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Sat 03/22/08 12:07 PM

that leave McCain for the ignorant among us.

you just answered my question - if you "ain't right" everyone else is ignorant.

noway noway noway

Dragoness's photo
Sat 03/22/08 12:12 PM

that leave McCain for the ignorant among us.

you just answered my question - if you "ain't right" everyone else is ignorant.

noway noway noway

Okay, I will clean it up a bit, warmongers are gonna like McCain and fearmongerers are gonna like McCain, the religious right are gonna like McCain, etc..... Not just the ignorant.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 03/22/08 12:23 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Sat 03/22/08 12:24 PM

and you just proved dragoness' point

i am not sure of what you mean could you explain it

I can, adj, if you would like.

White racist use this rhetoric that you just posted as an excuse to justify themselves about the slavery issue. Although some of it is true, there were black slave traders not all but some, there were whites who helped in the underground railroad, etc.... None of those listed excuses the use of humans for animals. That is the reason that it proves my point.

Slavery was a wrong that this country cannot right. And black folks are still struggling desperately to come up from the residual problems of 100 years of slavery. Do black folks have problems in their community, you bet. Are their good black folks trying desperately to live the American dream and contribute to the country, you bet. Does the negative light shine on them constantly, you bet. Whites are still part of the problem here. Prejudice and discrimination are alive and well in this country. I have witnessed it myself so I know it is very much alive.

So no offense intended here adj, but white folks do not realize sometimes the perpetuation that they do in many many ways.flowerforyou

Everyone has been enslaved at one point or another.Ever hear of Rome?Or the Jews in Egypt?Keep it real Dragoness.I am not kissing no ones ass to prove I'm not predjudice.I'm not sorry cause I didnt do anything and no Black alive today has known slavery so why is it always brought up??People always playing the race card or the gay card.Ever thought people don't like them cause their an asshole?Thats my predjudice.I hate assholes..color optional.

Disliking assholes is agreed. But the repurcussions of slavery in our country are still around today. Black folks have had to come from nothing, I mean a nothing whites have not ever known here in this country. No respect, No education, no support, no equality, no freedom (in the south they still do not have this), continued discrimination, continued harrassment, continued prejudice, etc......

Most black folks do not want to step on toes, they just want to be Americans with all the rights and priveledges that entails but then they have to be followed in the stores, have police profile them, have realtors say almost infront of them that the property in the area has gone down since blacks moved into it, had people say that blacks just want a free ride, have people say that black folks don't want nothing and will steal from you given the chance, etc...... and I am only listing those prejudices that I have seen with my own eyes, not anyone elses. So when you go classifying assholes make sure that they are assholes and not the hard working, honest, reliable, struggling black folks that I know. For they have gone to bat for me and I will do the same for them at all costs.

As for Obama, well he will not get the prejudice vote and if the racists continue to tear him down trying to make him appear anti American, he may lose some of the white vote he has earned.

Black leaders try to empower the black folks, sometimes pushing the racial lines but it is meant well. Prejudice whites break the black folks down out of pure unadulterated hatred.

White folks in a white America which this is, cannot and will not ever feel discrimination, period. It is impossible as long as the power in this country remains white. And even should Obama become president the white congress and support for him will keep the power white. The white men in this country who are in power will not ever allow this country to be controlled by a minority, never. So there is no fear of that happening even if Obama gets in Office.

I disagree Dragoness.I have been followed around stores myself because i had a leather jacket on and looked "shady".I also get ignored at stores because i am not what most consider attractive.This happens to loads of white people.Have you not heard about white trash? Sorry I am not gonna pay for someone elses sins. hugs to you but go after the predjudice peeps who have earned the title instead of labeling all whites predjudice.your starting to sound like Oprah.
ps.i am half native american so should i hate my other half for past sins??ridiculous isnt it.

Okay, I cannot lump all whites into this group, so I will recant that part if I came off as a complete blanket statement, I did not mean it that way. The whites I am speaking of are those who believe that minorities are throw away garbage and have no importance in this country. Whites who perpetuate discrimination by at the least ignoring it and at most participation in it. Whites who feel to be American is to be white.

