Topic: 300 Dollars
FroznChild's photo
Thu 03/13/08 09:46 PM
300 Dollars

I'm catching a ride on the next carousel, the black horse,
white chip on his ear,
And I'm gonna ride hell bent for leather, with a rope held high for that steer...
That one that got away so long ago, the day a mighty king fell from his thrown.
And was left to stand, a shamefaced man, in the dusty arena, all alone.

I'm gonna take the reign and ride the pain, of a memory that haunts me still,
Of the steer that ran clear, on a day held so dear, and shattered my ironclad will.

Was a long sunny day, that the hush softly lay, on the crowd as they sat in the stands,
Not a cloud in the sky, held sun from the eye, as they anxiously wrung their hands.
Every house was empty, every store was closed, every single person was here,
To see a man, that laid his brand, on every single steer.

A man that stood least six feet tall, an weighed two hundred pound,
That rode his horse like a bolt of lightening, gone before the sound.
You could almost see the wind blow by, like a whirlpool dizzy with speed,
Then he'd lay those spurs of cactus burs, till the eyes went wide on his steed.

As his horse would rear, and the crowd would cheer, the rope would leap from his hand,
And from that steer, came cries of fear, as the noose would quickly land.
Then a ball of dust would rise from the earth, and cover the scene like snow,
As both man and horrid beast, fought to win the show.

But he'd always won, never been out done, seemed fate was on his side,
But today my friend, is a different day, and a very different ride.
Today this man, must face a legend, a doggie that's never been plucked from its' prime.
A steer that's thrown every single rope... Every single time.

And cute was something he surely was not, had you ever tried to take his crown,
His eyes would burn like brimstone coals, as he looked you up and down.
His hair would stand up straight and coarse, and his hooves would shine coal black,
The muscle that rippled beneath his hide, would make most men turn back.

The crowd has paid a mighty price, and not once stopped to consider twice,
For the money was well worth the show.
And as both stars take their places, you can see in their faces,
they're ready to go.

The bell rings out, and the people shout,
as the chute breaks open wide,
Now the horse rears back, and spares no slack,
as the cowboy begins to ride.

And just as I told you a minute ago,
is how the story went to a T.
But when that dust had settled down,
the doggie was still free.

And I, having just announced, through sheer intelligence and luck,
That the man who thought that the steer would win, stood a chance to win a buck.

The odds I gave as Ten to One, I always knew a sure fire bet,
And for every dollar the fools threw down,
...MY Ten dollars met.

So now I'm back on the last carousel, chasing that horse again,
And this time when the ride stops,
...I KNOW that I will win.

I know that rope will land square and true,
and I'll gain back my pride...

And should my dreams fall short again...
Well, I guess I'll take Another, 300 dollar ride.

With Equescent Thoughts...
FroznChild indifferent

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 03/13/08 09:47 PM

FroznChild's photo
Thu 03/13/08 09:56 PM


Howdy howdy Mirror... Got another smoke?

no photo
Thu 03/13/08 10:30 PM
Very Good.. We seem to be writing with the same pallet of colors my friend.. WILL

Sitngrin's photo
Thu 03/13/08 11:05 PM
Wow.............That's all I can get out of my mouth. I'm in AWE


drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

FroznChild's photo
Thu 03/13/08 11:54 PM

Very Good.. We seem to be writing with the same pallet of colors my friend.. WILL

and it is such a beautiful pallet! Thanks for looking at this Will, takin the time means alot!

FroznChild's photo
Thu 03/13/08 11:56 PM

Wow.............That's all I can get out of my mouth. I'm in AWE


drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

LMAO... Wow is something that I have been finding myself saying lately, to many of the people posting.
And believe me, that more then a few of your poems, have left me wow'd in the same way!
ESPECIALLY, the post that you are doing seperatly right now...
I really, admire that.
Great Job, to you.

FroznChild's photo
Fri 03/14/08 01:47 AM
Lol... Nevermind, I found my own smoke... smokin

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 03/14/08 07:08 AM
Awww I must say very good my friend have been to many Rodeo's and must say any Cowboy would love this one you captured it so well. bigsmile flowerforyou bigsmile

no photo
Fri 03/14/08 08:00 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 03/14/08 08:20 AM
This ole cowboy has throw'd a holla-han and hit the mark,
back in his younger days
not to burn his brand but to see the crowd stand.
At the end of a rope there easy to tame.
Then one faitful day,
A man challenged me to somethin' new,
Now strapped on the back of an ole brahma bull,
I found a new thrill,
It sentd shivers down my spin,
Sittin' on the back of,
Some of the roughest,rankest stock.
This I could not resist.
Cause it was like ridin'
Satans flame...

Nice write my friend...drinker

silverwaya's photo
Fri 03/14/08 08:21 AM
gee i could just smell the horses in that one lol
(horses do smell wonderful)
of course it was yet another masterpiece
wonderfully written
with much love and admiration,
C~flowerforyou flowerforyou

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Fri 03/14/08 10:15 AM
Giddie up! drinker smokin

no photo
Fri 03/14/08 01:31 PM

gee i could just smell the horses in that one lol
(horses do smell wonderful)
of course it was yet another masterpiece
wonderfully written
with much love and admiration,
C~flowerforyou flowerforyou

Here in Arizona we call that the "Smell Of Fresh Country Air"....drinker

Lozer's photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:12 PM
Haiz [[again]]

I found this one to be quite
spectacular, as well! Though the
subject matter isn't as I would usually
read, ya know..I'm not into that whole scene,
the imagery and wording of this whole poem
was quite beautiful, and well, poetic. haha.

You write poetry the way it
was meant to be written. haha.


FroznChild's photo
Fri 03/14/08 09:17 PM

Haiz [[again]]

I found this one to be quite
spectacular, as well! Though the
subject matter isn't as I would usually
read, ya know..I'm not into that whole scene,
the imagery and wording of this whole poem
was quite beautiful, and well, poetic. haha.

You write poetry the way it
was meant to be written. haha.


Thanks Lozer... (love typing that, lol)
Your comments meant much to me... specially since you said this wasn't really your type of thing to read, and yet, you found it enjoyable... a good read...
That's what I aspire for... and thank you, for letting me know I hit the mark!

FroznChild's photo
Sat 03/15/08 01:50 AM

gee i could just smell the horses in that one lol
(horses do smell wonderful)
of course it was yet another masterpiece
wonderfully written
with much love and admiration,
C~flowerforyou flowerforyou

I love it when a poem can actually make you See, or Smell something, from your real life...
Thanks so much, for saying so, SilverWaya!
(Good to see you too)

FroznChild's photo
Sat 03/15/08 08:54 PM

Awww I must say very good my friend have been to many Rodeo's and must say any Cowboy would love this one you captured it so well. bigsmile flowerforyou bigsmile

Thank you Texas Gal... My dad was/is a Cowboy. (A true Cowboy) I can only aspire to one day be as good as him...
He makes this poem look like beginners work!
A pre-firster, as he would call it, Lol.