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Topic: Frozen Tundra
Starhawk's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:24 AM
Yet another fine day in Cheeseland -5 tonight -20 What happened to the green house effect in Wisconsin....Were are all the warm people at theses days?

irad8you's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:25 AM
Not here in missouri, not as cold as you are but another ice storm coming tomorrow, oh goody.

DebbieJT's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:25 AM
its cold cos of the green house affect...we had three weeks of sunshine in england last year the rest of the time it rained

no photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:26 AM
wind chill here in Nebr. this morn is a minus 25, COLD COLD COLD!!!!!!!

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:28 AM
Yeah when its -40 outside I just picture al gore in a speedo standing in my yard explaining global warming.

Starhawk's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:29 AM

Yeah when its -40 outside I just picture al gore in a speedo standing in my yard explaining global warming.

WOW...Now I have to get that picture out of my head.......

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:29 AM
I can hardly type I'm sooooooooo frozen! grumble

Thinking spring! Hope that warms it up! :wink:

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:32 AM
This normal winter has been tough on me. I'm going to enjoy every moment of summer.

shoes4rhon's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:33 AM

Not here in missouri, not as cold as you are but another ice storm coming tomorrow, oh goody.

Where in Mo are you ? I am in thenoway southwestern part We have ice coming too

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:33 AM

This normal winter has been tough on me. I'm going to enjoy every moment of summer.
........on two wheels.

Starhawk's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:35 AM

Not here in missouri, not as cold as you are but another ice storm coming tomorrow, oh goody.

Here In WI we did the Ice Skate dance on last Sunday not to mention that some counties in the State are out of Salt for the roads...Yee Haw

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:35 AM
Let's warm each others hearts. Ready? MARCO!!!

irad8you's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:36 AM

Not here in missouri, not as cold as you are but another ice storm coming tomorrow, oh goody.

Where in Mo are you ? I am in thenoway southwestern part We have ice coming too Southeast, couple hours south of st. louis.

mry's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:37 AM
Will someone warm up my car today??? No takers yesterday!laugh

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:38 AM
Cmon cmon someone say polo before I freeze to death.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:39 AM
Mry get one of those remote starters! Just keep the control in a warm place... ohwell laugh


shoes4rhon's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:39 AM

Not here in missouri, not as cold as you are but another ice storm coming tomorrow, oh goody.

Where in Mo are you ? I am in thenoway southwestern part We have ice coming too Southeast, couple hours south of st. louis.

Whoot a shout out to you drinker

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:41 AM
Barbequed steaks on the grille

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:43 AM
Camping with the family at the cabin on the lake.

Starhawk's photo
Wed 02/20/08 06:44 AM
Ya on the Grill Brats / Barbaque Beans / Tator Salad on the side & Beer ..Beer ...Beer.drinker Just might take the Chill out

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