I too have native American in me. I do not hate that part of me but I can tell you that through ignorance or pure hatred members of my own family were and are racist. I bring to their attention every chance I get with them. I do my part. Whether I will change anything, I do not know but I will not lay down the battle sword here, even for my own family.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 03/23/08 06:59 AM

and you just proved dragoness' point

i am not sure of what you mean could you explain it

I can, adj, if you would like.

White racist use this rhetoric that you just posted as an excuse to justify themselves about the slavery issue. Although some of it is true, there were black slave traders not all but some, there were whites who helped in the underground railroad, etc.... None of those listed excuses the use of humans for animals. That is the reason that it proves my point.

Slavery was a wrong that this country cannot right. And black folks are still struggling desperately to come up from the residual problems of 100 years of slavery. Do black folks have problems in their community, you bet. Are their good black folks trying desperately to live the American dream and contribute to the country, you bet. Does the negative light shine on them constantly, you bet. Whites are still part of the problem here. Prejudice and discrimination are alive and well in this country. I have witnessed it myself so I know it is very much alive.

So no offense intended here adj, but white folks do not realize sometimes the perpetuation that they do in many many ways.flowerforyou

Everyone has been enslaved at one point or another.Ever hear of Rome?Or the Jews in Egypt?Keep it real Dragoness.I am not kissing no ones ass to prove I'm not predjudice.I'm not sorry cause I didnt do anything and no Black alive today has known slavery so why is it always brought up??People always playing the race card or the gay card.Ever thought people don't like them cause their an asshole?Thats my predjudice.I hate assholes..color optional.

Disliking assholes is agreed. But the repurcussions of slavery in our country are still around today. Black folks have had to come from nothing, I mean a nothing whites have not ever known here in this country. No respect, No education, no support, no equality, no freedom (in the south they still do not have this), continued discrimination, continued harrassment, continued prejudice, etc......

Most black folks do not want to step on toes, they just want to be Americans with all the rights and priveledges that entails but then they have to be followed in the stores, have police profile them, have realtors say almost infront of them that the property in the area has gone down since blacks moved into it, had people say that blacks just want a free ride, have people say that black folks don't want nothing and will steal from you given the chance, etc...... and I am only listing those prejudices that I have seen with my own eyes, not anyone elses. So when you go classifying assholes make sure that they are assholes and not the hard working, honest, reliable, struggling black folks that I know. For they have gone to bat for me and I will do the same for them at all costs.

As for Obama, well he will not get the prejudice vote and if the racists continue to tear him down trying to make him appear anti American, he may lose some of the white vote he has earned.

Black leaders try to empower the black folks, sometimes pushing the racial lines but it is meant well. Prejudice whites break the black folks down out of pure unadulterated hatred.

White folks in a white America which this is, cannot and will not ever feel discrimination, period. It is impossible as long as the power in this country remains white. And even should Obama become president the white congress and support for him will keep the power white. The white men in this country who are in power will not ever allow this country to be controlled by a minority, never. So there is no fear of that happening even if Obama gets in Office.

I disagree Dragoness.I have been followed around stores myself because i had a leather jacket on and looked "shady".I also get ignored at stores because i am not what most consider attractive.This happens to loads of white people.Have you not heard about white trash? Sorry I am not gonna pay for someone elses sins. hugs to you but go after the predjudice peeps who have earned the title instead of labeling all whites predjudice.your starting to sound like Oprah.
ps.i am half native american so should i hate my other half for past sins??ridiculous isnt it.

Okay, I cannot lump all whites into this group, so I will recant that part if I came off as a complete blanket statement, I did not mean it that way. The whites I am speaking of are those who believe that minorities are throw away garbage and have no importance in this country. Whites who perpetuate discrimination by at the least ignoring it and at most participation in it. Whites who feel to be American is to be white.

