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Topic: societal issue
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Wed 03/19/08 01:57 PM
in a country of the individual we have lost are humility.

would you agree do you see this as a bad thing

beccaloveslife's photo
Wed 03/19/08 01:58 PM
No more boys in girl pants! laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 03/19/08 01:58 PM

in a country of the individual we have lost are humility.

would you agree do you see this as a bad thing

franshade's photo
Wed 03/19/08 01:59 PM

in a country of the individual we have lost are humility.

would you agree do you see this as a bad thing

yes bad grammar laugh

ominousman26's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:00 PM
so i have come to the conclusion that im either just plain stupid....ooooor....i dont understand(and others)the question

no photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:00 PM

No more boys in girl pants! laugh

my 17 year old sister keeps bringing home guys that dress more femanine than she does.....tight bell bottom pants, shirts that are too small, pink......all i can think is "GO THROW A DA*N FOOTBALL!!"

ominousman26's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:00 PM

No more boys in girl pants! laugh

my 17 year old sister keeps bringing home guys that dress more femanine than she does.....tight bell bottom pants, shirts that are too small, pink......all i can think is "GO THROW A DA*N FOOTBALL!!"
drinker drinker drinker

no photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:01 PM

No more boys in girl pants! laugh

amen to that
and no more girls in boy pants its like i get it you dont give a damn

no photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:03 PM

so i have come to the conclusion that im either just plain stupid....ooooor....i dont understand(and others)the question

calling yourself stupid isnt showing humility its just putting youself down not the same thing

no photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:04 PM
Edited by JoshMN on Wed 03/19/08 02:05 PM
when i was growing up jeans and a t-shirt were all you needed, then the whole individual thing started kicking in, and thats when the preps, goths, jocks, stoners all blossomed (but how exactly does that make you an individual?) then guys started thinking crossdressing and make up was cool, and the weird thing is women actually go for that crap around here.......why? wouldn't that pretty much make you lesbian since the guy already wants to be a woman? lol, sorry, i'll be nice now.

ominousman26's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:04 PM

so i have come to the conclusion that im either just plain stupid....ooooor....i dont understand(and others)the question

calling yourself stupid isnt showing humility its just putting youself down not the same thing
I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOUR ASKING!! p.s:write better pleasehappy

ominousman26's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:05 PM

when i was growing up jeans and a t-shirt were all you needed, then the whole individual thing started kicking in, and thats when the preps, goths, jocks, stoners all blossomed (but how exactly does that make you an individual?) then guys started thinking crossdressing and make up was cool, and the weird thing is women actually go for that crap around here.......why? wouldn't that pretty much make you lesbian since the guy already wants to be a woman? lol, sorry, i'll be nice now.
the world is becoming gay

no photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:08 PM

when i was growing up jeans and a t-shirt were all you needed, then the whole individual thing started kicking in, and thats when the preps, goths, jocks, stoners all blossomed (but how exactly does that make you an individual?) then guys started thinking crossdressing and make up was cool, and the weird thing is women actually go for that crap around here.......why? wouldn't that pretty much make you lesbian since the guy already wants to be a woman? lol, sorry, i'll be nice now.
the world is becoming gay

noway i don't wanna be.sad

no photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:12 PM

so i have come to the conclusion that im either just plain stupid....ooooor....i dont understand(and others)the question

calling yourself stupid isnt showing humility its just putting youself down not the same thing
I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOUR ASKING!! p.s:write better pleasehappy

In my opinion, a society that promotes the individual to the extent that ours does, pushes aside such things as humility.
i'm not saying it's wrong to teach people to be themselves, but the way its done seems to say be yourself everyone else be damned.
when other peoples opinions do matter even if it is an opinion of you.

ominousman26's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:14 PM

so i have come to the conclusion that im either just plain stupid....ooooor....i dont understand(and others)the question

calling yourself stupid isnt showing humility its just putting youself down not the same thing
I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOUR ASKING!! p.s:write better pleasehappy

In my opinion, a society that promotes the individual to the extent that ours does, pushes aside such things as humility.
i'm not saying it's wrong to teach people to be themselves, but the way its done seems to say be yourself everyone else be damned.
when other peoples opinions do matter even if it is an opinion of you. gonna hafta dumb that down for me,cause i didnt understand what you just saidlaugh and i think i might have snoozed off for a second!yawn

no photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:17 PM

so i have come to the conclusion that im either just plain stupid....ooooor....i dont understand(and others)the question

calling yourself stupid isnt showing humility its just putting youself down not the same thing
I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOUR ASKING!! p.s:write better pleasehappy

