Topic: This life is a desert
lizardking19's photo
Wed 03/05/08 07:47 AM
Come sit beside me on this creaking wooden porch
While we are yet young
Let us stare
Out into the desert and up at the mountains
And this world which will always be young and bright
Doesnt have to put up a fight
Not for the likes of us
It has time on its' side
Come sit beside me my love
Let us listen for the pain in the wind which runs like water
There is death in the sunlight and dirt
While our dreams are still high and intangible like clouds
And our love is uncorrupted and unrepentant
When we kiss,the mountains move farther away
The ringing in our heads stopped when we found the only way to answer it
We have crowned ourselves "king and queen of the crapheap"
While our lungs are yet un-burnt
While our teeth are still as sharp as our eyes
Come sit beside me
Right now we watch
Waiting to see what runs towards us out of the sand
Before hiding in the house,fearful as mice in holes
But the next time we sit here
Years and years from now
After visits to a doctors' office
Where all the paintings and magazines in the lobby are for sale
We wont hear what is growling low among the cacti
It was running towards us the entire time
We will only wait
For it to come to us

starryeyed346's photo
Wed 03/05/08 08:23 AM
Come sit beside me my love
Let us listen for the pain in the wind which runs like water

I like this very much

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Wed 03/05/08 08:53 AM

Differentkindofwench's photo
Wed 03/05/08 08:04 PM

FroznChild's photo
Thu 03/06/08 02:07 AM
Thought provoking. I thought this was well put together, and it left some vivid thoughts in my mind.
Thank you.