Topic: Is It Now Illegal To Link To Other Websites?
chismah's photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:03 PM


Related: YouTube - Alex Jones - Net Neutrality Vs. Internet II -

Related: Internet 2 (Search) -


Is It Now Illegal To Link To Other Websites?
Landmark Sydney legal ruling sets precedent for wholesale devastation of
Internet news websites and blogs

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A landmark legal ruling in Sydney goes further than ever before in
setting the trap door for the destruction of the Internet as we know it
and the end of alternative news websites and blogs by creating the
precedent that simply linking to other websites is breach of copyright
and piracy.

Following our report last month that an RIAA legal argument would, if
the case was eventually won, criminalize simply making files available
on the Internet, many readers scoffed at the serious implications of the
case. Such a precedent would change the entire face of the Internet
because "making files available" is so loosely defined it could
criminalize simply placing links on ones website or blog to other

Some accused us of yellow journalism and scaremongering yet the warning
that the Elektra vs. Barker case could criminalize the very mechanism
that characterizes the Internet was not concocted by Alex Jones or Paul
Joseph Watson, it was a statement made by the very lawyer fighting the
case, Ray Beckerman.

And that's exactly what has now happened in Sydney, where an Australian
federal court has opened the door for simply linking to other websites
to be classified as piracy.

A landmark ruling was upheld against Stephen Cooper, who ran a website
which acted as search engine for locating and downloading MP3's not from
his own website but from other MP3 download websites. Cooper was charged
with piracy and his ISP is also being targeted for not shutting down his
website quickly enough.

"Sabiene Heindl, general manager of Music Industry Piracy Investigations
(MIPI) said the decision meant that anyone who stuck a link on MySpace
or on their bogs could now expect a knock on the door from its briefs,"
reports the UK Inquirer.

And for those who dismiss the precedent as only applying to those who
link to copyrighted MP3 files, consider this - Cooper was only doing the
same thing as Google in providing a means of finding files on other
website. The MIPI is also preparing to take action against Google in
"other jurisdictions," meaning it is building a case to sue Google for
linking to all manner of different files from its search engine hub.


If such a precedent becomes accepted, it would be the death knell for
alternative websites like the one you're reading now and others, who
primarily rely on linking to other sources in order to collate important
news and information. It would also put an end to some of the biggest
websites on the Internet such as and the Drudge Report, which
are both almost exclusively devoted to collecting the world's most
interesting news and offering it to readers in one place, by linking to
scores of different websites.

Under these terms only internal linking would be permitted, which would
not significantly impact commercial powerhouses like but
would effectively put an end to all blogs.

The skids are clearly being greased for the mandated introduction of
Internet 2, a tightly controlled, surveilled and regulated cyberspace
police state run solely by telecommunications giants in consort with the
U.S. government and the United Nations. Net Neutrality campaigners are
desperately trying to raise awareness to the dangers of this as
legislation that will kill the Internet as we know it is on the brink of
debate and passage in the first session of Congress early next year.

Earlier this year under the headline, The End of the Internet?, The
Nation magazine reported,

"The nation's largest telephone and cable companies are crafting an
alarming set of strategies that would transform the free, open and
nondiscriminatory Internet of today to a privately run and branded
service that would charge a fee for virtually everything we do online."

"Verizon, Comcast, Bell South and other communications giants are
developing strategies that would track and store information on our
every move in cyberspace in a vast data-collection and marketing system,
the scope of which could rival the National Security Agency. According
to white papers now being circulated in the cable, telephone and
telecommunications industries, those with the deepest
pockets--corporations, special-interest groups and major
advertisers--would get preferred treatment. Content from these providers
would have first priority on our computer and television screens, while
information seen as undesirable, such as peer-to-peer communications,
could be relegated to a slow lane or simply shut out."


Internet 2 is being billed as the next generation of the world wide web
and it has already set global speed records in terms of data transfer,
far outstripping the old Internet.

