Topic: Insults | |
Hey anyone wanna talk bikes?
<<<<<<<aggrees with King! Ignore the jerks who bash you, are a
BEAUTIFUL woman! |
I know a fox when I c 1.I C U Mac!"S"
P.S.NOT a joke!
If I ever insulted you then I truly am sorry.
But I can't remember if I chatted with you or not. |
LOL Shadow,makin sure there is no misunderstanding.I do think she is a
fox.Now if only I could make myself her age!lol |
Fine I think she was taking about over all
aleacim 831 ! Purple sends (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))
I hate it when people are jerks ,,,and that says it in a nutshell !! JERKS!!! try not to feel bad , it happens ,, and I wish people would think more before they act!! |
I know Shadow, but it never hurts to apologize
LOL Bill the age thing don't bother me If you old enough to go in to a
bar then it's all good LMAO NO that is not true But now that I think about it I'm not to old for her lol |
OHH I see fine just incase you **** up LMAO
Some times you can say something and it can be taken the exact oppisit
way than it was ment.This dude was in the store trying to buy smokes,they told him no sence he had no i.d.I said he can go to the party store next door to get them.Thay took it as I was saying sell them to him.I said no,they dont |
Ya your probly right shadow.Think if we got serious her parents would
always hate me sence im around there age most likely.Couldnt see her,them or me happy then. |
Exactly Shadow, I do try to be nice, sometimes it doesn't always work.
Yeah it is to easy on here for people to take things wrong and that Is
when I talk to people I will usually use a smile or a > lol toy let them know |
Yeah Fine I know what you mean :) Can't be good all the time
So true shadow.
WINK Wink |
You know I was just going to post about the same topic. I have a profile
on Cl and I recieved 17 emails since I went to work and I would say about 1/3 of them called me fat, ugly, a *****, a looser and you name it. It doesnt really bother me but why take the time and send a email to someone you are not intrested in? Are they that unhappy in their lives to try to rip on others? Well, At lease those are the easy ones to wean out. **** dont you think I know I am fat or that I smoke, it isnt a stupid observation lol! At lease I can do something about those things and I have, but they cant change being as asshole! |
You guys are a riot! :)