Topic: Merry Christmas
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Thu 12/21/06 07:23 PM
I know I don't have many friends here but I really enjoy reading the
I call it like I see it and I always have. I don't expect any of you to
jump on my bandwagon. I've ridden solo so long it really doesn't matter
to me.
I'm going to texas first thing in the morning for christmas to spend
with my sister and I just wanted to wish you all a very merry christmas.
We all have problems in our lives but how you deal with them is what
makes you a man or woman. I really hope the best for everyone here. I
have struggled with my own personal demons and I hope I have overcome
them, at least I am trying. Yall are a very special bunch of people to
me and I hope that I can be friends to some of you.
Merry christmas to you all and I will see you all in a week or so.

Morena350's photo
Thu 12/21/06 07:24 PM
merry christmas 2 you mannnn!!!!!!!!lol,lol hav a good one

Karensmiles's photo
Thu 12/21/06 07:30 PM
*jumping on your bandwagon* whoooohooooooo what a ride! Merry Christmas
and safe travels!

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Thu 12/21/06 07:44 PM
Thanks Morena and Karen

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Thu 12/21/06 07:47 PM
Merry Christmas everyone although a little early

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Thu 12/21/06 07:53 PM
Merry Christmas, have fun and stay safe

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Thu 12/21/06 07:54 PM
Merry Christmas NutnIs2do have a safe journey and a great time with
your sister.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 12/21/06 08:01 PM

Ohhh what part of Texas are ya going too?

One thing about it the weather is great here right now!

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Thu 12/21/06 08:08 PM
austin, txsgal and my mom was supposed to be there too but she lives in
denver, co and DIA was shut down the last 2 days. Thnx everyone for your
well wishes. This is so odd to me, I know I am not a fav. here. I don't
rhyme or say what everyone wants to hear. Thank you so much for making
me feel like a part of this community. Merry Christmas all.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 12/21/06 08:14 PM
Hummm too wierd I just got back from Colorado monday nite went to go
meet someone from this site there and yeah flew out of DIA lol he said
he has about 3ft of snow in the street were he lives in Garden City
Greeley area. Myself live in Ft. Worth. lol

Ohhhhhhhhhh and hell no one told me you had to rhyme or say what
everyone wanted to hear to fit in lmao.

Heck all ya gotto do is join in on the forums and ya part of the crowd
that is all it takes. Don't matter to anyone who or what ya are as long
as ya talk and don't curse them out tooo bad and have a little bit of a
sense of humor lmao

Oh and don't mind jello shots lmao!

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Thu 12/21/06 08:18 PM
nut Thank God you don't rhyme

last time I had someone talking in rhyme it was the nut murdock on
A-Team lol