Edited by
Mon 03/24/08 07:18 PM
To sum everything up, how much does white American have to give before we are even? What do we have to do to prove that the majority of white America is not racist? At what point is enough, enough!? perhaps when you stop these ramblings and just let people make up their own mind... ![]() ![]() ![]() bastet126, I quite agree. These 'Rev. Wright' threads have gone on long enough and have to end. If you think these 'Rev. Wright' threads have outlived their shelf life and need to end, use the ![]() ![]() I am quite ashamed to even share the title "human" with ppl who will not tolerate other ppls views, and have no recourse to their statements intelligently except to ridicule their views and seek to get others to do the same. If you cannot intelligently discuss a persons topic, then stay the hell out of it and keep your insignificant feelings to yourselves. end of rant. Thank you OMG...are u serious? u just did what you claim you are ashamed of...unable to tolerate other peoples views... well done!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
To sum everything up, how much does white American have to give before we are even? What do we have to do to prove that the majority of white America is not racist? At what point is enough, enough!? perhaps when you stop these ramblings and just let people make up their own mind... ![]() ![]() ![]() bastet126, I quite agree. These 'Rev. Wright' threads have gone on long enough and have to end. If you think these 'Rev. Wright' threads have outlived their shelf life and need to end, use the ![]() ![]() I am quite ashamed to even share the title "human" with ppl who will not tolerate other ppls views, and have no recourse to their statements intelligently except to ridicule their views and seek to get others to do the same. If you cannot intelligently discuss a persons topic, then stay the hell out of it and keep your insignificant feelings to yourselves. end of rant. Thank you OMG...are u serious? u just did what you claim you are ashamed of...unable to tolerate other peoples views... well done!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yes, well done! Bravo!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 03/26/08 10:59 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Dragoness..... Consider this in reference to your liking Barack and his speech. All Obama did was critize white America. He failed to acknowledge that America has been the best country on earth for blacks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known. In this connection Obama and his wife Michelle should go down on their knees and thank God they and their children are American. Incidentally, the 600,000 blacks who were brought here from Africa were sold to whites by their fellow blacks. In certain parts of Africa when two tribes waged war against each other, the losers were made slaves and either kept or sold to other tribes for the duration of their lifetime. Obama fails to realize that no people anywhere have done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the 1960's on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream. Obama doesn't want to see that American government, both on the state and federal level, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white America with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas, all to advance black applicants over white applicants. Obama's speech never gave credit to the churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America who have donated time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks. When I was teaching I taught at Delcite prior to my teaching at the University. Delcite is/was a school for adult men and women who wanted to earn their GED. The school was free, if you were black. Barack talks about new "ladders of opportunity" for blacks. Let him go to Altoona and Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for "deserving" white kids. None -- they were all offered to black kids. Obama and his Rev. Wright believe white America is responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America. I suppose it is white America's fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent. Obama won't acknowledge that the fault first, last and always lies within the black community itself. As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time? Is Barack aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse? To sum everything up, how much does white American have to give before we are even? What do we have to do to prove that the majority of white America is not racist? At what point is enough, enough!? ![]() So, leahmarie, were you ever victimized personally by a black man? mnhiker...... No, I have never been victimized by a black man. Black men treat me the same way white men do. They open doors for me and move aside to let me get in front of them when I am in a fast food place or whatever. If they make eye contact with me, they give me a friendly smile or nod. I am very fortunate when it comes to both white and black men. For some reason they go out of their way to be courteous to me. Maybe it is because I am a pretty blonde? ![]() Additionally, when I was riding the buses and trains, because of my accident, both black men and white men would get up and insist that I take their seats. However, the thing that absolutely shocks me is the rudeness of black women in their late teens, early 20's and into their 30's. As I indicated above, I had to ride the buses when I had my accident. One could tell by looking at me that I had a problem. However, if/when a black man offered me his seat, if there were young black women on the bus they would voice their complaint about a black man offering a white woman his seat in lieu of a black woman. On two occassions when I got off the bus after black men had offered me their seats, young black women tried to trip me. I couldn't believe what was happening. I had to stop riding the buses because of the young black women being so angry towards me. