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Topic: YA YA Chica-Sisterhood Club - part 4
feralcatlady's photo
Mon 03/03/08 07:46 AM
thanks suzin......fun hmmmmmm I never looked at it that way.....but maybe I should as not to anger so quickly....

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 07:51 AM
I don't know, debates can be fun sometimes, especially if people are respectful. Though the subjects of religion and politics are some of my favorites, I don't usually go into those forums because of the lack of basic respect for other's viewpoints that I so often see. That's what makes me angry, not their point of view is different but that there's no respect.

mommyof1's photo
Mon 03/03/08 01:17 PM

Miss y'all mucho!!! flowerforyou :heart: drinker

Still workin on gettin rid of this cold/cough that I have. Feelin' a bit better, but the cough lingers on...:cry: :cry:

when I have more energy I will be back to hang with y'all

stay warm and safe n see y'all soon!!

YA YA!!!! flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

madamx7316's photo
Mon 03/03/08 01:18 PM
just posted a thread about friendships/soulmates....my chicas certainly pertain to my thoughts on this cuz i love you all!!! xoxoxoxoxo


bad_girl's photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:40 PM
Good afternoon (((ladies))) how are you tonightflowerforyou

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:42 PM

I don't know, debates can be fun sometimes, especially if people are respectful. Though the subjects of religion and politics are some of my favorites, I don't usually go into those forums because of the lack of basic respect for other's viewpoints that I so often see. That's what makes me angry, not their point of view is different but that there's no respect.

I try suzin always to respect others......but yes sometimes it's hard.......But I try

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:47 PM

I don't know, debates can be fun sometimes, especially if people are respectful. Though the subjects of religion and politics are some of my favorites, I don't usually go into those forums because of the lack of basic respect for other's viewpoints that I so often see. That's what makes me angry, not their point of view is different but that there's no respect.

I try suzin always to respect others......but yes sometimes it's hard.......But I try

OMG, Deb, I wasn't referring to you, I'm sorry if you thought that :cry: :cry: :cry: I don't think I've even seen your posts in there.

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:49 PM

Good morning my chica-licious ladys.....

Had a blast at the Teen Challenge Fundraisre I won the Georgio Armani gift basket......oh yea.....and also the Redkin Gift Basket was on a roll....had everyone at the table laughing....because of course I had told them before hand what I was going to win.....lol I hope they raise tons of money for this worthwhile organization that gets teens and adults of drugs for good....Will let ya know how much was raised.

Love you guys oodles

Thanks Deb .. I'll take the Armani gift basket laugh laugh

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 03/03/08 02:50 PM

I don't know, debates can be fun sometimes, especially if people are respectful. Though the subjects of religion and politics are some of my favorites, I don't usually go into those forums because of the lack of basic respect for other's viewpoints that I so often see. That's what makes me angry, not their point of view is different but that there's no respect.

totally agree ... waste of my time even though I am a strong & knowledgeable believer. :wink:

no photo
Tue 03/04/08 01:53 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou

madamx7316's photo
Tue 03/04/08 06:32 AM
good morning my beauties xoxoxoxxoxo

no photo
Tue 03/04/08 06:34 AM

How've you been, haven't seen you in a bit flowerforyou flowerforyou

madamx7316's photo
Tue 03/04/08 06:36 AM
im doing pretty good. how are you?flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 03/04/08 06:51 AM
I'm good, better than good actually, for the first time in a while. Anything new in your world? When do you start your new job?

madamx7316's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:56 AM

I'm good, better than good actually, for the first time in a while. Anything new in your world? When do you start your new job?

april 14th is my first actual day but i have to fly out to atlanta 4/8-4/11 for training

no photo
Tue 03/04/08 08:11 AM
That's great! I'm so excited for you drinker

madamx7316's photo
Tue 03/04/08 08:12 AM
thanks suz, yes im very excited to get started!!! bigsmile

im going to go in and "volunteer" for a little before i start so that i can get some knowledge under my belt before i go off for training and all

no photo
Tue 03/04/08 08:22 AM
That's always a good idea, makes you not feel quite so lost the first day. And you can get to know some people as well.

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 03/04/08 08:27 AM
Hi ladies ... good to hear you're both doing well flowerforyou

Tue 03/04/08 08:29 AM
morning all
have a beautyfull day

flowerforyou flowerforyou

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