Topic: Christmas Ideas | |
Since it's that time of season, and it will be fresh in everyone's mind,
I figure this would be a great place to Share Special, Creative or Time Saving Christmas ideas. I sort of inherited the family Christmas Party a few years ago (Yes the "S" on my forehead stands for Sucker) and really I got my a$$ kicked the first year. * First thing I learned from having 8 Kids running around in my house was to move ALL breakable things and ALL little Nic Nac things into a designated bedroom and lock the door. |
Make as much as possiable the day or week before. I got the cookies
done this last Wednesday, Fudge done on Thursday, Meat sliced and cheese sliced on Friday, bread is being baked today.... so all I have to do is put it on a try. Also... sluggo... with kids... make a room just for them, with games and a tv with the oldest one in charge of the DVD player.... will make your mind easier. *S* |
Thanks T, We surrendored the Living Room to the kids because I have a
Foosball Table in it (The kids won't stay away from it anyways); the Kids also play with the toys they get in the Gift Exchange in there too. Instead of finding out what each kid likes and trying to get it I made up a Gift Exchange where the Kids get to take a gift out of the pile or Exchange one of their gifts with another kid based on what a card tells them to do. So I end up stock piling the the game with about 25 - 30 gifts ranging from $1 - $20. I end up spending about the same amount but it saves a lot of Shopping time & Wrapping time since I just drop them in reusable Gift Bags plus the game takes over an hour to play which is really fun for all watching and playing and then the kids have games to play while they are there. |
Dude...why do you look toasted in all your photos.....?
Well to be human about this
First, go to walmart and get a small pup tent, this is very important, IT MUST HAVE AN OUTSIDE ZIPPER!!!!!!!!! SECOND, A PAINTBALL GUN WITH RED PAINT BAlls!!!!!! THIRD, Aset of head phones with cd player and cd it it, something relaxing like, bat out of hell!! forth, a case of white castles double cheeseburgers, Two bottles of 7-up, 32oz......and two bottles of vodka... your set...............pcs of cake!!!! have your tent set up in a bedroom have one bottle of vodka already mixed in giant punch bowl with the bottles of 7-up in there and placed in the middle of the table, have the other bottle of vodka and the cd player both sitting beside your big soft chair, and the paintball gun loaded and be side chair also.. NOW WHEN THEY ARE ALL THERE AND INSIDE, TELL THEM YOU HAVE SOMETHING GREAT TO SHOW THE KIDS IN THE BEDROOM, THEN ESCORT THEM ALL INTO THE PUP TENT AND ZIP-IT-UP-AND SHUT THE BEDROOM DOOR, THEN SEAT ALL THE GUESTS AND FILL THEIR CUPS WITH THE MAGIC PUNCH, HE,HE, THEN POUR THE WHITE CASTLES OUT AND SAY VERY PISSY THERE NOW 'EAT' THEN GO AND PICK UP YOUR GUN AND TELL THEM IF ANY ONE GETS UP BEFORE i DO i'LL KILL THEM, NOW PUT YOUR HEAD SET ON TURN THE VOLUME FULL BLAST AND (IT HELPS TO GIVE YOUR BEST HERES JOHNNY IMATATION, FROM THE SHINNING) AND OPEM YOUR BOTTLE OF VODKA AND SET DOWN AND RELAX,,,,,,,,,,,AND IF SOMEONE DOES GET UP-SHOOT-UM AND WATCH THE SCREEMS OF TERROR AS THE RED BALLS EXPLODE,, BUT REMEMBER, ITS OK TO SMILE AS THEY WILL ALL START STANDING BEFORE PASSING OUT,,,,,,,,,AND THE KIDS WILL BE OK TIL MORNING. ARE YA SMILING YET???? |
Now thiers a Christmas to REMEMBER!!! |
hehehehe--good for chritmas story to tell
I have a better idea. Scoop up one and all, check them in to the
nearest Holiday Inn, take the vodka home with you and have a merry little Christmas! |