Topic: Has any had this happen....... | |
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Wed 03/19/08 03:28 PM
My Ex-husband took off with my kids and left the state. He was to drop the children off with me this morning at 8:00am and never showed up. I filed a report with the local PD and they called the states attorney who said i need to call the clerk of courts. I called them and was told i needed to write up a letter for the judge. i have done so and filed it with the court. My ex is military so i was informed they need to tread lightly and can't do anything till the judge says so. I have a court date on monday for a seperate matter and my lawyer said the judge probably won't address this issue till then. I'm scared because we don't know where he or my children are at this time or where they are headed for sure. we think he may be going to OH. has anyone else had this happen if so what else can i do........
NOOOOOOOOOOOO... but does he have residential custody??? If you have divorce papers, one parent has residential custody... call his commanding officer!!!
I have the base refuses to talk to me we think it is because they don't know where he is either.....he's on leave pending a deployment. OUr divorce was finalized without custody being established we were set up as joint. he wants to remove the children to OH with his parents while he is deployed because of my work. I work 12 hours a day and he thinks this is to much.
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Wed 03/19/08 03:35 PM
I have the base refuses to talk to me we think it is because they don't know where he is either.....he's on leave pending a deployment. OUr divorce was finalized without custody being established we were set up as joint. he wants to remove the children to OH with his parents while he is deployed because of my work. I work 12 hours a day and he thinks this is to much. Normally children can not be removed from the county or jurisdiction (except for vacations) without written permission of the court. This does not matter in regards to who has custody. In sum? He broke the law. |
When i found out he was being deployed i put in for a reduction in hours because i realize i'll have my kids 100% of the time now instead of 50%. He told me that it's not good enough and demanded i sign an agreement for the children to go with his mother since she doesn't work..........I refused so he told me he was gonna take them and i could fight him after the fact. I filed a complaint in regards to this back on 3/7 i was told he actually has to do he has and no-one knows where he is
I have the base refuses to talk to me we think it is because they don't know where he is either.....he's on leave pending a deployment. OUr divorce was finalized without custody being established we were set up as joint. he wants to remove the children to OH with his parents while he is deployed because of my work. I work 12 hours a day and he thinks this is to much. Normally children can not be removed from the county or jurisdiction (except for vacations) without written permission of the court. This does not matter in regards to who has custody. In sum? He broke the law. everyone agrees on that the problem is we can't find him. Not only that local PD and States Attorney are saying we can reasonably assume my kids are safe as we know who has them and they are reluctant to treat it as kidnapping yet till the judge decides how he wants to view it. I don't get it he's military therefore above the law? |
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Wed 03/19/08 03:46 PM
everyone agrees on that the problem is we can't find him. Not only that local PD and States Attorney are saying we can reasonably assume my kids are safe as we know who has them and they are reluctant to treat it as kidnapping yet till the judge decides how he wants to view it. I don't get it he's military therefore above the law? Try to take comfort in the fact that he loves your children... and most likely lost his chances at custody. Have faith that you will see them soon. ![]() |
u can get a court order to bring back the kids call the ohio child protective services.also call the schoo the children attended to see if the records were requested and where they were will be lucky if he enrolled them in school
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Wed 03/19/08 04:16 PM
We go to court on monday. I have called social services here we think he is going to OH but don't know for sure. He withdrew my son from school but didn't ask for the resords to be forewarded he is hand carrying them. He did this as of yesterday the school cslled me this morning.
Even with joint custody, there is one parent normally named as "resided with". This is awful and God bless you. It's a real shame how the children suffer at the hands of exes. It sounds like he's gone AWOL, to boot. Probably hiding kids until he can safely get them to Grandma. What happened to AMBER alerts? I know it's a shot in the dark, but perhaps contact that show with John Walsh to see if they can do a blurb on the next airing, contact any local missing children's organizations to see what they have to say & to refer you to other avenues. And, tell your lawyer to postpone the first hearing and bring this situation to the attention of the judge NOW!! And, from experience I can say, unless someone gets furtive with the police, they will let it slide. I figured out unless someone is dying or already dead, they don't budge, and they are especially shy of domestic stuff for various reasons. Military or not, there's no excuse for the authority's poor behaviour.
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Wed 03/19/08 04:50 PM
The kids are listed as residing with him my son goes to a public/military school by the base where their father lives.At this time Amber alert is not an option as they won't put my children as kidnapped they know who they are with and can safely assume they are "safe". They will only classify him as in violation of a court order. Social Services has taken a report nad suggested i call Local Family Advocacy for the AF Base........they can't or won't do anything as he is on leave and can't be declared AWOL until he doesn't report back to duty.The judge has all the paperwork it's his decision to declare and emergency hearing or wait till monday. Since this year was to be my Exes year for easter we figure he will wait till monday. Since my ex would have had my kids for the holiday starting tomorrow.
Dear Lord!! This has to be so frustrating for you and you must be SO exhausted and out of your mind. I wish, I wish, someone with some legal background would see this and HELP YOU & YOUR CHILDREN!!! God bless & I'll say a prayer that you all get what is right & needed for peace.
What branch? What installation was he at? Get in touch with his Commanding Officer and see what can be done straight from the top, after that you can also get into contact with a federal branch of authorities because if he went over state line it becomes a federal case. First off figure out if you can talk to his CO, then if needed talk too the court and see if you can get it filed as a federal case.
That should speed it up. |
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Thu 03/20/08 05:08 PM
E-mail the branch or get ahold of them using a phone number, there are people higher up than those at the base. Didn't look much at this one but they may be able to help: |