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Topic: party worrys
adj4u's photo
Fri 03/14/08 01:12 PM
(March 14) - Democrats are increasingly worried about their chances for victory in November after a series of attacks by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on rival Sen. Barack Obama's leadership, credibility, readiness as commander in chief and, now, his ability to win the White House.


we know there are

no insecure people

in the voting pool

i think the point is being over looked by all of us

and i take the blame

for noticing the name reference change

it was in reference to a discussion in

another thread where it was brought up

that the democrats are imploding

and today this article is on the front page of a news channel

no photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:10 PM
Edited by Jistme on Fri 03/14/08 02:11 PM

that a girl

dave is teaching you well

Wad I teach her? Whatever it was.. I'm very sorry. Please forgive me.

The average man doesn't like a woman retaining her maiden name.

I'm an average man.. I could care less if Lilith took my name or not. Should I ask her hand in marriege, my concern would probably be more focused on the question at hand and her answer.
I was born with my name. I had no choice. She has a choice and a right to make it, without my interferance.
I'm pretty sure if you were to actually take a look around... You would find a number of men who are way more enlightened then you give credit for.huh

the democrats are imploding

This is news? I was under the impression this was an everyday thing!
I'm an independant.
The discourse in the Democratic party, is one of the reasons I'm independant. The other is the Republicans seem to have stoped being Republican somewhere along the way, long before the current Administration, in my opinion.

It all sounds to me as.. It is business as usual!

mnhiker's photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:12 PM

(March 14) - Democrats are increasingly worried about their chances for victory in November after a series of attacks by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on rival Sen. Barack Obama's leadership, credibility, readiness as commander in chief and, now, his ability to win the White House.


we know there are

no insecure people

in the voting pool

i think the point is being over looked by all of us

and i take the blame

for noticing the name reference change

it was in reference to a discussion in

another thread where it was brought up

that the democrats are imploding

and today this article is on the front page of a news channel

If the Democrats lose the Presidency in November it will be completely Hillary Clinton's fault.

I hope if that happens the Democrats will have learned a lesson, and that is to never consider a Clinton for the Presidency again.

adj4u's photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:18 PM
i don't know about that

but she will get a bit of the credit

no photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:22 PM
I hope if that happens the Democrats will have learned a lesson, and that is to never consider a Clinton for the Presidency again.

How did they play into it (The Clintons) the last time around? Or the time before that?

adj4u's photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:49 PM
did no bill support the 2000 candidate or was it 04

i do not remember now


oh well

glasses glasses <<<<-----they are watching

no photo
Fri 03/14/08 03:03 PM
did no bill support the 2000 candidate or was it 04
I'm sure both... Considering Gore was his Vice President, and I do believe Kerry had their support too.. after the primaries in '04. I'm not sure about before though.

adj4u's photo
Fri 03/14/08 03:06 PM
if i remember correctly

i think gore tried to distance himself

from bill

so they could not hold it together in 2000 neither

they are to busy fighting with each other to get r done

as larry would say

only time will tell i guess

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