Topic: Down by the Swingin' Tree
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Tue 03/11/08 12:25 AM
The rope was lashed with loving care
Just right to stretch the neck of love
I was gonna' hang 'er this time and
Be done with it for good
I had chased her across endless deserts
Beneath starry cloudy and rainy skies
Always losing her in the seemingly endless
I would ocassionaly trap her in a canyon
Or box her in against cliff face
My back to the river hers with sheer
rock rising behind
Now her hands bound her own horse
providing her last lifes mount
The rope is my friend
It will finally removed from my reach
A goal no longer to be chased
coveted called and failed again
Every time I thought I had her
She would manage to escape
Or did I let her go?
It is all hazy now through the eyes of
starved and thirsty bittersweet victory
The limb seemed gnarled and old
But I was convinced that it would hold
her meager weight
At least long enough for it to be over
She had no gun no weapons of any kind
Had never fired a single shot in anger
But I hated her nonetheless
Hated her as a man hates the cancer that
Takes his only hope to the grave with him
As the beautiful hate the first gray haired
wrinkles to appear on their jeweled faces
Who was it that said true beauty only comes
through suffering?
Well, ... I will just set her mare runnin'
with on good shot from my colt
The limb holds
And thats it
Over Done
I won't even bother burying the body
Too much trouble after all she has put me
What had she put me through?
My mind was shutting down along with my
I raised the gun(uncertainly?)
prepared to fire at the mare
She stared ahead eyes empty
refusing to see me raising the gun
My finger tensed on the trigger
The coming shot a memory to be born
of sound
I pulled
It seems the rope is her friend too....devil

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Thu 03/13/08 04:47 PM

FroznChild's photo
Thu 03/13/08 07:33 PM
Somewhat... somewhat, reminiscent of The Highway Man.
Thanks for posting.

no photo
Thu 03/13/08 08:47 PM
Good to read you again my friend,,,,Nice almost end...drinker

LAMom's photo
Thu 03/13/08 08:58 PM

The rope was lashed with loving care
Just right to stretch the neck of love
I was gonna' hang 'er this time and
Be done with it for good
I had chased her across endless deserts
Beneath starry cloudy and rainy skies
Always losing her in the seemingly endless
I would ocassionaly trap her in a canyon
Or box her in against cliff face
My back to the river hers with sheer
rock rising behind
Now her hands bound her own horse
providing her last lifes mount
The rope is my friend
It will finally removed from my reach
A goal no longer to be chased
coveted called and failed again
Every time I thought I had her
She would manage to escape
Or did I let her go?
It is all hazy now through the eyes of
starved and thirsty bittersweet victory
The limb seemed gnarled and old
But I was convinced that it would hold
her meager weight
At least long enough for it to be over
She had no gun no weapons of any kind
Had never fired a single shot in anger
But I hated her nonetheless
Hated her as a man hates the cancer that
Takes his only hope to the grave with him
As the beautiful hate the first gray haired
wrinkles to appear on their jeweled faces
Who was it that said true beauty only comes
through suffering?
Well, ... I will just set her mare runnin'
with on good shot from my colt
The limb holds
And thats it
Over Done
I won't even bother burying the body
Too much trouble after all she has put me
What had she put me through?
My mind was shutting down along with my
I raised the gun(uncertainly?)
prepared to fire at the mare
She stared ahead eyes empty
refusing to see me raising the gun
My finger tensed on the trigger
The coming shot a memory to be born
of sound
I pulled
It seems the rope is her friend too....devil

(((( Will ))))) Mmmmmmm yes I like,,, flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 03/13/08 09:56 PM

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Wed 04/09/08 01:05 AM