. ~Aeschylus (Thanks, Dan)

War grows out of the desire of the individual to gain advantage at the expense of his fellow man. ~Napoleon Hill

So we are there now. The rhetoric is that we are forcefully saving these people from themselves. Which is not saving nor helping and cannot be made so. We are waist deep in the quagmire of the feudal warfare that has gone on there for at least a thousand years. Is there any way for us to stop the feudal conflicts there, no, that is an internal process, we cannot change it. Do they have the right to kill themselves for resolution of these conflicts, of course, we did it here to resolve our issues in the civil war. Regardless to our exceptional knowledge and determination we cannot change their religious, ethical, structural and human rights to do as they please in their country. Do I hope that by some miracle that something good will come from this illegal endeavor, yes, I do. Something good needs to be placed on the blood of these people, ours and theirs.

When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die. ~Jean-Paul Sartre

Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war. ~Otto Von Bismark

The military don't start wars. Politicians start wars. ~William Westmoreland

Lowest accounts are 80,000 Iraqis and 4,000 honorable Americans have now lost their lives. Regardless, to the beliefs that if we leave we are abandoning and failing on a promise, leaving is the best option available to us. The promise of what? We promised Iraq nothing. We invaded to remove Saddam. So this promise is non existant. The top advantage of removal of military is to remove the military under the "occupation" guidelines and then offer help where THEY SAY THEY NEED IT, putting control of their country in their hands, where IT should have been from the beginning. They need to feel in control to gain control. We must end the occupation and then offer to help rebuild that which we tore apart and offer military assistance if needed and where they say they need it.

All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers. ~François Fénelon

War doesn’t determine who’s right. War determines who’s left
~Bertrand Russell

It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

So thank you for reading. I hope this satisfies those who have not liked my posting articles by other authors for discussion. I have shared my opinion here and made it short. I am very American, very patriotic to my country and I want my country to be the best on this planet.

Remember being the top dog means to never forget your humility.

Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime. ~Ernest Hemingway

In war, there are no unwounded soldiers. ~José Narosky

Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind. ~John F. Kennedy, 1961

We have war when at least one of the parties to a conflict wants something more than it wants peace. ~Jeane J. Kirkpatrick

Liberty and democracy become unholy when their hands are dyed red with innocent blood. ~Gandhi, Non-violence in Peace and War, 1948


It made me sick how the neocons kept changing their story about why we went to Iraq. It was always something different. They weren't even good liars, but good enough to bamboozle the ones who drank their koolaid.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:23 PM

I love those quotes

They say it well and yet war rages.

Not what should be.

Keep up the questions!!!

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

Thanks wouldee:heart: flowerforyou

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/25/08 05:55 AM
ty dragoness for sharing your thoughts

war will exist though because people want and believe different things and because some people are just down right evil.

I feel safer knwing that I'm i a strong country that can defend us and others...thank you to our service men and womenflowerforyou

Dragoness's photo
Tue 03/25/08 02:08 PM

ty dragoness for sharing your thoughts

war will exist though because people want and believe different things and because some people are just down right evil.

I feel safer knwing that I'm i a strong country that can defend us and others...thank you to our service men and womenflowerforyou

thnks, I would feel safer knowing my country did not strike those who are undeserving for the crime of 9/11. I would feel safer if we had gone after bin laden as we should have.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 03/25/08 02:26 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Tue 03/25/08 02:30 PM
By leaving out immigration, I am able to agree with most of your ideas Dragonessflowerforyou smokin

Fanta46's photo
Tue 03/25/08 02:30 PM
Don't quit click and post threads.
Information is important,
If only as a reverse propaganda tool
to the Bush indoctrination manual!

Damn Republicanslaugh

toastedoranges's photo
Tue 03/25/08 02:36 PM

Don't quit click and post threads.
Information is important,
If only as a reverse propaganda tool
to the Bush indoctrination manual!

Damn Republicanslaugh

also, if the ctrl+c posts were stopped, those without anything to add to the debate would have ABSOLUTELY nothing to say.

"you copy and pasted! you copy and pasted!"

broken records, might as well copy and paste their words

no photo
Tue 03/25/08 02:41 PM
Now see, that wasn't so terribly difficult.

And yes - I actually bothered to read what you wrote this time.
While I disagree with some of your opinions, and reasons for them - you at least this time stated them YOURSELF.

So - rather than continue the 'cut/paste' b.s. as Fanta suggests - why not try taking an article - reference it of course - proper credit and all - and write YOUR opinion. After all - I don't give a friggin hoot about what the journalists write - pro or con - they are paid for their "opinions" so are tainted from the first word.

Next time, perhaps, I will debate you on your topic of choice - THAT is where folks trying to learn different things - LEARN.

Winx's photo
Tue 03/25/08 02:43 PM
Edited by Winx on Tue 03/25/08 02:43 PM
I agree with most of what you said, Dragoness. I wish I could say it as well as you have done.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 03/25/08 02:55 PM
I can't agree more. This war has been a nonsense from the very beginning. It was just a personal vendetta because daddy Bush could not finish what he started in desert storm.
This stupid war does not have to do anything with 9/11. If if this war were really about 9/11 i just ask where the hell is Bin Laden. Maybe making more businesses with the Bush family.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 03/25/08 03:00 PM

By leaving out immigration, I am able to agree with most of your ideas Dragonessflowerforyou smokin

so u Glenn are still trying to round me over like cattle?laugh laugh laugh

Winx's photo
Tue 03/25/08 03:02 PM
I believe that there is another possibility as to why the war was started. Bush couldn't locate Bin Laden - that makes this world leader look bad internationally. So...let's create a diversion and take everybody's mind off the fact that Bin Laden cannot be located.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 03/25/08 03:06 PM

Don't quit click and post threads.
Information is important,
If only as a reverse propaganda tool
to the Bush indoctrination manual!

Damn Republicanslaugh

Fantaflowerforyou no worries there. I will continue to cut and paste the whole article for information and possible debate if needed. Plus it helps during the discussion to have the whole article available to reference.bigsmile

Fanta46's photo
Tue 03/25/08 03:07 PM
They need you down home Miquel!

Looks like they are preparing for war down there!!drinker

Dragoness's photo
Tue 03/25/08 03:08 PM

I believe that there is another possibility as to why the war was started. Bush couldn't locate Bin Laden - that makes this world leader look bad internationally. So...let's create a diversion and take everybody's mind off the fact that Bin Laden cannot be located.

He did not try too hard to find bin laden, he started on Saddam right away after 9/11.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 03/25/08 03:09 PM

They need you down home Miquel!

Looks like they are preparing for war down there!!drinker

don't even remind me of that. i'm so scare for my family.

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