Topic: ATTENTION Prayer Warriors: | |
are you sure she was the only one?
Every single one of you are precious. Thank you SO much for your kind words, really.
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HMontana: You are so sweet, and I do understand where you are coming from. I asked her about just that and she said that everyone knew it already, so she didn't mind, that we needed everyone's prayers. Thank you, sweetie. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Prayers for your daughter and other victims. Why waste a bullet, have rope! Rope is to good for him. use a dull rusty knife. That always works for me. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Terssa, U and ur daughter have all my thoughts and prayers. I have 3 girls and I know that the person that tried this with mine would be shown no mercy. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
i had a friend that was molested by her step father from the time she was 10yrs old untill she was i think 15 something like that, and she had 4 abortions, 2 miscarrage (that wasent his) and she had son that her mom was taking care of. her mom never knew the truth, and she finally told, and she went to court later on and i ran into her and she was crying, and she said she loved him. i looked at her, how can you love someone on what they did to you.. later on i learned her mom put her son up for adoption and he was 3-4yrs old by then. little late to put a child up for adoption.. but in what i was seeing and got from her step brother, she had some mental problem after all that ordeal.
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I swear, if I were near that horrible criminal, I would make sure he could NEVER WALK AGAIN
![]() Love,Light & Strength! ![]() |
are you sure she was the only one? No, I'm not. Also pray if there were others, they will come forward. There is no doubt that my daughter has a lifetime of trying to build a life devoid of her childhood memories. ladyblack, I can give you an address..........I wish. Thanks... Thanks, timsayhi, I appreciate that. Thank you, kayliz.... Thank all of you if I've missed personally thanking you. |
my daughter had her son when she was 14, 2months before she turned 15, in oregon if your 3yrs or older its decalared sagitary rape, well the father of hers kids is 3/2yrs older than her.
they knew where he lived and worked and didnt arrest him untill 1yr after my grandson was born. and he was in jail for 1yr and he the week he got out they wernt allowed to see each other but they did, and she got pg again. he went back to jail about 2months before my granddaughter was born and he was in jail if i recall 6months, they were together off and on for 10yrs. they got married 2yrs ago, and had another baby and she 2yrs old now.. they have been separated 1yr and she finally saw the light where he wasent going to grow up and hes back in jail and this time for 6yrs. i told her i had a feeling that he was going to brake his probation and i told her this 2months before he was going to be off, and he got in trouble about 5 days before his probation was off. but you cant rape the willing.. |
You have my prayers and you have my email if ya want.
I can say he will be a DEAD pastor if they can at least give him three years, lots of dudes would off his azz in the joint. There are so many people who USE the TRUST we put in them, against us by them THINKING they are ABOVE the law... IT MAKES ME SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() I will pray and I will ask GOD to allow this man to suffer the life he has created, but also to help your daughter release all the inner pain and misery she has because of his selfish acts. May YOU and YOUR daughter be blessed with the LORDS GLORY. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I am so sorry this happened to you and your daughter Teresa
![]() ![]() As for his sick behavior? It makes me so damn mad ![]() ![]() |
I'll pray they find this sick animal guilty and he gets thrown in jail where he gets whats commin to him, cause I hear guys in jail don't like the molester of childern very much
I will also pray that your daughter is able to come to terms with what has happened to her and that it won't eat at her and she can have a happy happy future ![]() I pray for you to have the strength to help you daughter thru this hard time |
Edited by
Sun 03/09/08 06:55 PM
I pray the ****er drops dead.
prayers for strength for you and your daughter. ![]() |
Than you all so much for your prayers and kind words.
The prayers are working already. In my sleep last night the Lord reminded me of a time he and I went away for 2 nights to Memphis (to hear two well known evangelists speak) *yeah, I know......whatever....don't get me started!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I found out AFTER he was arrested and it all came down/out, my daughter told me that he, before we left her, cut all the telephone lines. Now how SICK is THAT????!!! Keep the prayers sweet as incense from your lips to God's ears. Oh, he even took photos of them............and as far as finding them, no, because he "tinkered" with computers and had a million or so, so no telling where those pictures are.............. |
You know where I stand on this Sis, we talk about it often and I'm behind you and Daughter 110% and you know where I am at if you need me....If the jurors and judge has any truth to them then they will do what is right and send him off to meet the "GREAT ONE" in his new home!!! I love you and I will be talking to you soon!!!!
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Thanxs, Bo. It really SUCKS the BIG ONE that he is not required to take the stand!!!!
I am praying for yu and your daughter. Please remind her often that none of this is her fault!!!!
He might get away with things for a while on this earth, but I promise you he won't get away with it in the next life. I also pray that if there are others he hurt that God gives them the strength to come forward. {{{{{{{{{{{{you and your baby}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} |
I am praying for that as well, hotpink. I know in my heart of hearts that she wasn't the only victim. After all, he loved "working with the kids" in church................DUH! Why could I not have been more suspicious? He not only ruined her life, he ruined the possibility of me ever fully trusting anyone again.
Poor Tom, too. He's paying dearly because of my trust issues and he has done nothing but love and accept me...baggage and all. Please keep him in your prayers as well. It's a lot for a new husband to try to digest having to hear all of that in court about your new wife and step daughter. |
prayers to you both and i hope he gets life and put in a room with some big men who well you can guess the rest hun..not usually so vindictive but the thought of this is very upsetting
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The Lord knew what he was doing when he sent Tom to you!
Is your daughter home safely now? And how dare that "man" put your daughter through a trial after all the rest he has done to her! I will be praying that the Lord convinces him to plead guilty and spare the poor kid from having to go through that. Even if the tape cannot be used, you could maybe "slip up" and mention it...the judge will strike it from the record, but you can't unsay something...maybe it will stick in the jurors heads... just a thought... Are all the people from the church he worked at going to be at the trial? If he did hurt other kids, maybe his own mind will eat at him if he sees them all there and thinks they are going to come forward! All my prayers for you and your daughter. |