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Topic: Start a scandalous rumour about the person above you. - part 12
no photo
Sun 03/09/08 02:33 PM
calls himself shutterguy, but don't own a camera

shutterguy's photo
Sun 03/09/08 02:37 PM
lmao lol

has a wooden leg

no photo
Sun 03/09/08 02:42 PM
Tries to Photoshop his images into pictures of celebrities

no photo
Sun 03/09/08 02:42 PM
Edited by 2behappy1 on Sun 03/09/08 02:43 PM
really hates his job...(i hope not)

no photo
Sun 03/09/08 02:43 PM
Yes, it's a Lea Press On Mustache...

Was really a stow-away on the ship

no photo
Sun 03/09/08 02:50 PM
he wishes he was a stow-away too...laugh

shutterguy's photo
Sun 03/09/08 02:51 PM
she uses wire cutters to do her nails

no photo
Sun 03/09/08 02:53 PM
he rolls something else other than a camera film

shutterguy's photo
Sun 03/09/08 03:05 PM
she wears mens underwear

no photo
Sun 03/09/08 03:09 PM
he wishes he wears same mens underwear i wear.

shutterguy's photo
Sun 03/09/08 03:11 PM
lmao lol lol

she eats mustard on her icecream

no photo
Sun 03/09/08 03:19 PM
ewwwww...that's gross...yucknoway

he bites his fingernails..and! toenails with his teeth...i hope not...:tongue:

TravelArranger's photo
Sun 03/09/08 03:39 PM
has tried out for American Idol 58 times...noway

no photo
Sun 03/09/08 04:47 PM

has auditioned for toothpaste commercials

no photo
Sun 03/09/08 05:26 PM
Cropped me out of the picture... :tongue:

no photo
Sun 03/09/08 05:37 PM
is the real father of jessica alba's baby...

sorry if i cropped you out of the picture...didn't mean to:smile:

2Btrue2One's photo
Sun 03/09/08 06:18 PM
enjoys life to the fullest

TravelArranger's photo
Sun 03/09/08 06:49 PM
Is the top chef at Arigato's Japanese Restaurant

2Btrue2One's photo
Mon 03/10/08 03:53 AM
is thinking about making a chocolate cake

rara777's photo
Mon 03/10/08 04:12 AM
Plays with rubber swords, because he is not allowed sharp objects in his hands.

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