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Dragoness..... Consider this in reference to your liking Barack and his speech. All Obama did was critize white America. He failed to acknowledge that America has been the best country on earth for blacks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known. In this connection Obama and his wife Michelle should go down on their knees and thank God they and their children are American. Incidentally, the 600,000 blacks who were brought here from Africa were sold to whites by their fellow blacks. In certain parts of Africa when two tribes waged war against each other, the losers were made slaves and either kept or sold to other tribes for the duration of their lifetime. Obama fails to realize that no people anywhere have done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the 1960's on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream. Obama doesn't want to see that American government, both on the state and federal level, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white America with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas, all to advance black applicants over white applicants. Obama's speech never gave credit to the churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America who have donated time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks. When I was teaching I taught at Delcite prior to my teaching at the University. Delcite is/was a school for adult men and women who wanted to earn their GED. The school was free, if you were black. Barack talks about new "ladders of opportunity" for blacks. Let him go to Altoona and Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for "deserving" white kids. None -- they were all offered to black kids. Obama and his Rev. Wright believe white America is responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America. I suppose it is white America's fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent. Obama won't acknowledge that the fault first, last and always lies within the black community itself. As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time? Is Barack aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse? To sum everything up, how much does white American have to give before we are even? What do we have to do to prove that the majority of white America is not racist? At what point is enough, enough!? ![]() So, leahmarie, were you ever victimized personally by a black man? mnhiker...... No, I have never been victimized by a black man. Black men treat me the same way white men do. They open doors for me and move aside to let me get in front of them when I am in a fast food place or whatever. If they make eye contact with me, they smile and give me a big hello. I am very fortunate when it comes to both white and black men. For some reason they go out of their way to be courteous to me. Maybe it is because I am a pretty blonde? ![]() Additionally, when I was riding the buses and trains, because of my accident, both black men and white men would get up and insist that I take their seats. However, the thing that absolutely shocks me is the rudeness of black women in their late teens, early 20's and into their 30's. As I indicated above, I had to ride the buses when I had my accident. One could tell by looking at me that I had a problem. However, if/when a black man offered me his seat, if there were young black women on the bus they would voice their complaint about a black man offering a white woman his seat in lieu of a black woman. On two occassions when I got off the bus after black men had offered me their seats, young black women tried to trip me. I couldn't believe what was happening. I had to stop riding the buses because of the young black women being so angry towards me. I'm sorry you had to endure that. Any kind of racism, even the reverse kind, is wrong. I was just trying to discern your motives for going after Obama because of a few of the sermons Rev. Wright preached that have made the rounds on Youtube and elsewhere. Obama isn't responsible for everything his preacher says, just like John McCain isn't responsible for everything the preachers that support him say. |
Edited by
Wed 03/26/08 11:06 PM
bastet and mnhiker ......
it would do you both well to read willycents post on the previous page. |
To sum everything up, how much does white American have to give before we are even? What do we have to do to prove that the majority of white America is not racist? At what point is enough, enough!? perhaps when you stop these ramblings and just let people make up their own mind... ![]() ![]() ![]() bastet126, I quite agree. These 'Rev. Wright' threads have gone on long enough and have to end. If you think these 'Rev. Wright' threads have outlived their shelf life and need to end, use the ![]() ![]() I am quite ashamed to even share the title "human" with ppl who will not tolerate other ppls views, and have no recourse to their statements intelligently except to ridicule their views and seek to get others to do the same. If you cannot intelligently discuss a persons topic, then stay the hell out of it and keep your insignificant feelings to yourselves. end of rant. Thank you ![]() |
