Topic: hello there , just joined, | |
it's been over a year since my wife passed and i guess it's time to get
out, even if the first trip is in cyberspace. So, here goes.... Hello There, How the heck are Ya? Whats up??? |
Sorry to hear about your wife, but welcome to the site enjoy the forums
there are alot of really nice ones here. Hummm sometimes we seem to have really bad days so don't let some of the forums scare ya off. :) |
good idea, get back on that horse.......
my wife passed 15 yrs ago...came here and i'm still here hope you have better luck |
Welcome!SDC.I am very sorry to hear about your loss.Well you've reached
the Kewlest Comm.~Chat Web Site on the Net.There are alot of good people within the community.So just mix and mingle and get to know us.You will definitely make some new friends here.It may take a little time for some to warm up to you,but once they get to know you they will welcome you in.It is time to jump back on the saddle and you know what,you very well may find that special one you seek right here within the JSH comm.I wish you the best of luck on this new journey you've chosen to embark upon.Stay strong and Godspeed!Cybear. |
Welcome SDC,,,,
Your loss is great, she will always be in your heart.... Smiles,,,, and have some fun.... |
welcome SDC ... test the waters, the teperature is fine .. :) ...
sorry for your loss, and may it pass quickly. :( |
welcome SDC, just kick off your shoes and jump right in, the waters
fine.I have been a widower for just over 8 years now. so know how it feels. just watch out for all those tigers, lions, wolves and bears on the site, don't let them slip up on you. |
Welcome SDC No time like the present