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Topic: Wanted...
MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sat 02/23/08 09:53 AM
(((TXS))) the cyber soup is great! :wink: Thanks sweetie!

(((Gypsy))) I wish my "MOMMY" was here! She would know just what to do! flowerforyou

(((Everyone))) Thankyou! Opps- maybe I should'nt of hugged you all? Quick spray your keyboards with lysol!!! :wink:

romeo1975's photo
Sat 02/23/08 09:55 AM
and here, there is a flow of drinks for you courtsey of your friendly neighborhood BARTENDER MAN!!!!

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 02/23/08 09:57 AM
laugh laugh laugh Heheheh got lysol wipes here but on a serious note this is not something to play with. In the past I have had the same problem as you have on getting the flu and then getting the shots. Never failed the shots I got was not for the strain of flu I got but... it does help from being as bad as it would have been. My doctor said that this year is the worst they have ever seen in many many years. flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Sat 02/23/08 10:00 AM
Ohhhhhhhhhh my poor (((( Teddy )))))) come here I shall hold you keep you warm,, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh some stories toooooo, Sending you some kiss's ( of course from a distance):wink:
I love you,, Get some rest,, drink lots of tea,,, some yummy soup from ((( Puddin Cup )))) ohhhhhhhhhhh and dont forget the Chocolate covered cherries,, They made me feel better,

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sat 02/23/08 10:03 AM
(((MOMMY))) :heart:

countrybumpkin2u's photo
Sat 02/23/08 12:34 PM
Awww...I'll help you TeadyBear!!
There there now. Here is a hug!!
{{{{{{{{{{{:heart: :heart: }}}}}}}}}}}}}

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sat 02/23/08 12:44 PM
(((Country))) Thankyou...

Now quick spray those germs
with lysol so you don't catch them from me.

(I got cooties :cry: :wink: )

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 02/23/08 12:52 PM

Someone to hold my hand while I worship the porcelain throne.
Someone to take the ache out of my body and take this horrible stomache ache away. Someone to fix me something to eat and
able to clean it up- if I don't hold it down. Someone to go to the store for me and buy kleenex,vicks,tylenol, and some juices.
Someone to hold me up when I need to move. Someone to stop the
room from spinning and make it quiet down.

Apply immediately...Applications may be sent to the flu,
c/o my body. sick sick sick

Thought I'd make a joke out of it...
Better than the alternative... to let it kill me. :wink:

I just survived a week of it ............. you WILL conquer. Trust me on this :tongue:

countrybumpkin2u's photo
Sat 02/23/08 01:09 PM

(((Country))) Thankyou...

Now quick spray those germs
with lysol so you don't catch them from me.

(I got cooties :cry: :wink: )

OMG!!! Get the gas masks!!!:tongue:

eileena9's photo
Sat 02/23/08 05:56 PM
{{{{{MsTeddy}}}}}flowerforyou flowerforyou I'm glad Mr. Flu stopped by your house........cuz his associate Bron Chitis came over to my place and decided he liked it here!!!sick

Take care of yourself and don't let it turn into this crap...flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou flowerforyou

Marie55's photo
Sat 02/23/08 06:12 PM
There is a flu going around that the shots did not cover, even the doctors where I work are getting it.

Take really good care of yourself girl, this may be the one that is turning into pneumonia on lots of people, or at least bronchitis on most. Snuggles started out with the flu last week and now is in the hospital with pneumonia.

I am sure you know the drill, but lots of fluids, chicken broth or soup. Mucinex will help keep the phlegm loose so you can clear out your lungs. Get to a doctor if you need to, don't let it get the upper hand on you.

If I lived closer I would bring you a care package in a minute. Take care of yourself. Feel better soon. flowerforyou :heart:

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sun 02/24/08 02:47 PM
Thanks! flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

Going to doctor tomarrow. Probbly put me back on steriods.
I hate steriods! Really congested today.
Drinking liquids and resting. Just wish I could breath better.
I dont hurt as bad all over today- thank goodness, and I am holding fluids down today. Still really tierd. Still running fevers. Heading out in a few to lay back down.

Praying for (((Snuggles))) big time! Hope she gets better soon.

countrybumpkin2u's photo
Sun 02/24/08 02:59 PM
You still sick?flowerforyou flowerforyou

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