To sum everything up, how much does white American have to give before we are even? What do we have to do to prove that the majority of white America is not racist? At what point is enough, enough!? perhaps when you stop these ramblings and just let people make up their own mind... ![]() ![]() ![]() bastet126, I quite agree. These 'Rev. Wright' threads have gone on long enough and have to end. If you think these 'Rev. Wright' threads have outlived their shelf life and need to end, use the ![]() ![]() I am quite ashamed to even share the title "human" with ppl who will not tolerate other ppls views, and have no recourse to their statements intelligently except to ridicule their views and seek to get others to do the same. If you cannot intelligently discuss a persons topic, then stay the hell out of it and keep your insignificant feelings to yourselves. end of rant. Thank you ![]() Well, so much for trying to sympathize. ![]() No good deed goes unpunished. ![]() And willycents' views was only a case of the pot calling the kettle black. |
To sum everything up, how much does white American have to give before we are even? What do we have to do to prove that the majority of white America is not racist? At what point is enough, enough!? perhaps when you stop these ramblings and just let people make up their own mind... ![]() ![]() ![]() bastet126, I quite agree. These 'Rev. Wright' threads have gone on long enough and have to end. If you think these 'Rev. Wright' threads have outlived their shelf life and need to end, use the ![]() ![]() I am quite ashamed to even share the title "human" with ppl who will not tolerate other ppls views, and have no recourse to their statements intelligently except to ridicule their views and seek to get others to do the same. If you cannot intelligently discuss a persons topic, then stay the hell out of it and keep your insignificant feelings to yourselves. end of rant. Thank you ![]() Well, so much for trying to sympathize. ![]() No good deed goes unpunished. ![]() And willycents' views was only a case of the pot calling the kettle black. mnhiker..... I appreciate your sympathizing with my plight on the bus. However, you have been unduly angry ever since I have gone after Obama. I never called you to task despite all the Bush bashing you do, until you started name calling and attacking me for bashing Obama. You are acting like a typical liberal. You can do all the Bush bashing you want, but the moment someone goes after your precious Obama, you are, as you put it, "a case of the pot calling the kettle black." Incidentally, willy cents is right, if you don't like my going after Obama, then stay off the threads. |
Edited by
Wed 03/26/08 11:34 PM
To sum everything up, how much does white American have to give before we are even? What do we have to do to prove that the majority of white America is not racist? At what point is enough, enough!? perhaps when you stop these ramblings and just let people make up their own mind... ![]() ![]() ![]() bastet126, I quite agree. These 'Rev. Wright' threads have gone on long enough and have to end. If you think these 'Rev. Wright' threads have outlived their shelf life and need to end, use the ![]() ![]() I am quite ashamed to even share the title "human" with ppl who will not tolerate other ppls views, and have no recourse to their statements intelligently except to ridicule their views and seek to get others to do the same. If you cannot intelligently discuss a persons topic, then stay the hell out of it and keep your insignificant feelings to yourselves. end of rant. Thank you ![]() Well, so much for trying to sympathize. ![]() No good deed goes unpunished. ![]() And willycents' views was only a case of the pot calling the kettle black. mnhiker..... I appreciate your sympathizing with my plight on the bus. However, you have been unduly angry ever since I have gone after Obama. I never called you to task despite all the Bush bashing you do, until you started name calling and attacking me for bashing Obama. You are acting like a typical liberal. You can do all the Bush bashing you want, but the moment someone goes after your precious Obama, you are, as you put it, "a case of the pot calling the kettle black." Incidentally, willy cents is right, if you don't like my going after Obama, then stay off the threads. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You just bore me with your constant obsession with it. It's time to let it go. All that hate will eat you up. You can call me a typical liberal all you want, saying it doesn't make it so. I'm remaining on the threads whether anyone likes it or not. |
To sum everything up, how much does white American have to give before we are even? What do we have to do to prove that the majority of white America is not racist? At what point is enough, enough!? perhaps when you stop these ramblings and just let people make up their own mind... ![]() ![]() ![]() bastet126, I quite agree. These 'Rev. Wright' threads have gone on long enough and have to end. If you think these 'Rev. Wright' threads have outlived their shelf life and need to end, use the ![]() ![]() I am quite ashamed to even share the title "human" with ppl who will not tolerate other ppls views, and have no recourse to their statements intelligently except to ridicule their views and seek to get others to do the same. If you cannot intelligently discuss a persons topic, then stay the hell out of it and keep your insignificant feelings to yourselves. end of rant. Thank you OMG...are u serious? u just did what you claim you are ashamed of...unable to tolerate other peoples views... well done!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
