Topic: Trial by water | |
I stood at the foot of the cathedral, waiting...
The clouds overhead loomed ominously threatening the storm to come. My eye was drawn to the cross, the one true symbol of fruitless suffering... They baptized Jeffrey leaving everyone safe to enter heaven. Still I feel like I won't make it.. There are no baptismal waters deep enough for me. My head shall unfortunately remain dry. No last minute personally contrived reprieves for this pilgrim. I worhip at the altar of logistical silence. I sacrifice faithful hope to the gods of what I see to be true. Observational certainty can fill the soul too.. Just how much does it take to fill a soul?? Can you quantify spiritual fulfillment? Is there an equation for heaven?? The wind blew gently across my face lighting the nerve endings of my skin like neon stained glass bearing the full weight of the suns rays. Raindrops fell from on high. Covering me...Soaking my hair and shoulders to the bone. I thought to myself..."This is my undeclared baptism." What do I do NOW???? |
I stood at the foot of the cathedral, waiting... The clouds overhead loomed ominously threatening the storm to come. My eye was drawn to the cross, the one true symbol of fruitless suffering... They baptized Jeffrey leaving everyone safe to enter heaven. Still I feel like I won't make it.. There are no baptismal waters deep enough for me. My head shall unfortunately remain dry. No last minute personally contrived reprieves for this pilgrim. I worhip at the altar of logistical silence. I sacrifice faithful hope to the gods of what I see to be true. Observational certainty can fill the soul too.. Just how much does it take to fill a soul?? Can you quantify spiritual fulfillment? Is there an equation for heaven?? The wind blew gently across my face lighting the nerve endings of my skin like neon stained glass bearing the full weight of the suns rays. Raindrops fell from on high. Covering me...Soaking my hair and shoulders to the bone. I thought to myself..."This is my undeclared baptism." What do I do NOW???? You breath a bit, take in the morning sun Enjoy the beauty around you and know deep within your Soul,, the calm is there,, this place of safe haven is for the taking,,, Hugs (((( Will ))))) |