In my opinion, a society that promotes the individual to the extent that ours does, pushes aside such things as humility.
i'm not saying it's wrong to teach people to be themselves, but the way its done seems to say be yourself everyone else be damned.
when other peoples opinions do matter even if it is an opinion of you. gonna hafta dumb that down for me,cause i didnt understand what you just saidlaugh and i think i might have snoozed off for a second!yawn

my point is people shouldnt be so up tight about porn
its just t and a and body fluids

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:18 PM

when i was growing up jeans and a t-shirt were all you needed, then the whole individual thing started kicking in, and thats when the preps, goths, jocks, stoners all blossomed (but how exactly does that make you an individual?) then guys started thinking crossdressing and make up was cool, and the weird thing is women actually go for that crap around here.......why? wouldn't that pretty much make you lesbian since the guy already wants to be a woman? lol, sorry, i'll be nice now.
the world is becoming gay

The world has always had gays. They were just afraid to tell, to the point of marrying and having kids just to pretend to others they were like them.

Does liking a man that is is gay or dresses like a "woman" mean being lesbian??? WTH?? Are you out of your mind man? Think about it. What does a woman and a man that has his afiminate side showing, have in common?


no photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:19 PM

when i was growing up jeans and a t-shirt were all you needed, then the whole individual thing started kicking in, and thats when the preps, goths, jocks, stoners all blossomed (but how exactly does that make you an individual?) then guys started thinking crossdressing and make up was cool, and the weird thing is women actually go for that crap around here.......why? wouldn't that pretty much make you lesbian since the guy already wants to be a woman? lol, sorry, i'll be nice now.
the world is becoming gay

The world has always had gays. They were just afraid to tell, to the point of marrying and having kids just to pretend to others they were like them.

Does liking a man that is is gay or dresses like a "woman" mean being lesbian??? WTH?? Are you out of your mind man? Think about it. What does a woman and a man that has his afiminate side showing, have in common?



scttrbrain's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:27 PM

so i have come to the conclusion that im either just plain stupid....ooooor....i dont understand(and others)the question

calling yourself stupid isnt showing humility its just putting youself down not the same thing
I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOUR ASKING!! p.s:write better pleasehappy

In my opinion, a society that promotes the individual to the extent that ours does, pushes aside such things as humility.
i'm not saying it's wrong to teach people to be themselves, but the way its done seems to say be yourself everyone else be damned.
when other peoples opinions do matter even if it is an opinion of you. gonna hafta dumb that down for me,cause i didnt understand what you just saidlaugh and i think i might have snoozed off for a second!yawn

my point is people shouldnt be so up tight about porn
its just t and a and body fluids

Porn is nasty in my opinion. It always has been to me. Even as a teenager and young adult. It makes me sick. There is a lot wrong with the porn industry. Some may be married, but many are there doing things they do not want to do.

Does anyopne know that these shoots take a long time? One sex scene sometimes takes 8 hours. Folks that is for one sex shot! It isn't all fun and games as some would think.

Porn is ugly, heartless and unbecoming. It has given many men the thoughts that this is the way of a sexual relationship with a woman. Truth is....that kind of sex gets boring very fast. It becomes a job. If it's's no fun.

I was with a guy that porn was a part of his life. A big part. I hated it but gave in for a time. I began to hate him. It was all about what and where and how it could be done just like in those flicks. Over and over again. He was rarely satisfied because it wasn't like those actors made it seem. He thought it should be the noise and the smiles and the ooooohs and awes he watched. Always being ready to do it at a moments notice. Wearing those clothes. Acting like it was always great. Nope....In my opinion it is doing more harm than good.


scttrbrain's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:28 PM

when i was growing up jeans and a t-shirt were all you needed, then the whole individual thing started kicking in, and thats when the preps, goths, jocks, stoners all blossomed (but how exactly does that make you an individual?) then guys started thinking crossdressing and make up was cool, and the weird thing is women actually go for that crap around here.......why? wouldn't that pretty much make you lesbian since the guy already wants to be a woman? lol, sorry, i'll be nice now.
the world is becoming gay

The world has always had gays. They were just afraid to tell, to the point of marrying and having kids just to pretend to others they were like them.

Does liking a man that is is gay or dresses like a "woman" mean being lesbian??? WTH?? Are you out of your mind man? Think about it. What does a woman and a man that has his afiminate side showing, have in common?



You think? Shows what you don't know.


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