So I bore you because I initiate threads about Obama, but it is okay for you to bash Bush non-stop. You are obsessed with your hatred for Bush; there is something quite amiss with your mindset. I have been on this site for almost three months and the only thing you have done is bash Bush, which tells me something is not right with you. You need to let it go since it is not normal for a person to be filled with such hatred for Bush. You say you are not a typical liberal, but your denial will not make the label of liberal go away. What makes you a liberal are the posts/threads you initiate; they cry liberal ..... liberal .....! Clean up your act. Get rid of the hate and all of the Bush bashing. Do, say, offer, suggest ..... anything, except the constant boring repetitive hateful Bush bashing. You are really quite obsessed .... not good for your mental health. |
mnhiker...... So I bore you because I initiate threads about Obama, but it is okay for you to bash Bush non-stop. You are obsessed with your hatred for Bush; there is something quite amiss with your mindset. I have been on this site for almost three months and the only thing you have done is bash Bush, which tells me something is not right with you. You need to let it go since it is not normal for a person to be filled with such hatred for Bush. You say you are not a typical liberal, but your denial will not make the label of liberal go away. What makes you a liberal are the posts/threads you initiate; they cry liberal ..... liberal .....! Clean up your act. Get rid of the hate and all of the Bush bashing. Do, say, offer, suggest ..... anything, except the constant boring repetitive hateful Bush bashing. You are really quite obsessed .... not good for your mental health. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 03/26/08 11:58 PM
bastet and mnhiker ...... it would do you both well to read willycents post on the previous page. the post suggested..... I am quite ashamed to even share the title "human" with ppl who will not tolerate other ppls views, and have no recourse to their statements intelligently except to ridicule their views and seek to get others to do the same. If you cannot intelligently discuss a persons topic, then stay the hell out of it and keep your insignificant feelings to yourselves. end of rant. Thank you post by the one suggesting above post I appreciate your sympathizing with my plight on the bus. However, you have been unduly angry ever since I have gone after Obama. I never called you to task despite all the Bush bashing you do, until you started name calling and attacking me for bashing Obama. You are acting like a typical liberal. You can do all the Bush bashing you want, but the moment someone goes after your precious Obama, you are, as you put it, "a case of the pot calling the kettle black." Incidentally, willy cents is right, if you don't like my going after Obama, then stay off the threads. maybe everyone needs to quit shooting the messenger and examine the message |
mnhiker...... So I bore you because I initiate threads about Obama, but it is okay for you to bash Bush non-stop. You are obsessed with your hatred for Bush; there is something quite amiss with your mindset. I have been on this site for almost three months and the only thing you have done is bash Bush, which tells me something is not right with you. You need to let it go since it is not normal for a person to be filled with such hatred for Bush. You say you are not a typical liberal, but your denial will not make the label of liberal go away. What makes you a liberal are the posts/threads you initiate; they cry liberal ..... liberal .....! Clean up your act. Get rid of the hate and all of the Bush bashing. Do, say, offer, suggest ..... anything, except the constant boring repetitive hateful Bush bashing. You are really quite obsessed .... not good for your mental health. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() mnhiker...... You are a liberal lost cause. Good night. I need to get back to bed. Just got up for some milk and cookies .... chocolate chip gourmet with walnuts. We conservatives not only pick the best candidates to run for president, but we also choose the best cookies to go with our milk. I suppose you are having skim milk and diet cookes? ![]() |
mnhiker...... So I bore you because I initiate threads about Obama, but it is okay for you to bash Bush non-stop. You are obsessed with your hatred for Bush; there is something quite amiss with your mindset. I have been on this site for almost three months and the only thing you have done is bash Bush, which tells me something is not right with you. You need to let it go since it is not normal for a person to be filled with such hatred for Bush. You say you are not a typical liberal, but your denial will not make the label of liberal go away. What makes you a liberal are the posts/threads you initiate; they cry liberal ..... liberal .....! Clean up your act. Get rid of the hate and all of the Bush bashing. Do, say, offer, suggest ..... anything, except the constant boring repetitive hateful Bush bashing. You are really quite obsessed .... not good for your mental health. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() mnhiker...... You are a liberal lost cause. Good night. I need to get back to bed. Just got up for some milk and cookies .... chocolate chip gourmet with walnuts. We conservatives not only pick the best candidates to run for president, but we also choose the best cookies to go with our milk. I suppose you are having skim milk and diet cookes? ![]() well mccain was not the best republican available that is for sure |
