Topic: teens | |
14teen girl mad 'cause her mom won't buy a new 'puter
teens all out of the house, have great grandkids who will soon be teens,
you should hear their want list. |
I just bought my 11 year old a computer for xmas it was almost all she
got but she got it and it stays here with me she can use it when she visits me. |
My teens use mine... when I am not on it *S*
Hummm I say let her get glad in the same pants she got mad in life is
not a bed of roses tell her to get a part time job on the weekends and buy herself one. Sure want hurt her to work for what she wants. |
she does'nt fly like i'm not her dad she recently just confiscatedmom's
'puter. |
Hummm well if mom let her have her computer guess she got what she
wanted and mom let her. |
tone I hear ya I got a 13 yr old and 12 soon to be 13 yr old if you can
get one for her by all means do so, they can be a great tool and asset, but by all means KNOW what she is doing on it at all times |
Mike there is a differce when a child is throwing a temp tantrum to get
what they want. I'm sure you don't let your kids get away with throwing a fit and you run out and buy them what they want to make them happy kids have to learn that sometime things are not that simple. If your kids come to you and say dad is there anyway we can get another computer so we can get on the computer also you would do what ever you can do in order to get another one even a used one can be found pretty cheap. But to have them throw a fit and give in I know you would not just do it that way kids have to learn also there is a way to go about things and a wrong way. They can't always have there way. |
Wow, and to think, my son bought me my computer.
TxsGal I have kids so yes I know the difference lol no they don't throw
fits they KNOW better :) |
well i know that if my sons ever started demanding stuff i would tell
them flat out "get a job to get what you want. i had to." heck i did work when i was 9 delivering the edmonton journal. i took a paper route that only had 12 papers and within 4 years it and another route were merged together for a grand total of 426 papers. so yes i worked for what i wanted. |
Mike I know you have kids and raise them by yourself hey I admire a man
that does that it is not an easy task but it is one that has rewards beyond anything that you can receive else were. Its just the way tonebear worded it the kid is all mad cause mom won't buy her a computer to me that is a child that will have that new computer soon and will not learn the value of things bet your kids don't throw those kind of fits and get away with it. Hummm I've been in your shoes raised mine for the last 15 years by myself but I only had 2. They have returned more to me than I have ever gave them just knowing they always call me and come see me lol I see my son at least 2-3 times a week he is mommy's little man now and for always lol |
well, I got problems with my older son, because he is use to getting
anything he wanted, my mother and sisters gave him whatever he asked for, now is a real big problem, but he will have to understand that now my mom is to old, and my sisters got their own children, he is suffering now!!!lol, |
pms stat r that your child may die before u!!