Topic: How do you know who to Trust?? | |
Hahaha, good night all.C ya l8ters!
Sleep tight!
goodnight nerve
Hi Jenn, Not that I’m an expert by any stretch but I run more along the
lines Catch, I call it being cautiously skeptical. Generally I tend to take a mental note of everything said or done weather it be online or on the phone before I meet someone, because I don’t even consider “trusting” someone until well after I meet them. I consider everything said and done before meeting more like ground work to gage who they are because it’s real easy to BS someone on the phone and even easier behind a PC. Then once you meet someone start to compare all the little things they said to the real person in front of you and ask yourself “Does it add up”? If the answer is Yes, then at that point I start to let the Trust build. Because the bottom line is, if they are someone worth having around in your life they’ll understand your precautions; so however long it takes you to get comfortable they’ll wait (If not most likely they weren’t worth having around anyway)… |
Jenn..That is a very good question you have asked, to bad that there is
no clear-cut answer. I worked security in a few bars when I was younger, and I saw the same thing every night. Guys would come off as just wanting to talk with a lady, and would tell them everything they wanted to hear, get the lady a good buzz and convince her to leave with him..On the other hand I saw ladies come on to a guy and tease him all night telling him exactly what he wanted to hear, and the blow him off after he spent the nigh putting everything on his tab…Although I have not been into bars for many years, I am sure nothing has changes, as again I saw the same thing every night at each different, bar, and night club I worked in...People say trust and follow your heart, but that is not totally correct as you also need to have some common sense when listening to people because a lot of friggin people lie to get what they want….Bammer |
Be careful of what you do say. I spent time chatting with someone who
was very kind but I am not ready for a meeting yet but when I cofessed this, they became very upset with me and now I am pretty low on their list. Am I wrong in beleiving that I should have just said yes? I have been hurt also and am very cautious about who I meet either here or on the street and do not tread lightly. But tell me someone please, I am I wrong to be so damn cautious? I more then anyone want a relationship but I want one that will last and not be a flash in the pan. I have been used too many times to be so loosely with my affections. So if you will please someone answer, am I wrong? |
If anyone would answer this for me please either here or send me a
message, because I am lost as to what I should do. |
girl, you never know, but if you talk to anyone enough, you will see who
the person is. take your time. and get to know people for a while and then friendship first, so you can realy get to know that person good luck to you my friend!!!!!!! |
Morena you are so right. But what should you do if you feel uncomftable
about meeting someone? |
you explain you're not comfortable's that easy...
if he/she wants to meet you, and you're not comfortable...if they're the right person, they'll give you time... if not...move on..and brush 'em off in this day n' age, you can't be TOO careful, too many sickos out there |
yeah what LG said
all you can do is treat them like anybody else because there are usually
little signs before they drop a bomb like that. i don't know about you but when i meet someone i always take them at their word for most things but i don't let them influence me. you should be able to tell if they are trying to influence you or pressure you to do something. |
Kingbreeze you are so right. I cannot let them control my actions for
any reason. Thanks. |
Kingbreeze I have taken people at their word and it went on for a few
months and then all of a sudden it was like the really them finally came out. I mean for those few months I did not catch a hint of a lie or anything and then I wastotally blindsided. I try to take people at their word and I always give the benefit of the doubt. And usually I end up end getting burned. My friends say I am to gullible and I should not be so nice to people amd I should become a hardass and I would not get walked on so often. But that is not me. So like you guys said it is a chance we take and I do believe we all will findthe rightone someday but we have to be willing to put ourselves out there and chance the "burns" now and then. I guess when we do find the one it will make us that more aware of how lucky we are and not do something stupid to blow it. But I guess we all will have to take the risk and see where the ride takes us. I guess thatis what makes life so interesting. Without the rollercoaster I am sure it would get really boring. |