mnhiker...... So I bore you because I initiate threads about Obama, but it is okay for you to bash Bush non-stop. You are obsessed with your hatred for Bush; there is something quite amiss with your mindset. I have been on this site for almost three months and the only thing you have done is bash Bush, which tells me something is not right with you. You need to let it go since it is not normal for a person to be filled with such hatred for Bush. You say you are not a typical liberal, but your denial will not make the label of liberal go away. What makes you a liberal are the posts/threads you initiate; they cry liberal ..... liberal .....! Clean up your act. Get rid of the hate and all of the Bush bashing. Do, say, offer, suggest ..... anything, except the constant boring repetitive hateful Bush bashing. You are really quite obsessed .... not good for your mental health. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() mnhiker...... You are a liberal lost cause. Good night. I need to get back to bed. Just got up for some milk and cookies .... chocolate chip gourmet with walnuts. We conservatives not only pick the best candidates to run for president, but we also choose the best cookies to go with our milk. I suppose you are having skim milk and diet cookes? ![]() I seldom eat cookies, but for your information that last cookies I ate were gourmet macadamia nut given to me by my friend. And I had them with milk. Cookies taste sweeter when they come from a friend. No conservatives don't always pick the best candidate. They picked George Bush, Jr., and I hardly think he was the best they could have gotten. |
mnhiker...... So you seldom eat cookies, but the last cookies you ate were gourmet macadamia nut given to you by your friend. You did not need to share the information that you either have few friends or that your friends seldom give you cookies.
No, cookies do not taste sweeter when they come from a friend. They taste much better when, like mine, they come on a regular basis from a son. Conservatives don't always pick the best candidate? Look at what you Liberals have picked! Hillary and Obama! What a big joke! They are not only tearing each other apart, but they are also imploding the Democratic Party. Is this the best the Democratic Party could have gotten? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 03/27/08 03:25 PM
bastet and mnhiker ...... it would do you both well to read willycents post on the previous page. the post suggested..... I am quite ashamed to even share the title "human" with ppl who will not tolerate other ppls views, and have no recourse to their statements intelligently except to ridicule their views and seek to get others to do the same. If you cannot intelligently discuss a persons topic, then stay the hell out of it and keep your insignificant feelings to yourselves. end of rant. Thank you post by the one suggesting above post I appreciate your sympathizing with my plight on the bus. However, you have been unduly angry ever since I have gone after Obama. I never called you to task despite all the Bush bashing you do, until you started name calling and attacking me for bashing Obama. You are acting like a typical liberal. You can do all the Bush bashing you want, but the moment someone goes after your precious Obama, you are, as you put it, "a case of the pot calling the kettle black." Incidentally, willy cents is right, if you don't like my going after Obama, then stay off the threads. maybe everyone needs to quit shooting the messenger and examine the message THANK YOU!!! ![]() ![]() |
just for the record, i haven't been bashing anyone - i've just been supporting someone, obama, who is being bashed, with facts in rebuttal. i think it's only fair, when truths are not told, the fact be allowed to be voiced. it's obvious from the amount of posts this thread has gotten that people on JSH aren't interested in the obama bashing. let people make up there own minds, and stop the rantings. peace.
and my point in replying to willy was the fact the post said: "I am quite ashamed to even share the title "human" with ppl who will not tolerate other ppls views" and the post was doing that very thing - being intolerant of other peoples ![]() |
just for the record, i haven't been bashing anyone - i've just been supporting someone, obama, who is being bashed, with facts in rebuttal. i think it's only fair, when truths are not told, the fact be allowed to be voiced. it's obvious from the amount of posts this thread has gotten that people on JSH aren't interested in the obama bashing. let people make up there own minds, and stop the rantings. peace. and my point in replying to willy was the fact the post said: "I am quite ashamed to even share the title "human" with ppl who will not tolerate other ppls views" and the post was doing that very thing - being intolerant of other peoples ![]() |