Topic: why not fess up?
no photo
Wed 01/03/07 07:40 PM
why do u think busch is so hung up on iraq when most people in the usa
know its not worth our troops being killed? and why isnt he talking
about the guy that made 911 happen... oshma b.?????

songbirrd's photo
Wed 01/03/07 07:50 PM
very good question,i think it's because he doesn't want to admit he was
wrong,and plus it obviously doesn't matter to him what happens because
he cant run again. ever since he was re-elected he hasn't done anything
to prove that he still cares.

no photo
Wed 01/03/07 08:27 PM
i think it has something to do with him not wanting to retreat on
something as huge as iraq. it would not be easy to say i made a mistake
after all of those families lost their loved ones fighting in the war.

songbirrd's photo
Wed 01/03/07 08:35 PM
yea but if he had stopped it when it first came out that it wasn't
saddam we wouldn't have as many dead soldiars or grieving families

no photo
Wed 01/03/07 09:44 PM
exactly songbird about him not being able to run again, but he's not
helping the republican party with the next election bid either lol I am
glad of one thing though I am glad bush was in the office when 911 hit
instead of the other fruitcake.

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 01/03/07 11:10 PM
Well of course 4fun

Most politicians are in their own little world. Or have you not figured
that out yet?

So hence. They don't see reality as you or I. And I'm not just Bashing
the Reps. Also the Dems are in a f*u*c*k*ing altered state of reality
too. IMHO evern more so.

Remember Pres. LBJ.

He too was in a state of allution to not want to bow out gracefully.

lily38's photo
Thu 01/04/07 04:12 AM
Exactly, Ghost. This is like a second coming of Vietnam.

Tneal's photo
Thu 01/04/07 07:53 AM
You guys are missing it.

We did not go into IRAQ cause of the blow up of the twin towers, we went
in cause there was "evedence" that Obin was spotted hiding in IRAQ, then
we found out there were weapons of mass destruction in IRAQ, and we saw
another 911 in those weapons.

I still believe there were weapons, I also believe that they were moved
to IRAN. This is why we did not find anything.

I also believe that we should of went all the way to Bagdad when we
defended the Kwatti boarders.


Gryphyn's photo
Thu 01/04/07 09:13 AM
I just wonder how many of those who say The USA shouldn't take care of
business have ever lost a loved to terrorism or in a War. It seems to me
the misinformed are always trying to tell me or others how wrong it is
to be in a war on terrorism, or any war. Stop telling me this is another
Vietnam, it isnt. Find out what Vietnam was about before you make that

Take a look at how life is today, can you honestly say you won't be
effected by this war? Everyone is effected by the actions taken in
recent years. Many of you don't remember other issues that occurred in
the early 1980's. The hostages in that era were civilians also. They
were paraded in front of the world by a sect of terroists. How many
times do we allow terrorists to hold hostages or destroy Icons of
freedom before you start yelling about something being wrong.

Ask yourself what you would do if a terrorist took your wife or husband
hostage and you watched them suffer? What is the diffence between that
and what has occurred? Ask yourself how much you really know about the
war in the middle east. Who is fighting who? Israel is fighting against
one thing, Turkey another, Afganastan another, The palestinians another.

Frankly the President bashers of any era should look beyond thier noses
or what other people tell them and look at the history books. Many times
in the history of the world it is the leader of these different sects of
terror that are able to convince the Masses what they do is right.
Hitler is only one example, read the history of this world and make an
informed decision. Don't listen to what you hear, it is only one mans
opinion. Use what god gave you and make your own informed decision.

Just My Honest Opinion


no photo
Thu 01/04/07 07:25 PM
thats just it... i do rember the 80s and the 70s and the 60s as well and
thats why i feel about this oil war going on in iraq.

no photo
Thu 01/04/07 08:31 PM
4f un06 I'd like to know your military background? I put mine on here
twice,I can put my diploma from the chemical school I went to when I was
in the guard. What can you show?

zack100's photo
Thu 01/04/07 08:37 PM
Americans, usually have difficulty with I,m sure you know...!

no photo
Thu 01/04/07 09:04 PM
zack what is with you bashing americans?

no photo
Thu 01/04/07 09:04 PM
that's 2 times tonight that I have seen

no photo
Thu 01/04/07 09:07 PM
someones gotta stop the terrorists at whatever price I know we could do
it quicker and cleaner but the rest of the world wouldn't like the
method, well cleaner for our side. They acheived the WTC destruction
something they have been trying to do for years if you remember, now
that they have if we would have sat back and done nothing there would
surely have been alot more casualties right here of our own citizens
including our own kids.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 01/04/07 10:13 PM
Youve also got to fiqure most ppl voted for him,
even though they wont publicly fess up to it!!
which to me proves most americans dont even keep up with the facts,, I
like to tell these ppl they got what they asked for!

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 01/04/07 11:46 PM
God, I'm sounding like a broken record but...IRAQ HAD ZIP TO DO WITH
9/11. And 2nd, Tneal, you guys didn't "find out" there were WMDs in
Iraq. You guys GAVE them to Iraq in the early '80s. It's public
knowledge. You guys also helped to weapon Iraq up (remember the
Iran/Contra hearings?)
Bush should'a just been up front and said, "Look, the US f*u*c*k*e*d up
giving Iraq those weapons. Saddam has proved he's unstable and a threat,
if not to the US then to the Mid-East region, and we gave him a one
sided advantage in the region, so now it's time to take his toys away
from him." I think the American public at large and the Western public
in general might have found this to be a little more reasonable. But
let's face it, the US reasons for going into Iraq changed almost weekly,
which made Bush sound like a liar and desperate. And when no WMDs were
found, the Reps tried to blame the Dems for bad intelligence. It wasn't
bad intelligence, it was a lack of it on BOTH sides, and the assumption
that too many high ranking politicians seem to make, that we have none

no photo
Tue 01/09/07 10:04 AM
all i can say about the whole shooting match is... the world WILL be a
better place when g. busch isnt our pres. any more!!

zack100's photo
Tue 01/09/07 02:21 PM
MikeM68, I,m from New Zealand, and have lived in the States nearly 10
years and I,m a legal citizen, but I don,t consider
myself think its okay to just ravish someone,s
country because you don,t like their policies....well lets hope
that the americans...are the only ones that feel that way.