I too have native American in me. I do not hate that part of me but I can tell you that through ignorance or pure hatred members of my own family were and are racist. I bring to their attention every chance I get with them. I do my part. Whether I will change anything, I do not know but I will not lay down the battle sword here, even for my own family.

thanx for the clarification..peaceflowerforyou

mnhiker's photo
Mon 03/24/08 06:55 PM


I wanted to address your questions, rather than quote, I used >> for my responses.

People are not closed minded. It is white people who propelled Obama into the running for president. There are not enough black/hispanic people to have done that; whites did it. So please tell me how these white people are closed minded.

>>First, the closed minded comment was aimed at the forum, not generalizing all white people. Did I say white people are closed minded? No. But people saying they wouldn't vote for him now because of this media attention are being closed minded. He workshipped, and learned about spirituality from Wright, not how to hate america. In fact, in his recent speech addressing his association with Wright, he does not support this, and clearly wants to make a difference for the country. People need to look a little further than youtube for the big picture.

Why is Obama going to a predominantly black church racist? No one has mentioned the fact that the church is almost all black. The problem is with the racist minister the Rev. Wright. Tell me when the media or anyone else mentioned the church being predominantly black.

>>This is inaccurate, Obama himself has spoken on this congregation, in a black communitity, with a black majority.

Why are you calling people hate mongers, because they are not going to an all black congegration? We usually go to the church in our area or the church that we believe in. Why should people seek out all-black churches to attend just to prove whites aren't hate mongers? That doesn't make sense.

>>I wasn't calling people hate mongers because they don't go to an all black congregation. What I was addressing is the anger I was hearing in the posts, it was clearly deep rooted. The only way to try to move beyond racism is to let go of it. Too many people hold onto it, and it's so unhealthy and accomplishes nothing. If someone's a racist, like Wright, don't feed off of it, the anger people retaliate with just fuels it, keeps the hate and anger going. Let him be an idiot, it doesn't mean all the people that go to his worships are of the same rotten character. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

What do you mean by saying Obama is not racist, because he has a white mother? Are you living in another world? His mother is dead and his white grandmother practically raised him. He has been trashing his white grandmother all over the media. It is part of the reason he is losing the independents, because people are astounded that Obama would throw his white grandmother in front of a moving train to save his political ass, not once, but twice.

>>His mother may be dead, but he spent his youth with her in Hawaii and then with his maternal grandparents, and any references to what you're talking about have clearly been dispelled.

So you claim the mind molding media has taken some snippets and created this illusion that everyone just supports like zombies. The media has taken over 17 years worth of sermons by Wright and figured out the man is racist. They have also looked at whom Wright has aligned himself with and it is not a pretty picture.

>>Obama goes to church, he listens, and he's intelligent enough to take away what he believes in, just like everyone who attends church. Wright is not all there, he's views are warped, regardless, he has brought Obama to his faith, and Obama's not going to just disown him. Like I said previously, he has balls; despite what it could do to his candidancy chances. He recently spoke on racism, respectfully and intelligently, and if we can let Wright's idiotic ramblings make us think a certain thing about a man, why can't a man defend himself and have us acknowlege and accept it? People seem to like beating someone down more than helping them rise up.

You are right in that people should look past color for once, but Obama and his wife choose not to do that. Did you hear Mrs. Obama's racist statement about never being proud of anything America has done until her husband ran for president? Did you see the clips of Obama in church nodding his head when Rev. Wright was screaming God damn White America?

>>Now, on Mrs. Obama, did you read the entire quote? "People in this country are ready for a change, and hungry for a different kind of politics and let me tell you something, for the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback". I personally, totally agree with that statement. It's not derogatory, it was a clear statement on the political moves in this country, not about the country itself. And on Obama's headshaking, maybe this was in response to someone next to him saying "this guy is an idiot"...who knows...how can we build so much speculation out of that?

>>Obama is not a bad man, he's a man who has character and integrity -- if you don't care for he mans politics, that's one thing, but don't be so quick to judge the man when all he wants to do is make this country a better place.

>>There are several things people should never talk about, religion and politics...and with this forum, we've managed to combine the two. We will all just have to agree to disagree with no hard feelings, because I know that's not our intention. Peace.

drinker drinker drinker

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