One of the fathers of the Internet, David Clark, who served as chief
protocol architect for the government's internet development initiative
in the 1980s, has been given $200,000 by the National Science Foundation
to covertly work on a "whole new infrastructure to replace today's
global network," according to Wired Magazine.

Clark has vowed to create a "brave new world" in designing the new
Internet, characterizing what he wanted for the new network to be "a
coherent security architecture."

Dovetailing the onset of Internet 2 are government propaganda campaigns
to demonize the existing Internet as a wild backwater for hate crime,
child pornography and a terrorist recruiting ground. We have detailed
these moves at length in previous articles.

The last outpost of freedom of speech, the world wide web, is in the
crosshairs of corporate lobbyists and big government control freaks, who
are putting the finishing touches on the pincer attack plan that will
put paid to the greatest technological revolution of the latter 20th

chismah's photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:04 PM
I'd like to see these minions try and do this when WE the people of our
nation and planet for that matter have something to say about it we will

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:04 PM
LOL where you get these stories I don't think so that's a big revenue

michael1313's photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:05 PM
well if it was you just broke 4 laws,,,
you looking out for cyber cops?

chismah's photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:06 PM
It's easy mike..."Please see *RELATED LINKS* before the article and you
can see exactly where I am getting the stories from sir.

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:07 PM
well chismah I actually read part of that, it does not have mention to
linking to other sites that I seen but rather to mp3 files which is

chismah's photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:09 PM
Hell let em' try!!!

They only want their Internet 2 so they can Jack Up Prices on us AND
Censorship for something that's already free AND because online Media is
NOW Exploding and the powers at be DO NOT want this because people are
getting a taste for the real truth in the New Online Media.

Spread the word folks and DO NOT Let these minions get away with this
crap...spread it far and wide and let you're fellow freinds,
family...EVERYONE know about this and what's up when you get a chance

chismah's photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:11 PM
Yes I know mike those are what I call "Fresh Reminders News" of what we
are facing because people are going to wonder where I'm getting this
stuff or call me a liar if I don't post some facts about this issue and
what's taking place.

I love proof and facts so people can see for themselves!!

chismah's photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:12 PM
And I post those "Related Links" so that people can see some proof and
facts information about certain topics that I post...Like this one you
read now..that are realted to the subject...You see what i mean??

michael1313's photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:14 PM
ok,,,I'll sit corrected,,,you go for it!!

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:15 PM
well I see what you're saying, but I don't know about all this, I have
seen nothing on any of the news channels and I'm sure it would be on
there, it would be a HUGE story.

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:16 PM
when CNN airs it I will stand behind you

Kevin3824's photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:33 PM
matters not to us really as I am a web developer and if Vanchau wants to
link to any of my sites I would not hold it against him. Besides, sites
linking to other sites is one of the major ways a website can apply
Search engine optimization (SEO). The trick is to link to related sites
though and getting recipricol links is also very good for it as well.
Therefore, the people that wrote that article down under are way out of
line. Check out how Google ranks sites other then pay per click. It
might be a plot from Yahoo which is primarily based down under as well.

widowerseeking's photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:35 PM
you kept mentioning mp3's, that is just like saying go out and copy
whatever you want, don't worry about the person who owns it. that would
be music and movies, yes, in my opinion you have no right to take it
without the owners consent. JUST ONE MAN'S OPINION.

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:42 PM
well no-one ever raised a big issue with buying cassette tapes and
recording them at home later on a tape deck (if you remember what those
were) lol the internet just makes the problem worse yes I can understand
RIAA's point and the MPAA

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:54 PM
I have been giving this some thought. I see something good from this. If
there is no more linking to other websites, then that means no more pop
ads, HELL YES!!!!!

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:54 PM

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:56 PM
pop up, damn the thought of no more pop up ads got me too excited i
guess lol

Kevin3824's photo
Wed 12/20/06 07:58 PM
It is another scam mike you of all people should know that. They cannot
say no linking just like they cannot say no file sharing and have it
carved in stone. Reason being is you are technically sharing files with
a web server everytime you call up a domain name.