Topic: Weather Related.......
Starhawk's photo
Mon 03/10/08 06:59 AM
+30 and Sunny in Wisconsin plus Sandhill Cranes are flying over.A sure sighn of Spring ...crossing the finger's...happy

DebbieJT's photo
Mon 03/10/08 07:00 AM
gale force winds really bad...guess that british weather for yer lol

recentfree's photo
Mon 03/10/08 07:04 AM
danm it only 70 degrees today, I might have to wear long pants. DAMN IT drinker drinker drinker glasses glasses bigsmile bigsmile :wink:

Tim_Burgess's photo
Mon 03/10/08 07:10 AM

danm it only 70 degrees today, I might have to wear long pants. DAMN IT drinker drinker drinker glasses glasses bigsmile bigsmile :wink:

why cant i have 70 degree weather???? i hate the snow. lucky.......sad sad ohwell