Topic: WHAT,sunday all ready? | |
Thank you CCP and morning Lion.... waits to see if its a good one yet!
is in an odd music mood lol has country on and its just makin me happy
and sappy |
Country is good :)
morning karen,shadowdg,iam4,alea,bill,kev,and anyone else in here i
might have missed. |
Morning lion :)
im in an od music mood this morning too ive been jamming out to henry
mancini.and some other big band classics lol. |
how are you feeling this morning alea?
Hungry lol Trying to figure out what to do with my day. :)
g'morning Alea
Good morning Lion.You did great getting all the names so early!Have a
good day! |
Good morning to ya Karin.(:
early? its like 1130 here and matties had me up wrestling since about 6
lol. |
LOL Figured you had a late sat night.
ahh screw it I am posting my poetry here again if someone can't respect
whats asked then it just shows they an ass |
thx Bill for the sunday reminder lol
it wasnt too late i was only up till like 2 or so lmao.
HEY MR. Lion and Mike and MAc, SMILES AT YAS.......
AND KEV, JUST BEEN WORKING on the road of life!!!! |
Good morning Mike.Hope its good for ya.Damn Lion,I didnt realise how
late it is.10:30 here.Time flys. |
It that going to be the title of your new book IAM