Topic: The House of No One
Fadedspirit's photo
Mon 02/18/08 07:32 PM
The House of No One

There it stood at dusk in gray,
No visits made nor children play,
Alone it stands so broken down.
A house beneath darkened cloud.

A memory served
And well deserved
Of days back in it's youth.

A family made as children played,
Each piece was built in love.

The family felt secure and warm
Through trials long it kept it's charm,
This house where the rich life lived.

But winds of change had made it's way
To this old house so ravaged today
By the elements of wind and rain.

The time had come and withered some
The lumber set and built by love,
Now torn and scraped and soaked in rain
None others to it came.

Once teemed in life
Now torn in strife
This house upon the hill you see,
This house of no one still it be,

Could this be a story of soul
Showing a heart in tender growth
Ravaged by love grown so cold
Perhaps we shall never know.

Only the writer will know for sure
And a reader in thought may find a cure
For the house where no one lives at all.

Fadedspirit 2/18/2008

LAMom's photo
Mon 02/18/08 10:10 PM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh My,,,,,

I see this house the beauty it bestows
Upon the Hills the windows chill
Lost some timber cried some tiles
Yet risen above the cloud and storm
Mending in time,, All anew
This House you see stands and shines
Rest your arms,, your work is done
Open the curtains let in the sun
Life in this house shall rise again
Love and laughter shall fill the room
Rest your soul,, see the light
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes,, what a magical sight

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart:

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 02/19/08 04:24 AM
Wonderful poetry.

The Old Depot Shack On The Hill

Just an old shack depot on the hill.
My great grandfather made it a home.
I remember the card board walls.
Tracks were gone when I was there.
Gone was he when I turned two.
He worked for the rail road.
I guess that is how he got it.
I found where the tracks had been.
There was a storm cellar out back.
I remember the wood cook stove.
Fond memories of granny's cooking.
Granny's switches were not so fond.
Grandma taking care of her later.
Grandma's house just down the hill.
I could see granny's house from there.
Just an old shack depot on the hill.

shauna22's photo
Tue 02/19/08 04:28 AM

Fadedspirit's photo
Tue 02/19/08 05:41 AM
That's what I love about you LAMom. You can turn anything into something magical and give it a smile with a happy ending. Thanks for the comment and reading. :smile:

Thanks RainbowTrout, I like your comment. :smile:

Thanks for stopping by shauna. :smile:

LAMom's photo
Tue 02/19/08 09:24 AM

That's what I love about you LAMom. You can turn anything into something magical and give it a smile with a happy ending. Thanks for the comment and reading. :smile:

Thanks RainbowTrout, I like your comment. :smile:

Thanks for stopping by shauna. :smile:

THe magic was already there Sweetie,, I just needed to clean the window's for ya:wink: flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 02/19/08 09:34 AM
AWESOME Write............... Bravo, Aplause..drinker drinker

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 02/19/08 12:51 PM
Lets see...

Got some sandpaper,paint and brush,love, and some elbow grease...

(((Fade))) Great write!

Fadedspirit's photo
Tue 02/19/08 03:44 PM
Many thanks mteagle! I'm glad you liked it.:smile:

*looks at MsTeddy's arsenal of stuff* I hope you're not gonna use that stuff....It may

((((MsTeddyBear))) Thanks :smile: