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Topic: finish the sentence,,I believe
Italy0219's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:42 PM
all mean people should have there own country

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:43 PM
And that country is very very cold... as is their hearts

Puffins1958's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:43 PM
I believe.....there is a person for everyone


peachiegirl28's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:43 PM
and take a big ole bite outta my ass

Italy0219's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:43 PM
my mouse finger is tired and i am going to put it out of it's misery soon..

Derekkye's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:44 PM
I believe that either Hillary Clinton or Lance Armstrong will be the next president.

Italy0219's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:44 PM

and take a big ole bite outta my ass

give me some mustard and i will, bigsmile

Winx's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:45 PM
I believe that the earth is flat.

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:45 PM
i believe there is a little good in everyone...

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:45 PM

I believe that either Hillary Clinton or Lance Armstrong will be the next president.

Awww, your too kind

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:45 PM
I'd like to see God put a boil on Michael Bolton's and Celine Dion's collective a$$!

bradlyy's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:45 PM
I believe Ill have another beer

peachiegirl28's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:46 PM
laugh laugh laugh i sure was hopin that would have been after your first postblushing blushing blushing blushing :wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh

Drifters13's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:46 PM
I Believe....If everyone got laid once a day there wouldn't be any wars to get injured in.....

Drifters13's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:46 PM
Edited by Drifters13 on Sun 02/17/08 09:47 PM

i believe there is a little good in everyone...

You've never met me then have you? devil

Italy0219's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:47 PM

i believe there is a little good in everyone...

awww, that just makes me feel good inside, but how about manson, what the f____ happened to him??? and all those crazied who shoot kids on college campus, what the hell happend to them???

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:47 PM
I believe... for every drop of acid rain that falls, the greedy corporate American business add more money in their coffers at the expense of nature and people not caring if anyone or anything is hurt by their incessant need and desire for money, pushing us down in the muck and mud caused by the acid rain that is ruining.... uh, sorry, go lost there.... I believe in love even though my heart has been ripped out of my chest and stepped on, ground into the jagged rocks of despair and.... oops did it again....

I believe puppies and kittens are cute... :smile:

havoczer0's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:47 PM
i believe ill have 1 more beer

Italy0219's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:48 PM

I Believe....If everyone got laid once a day there wouldn't be any wars to get injured in.....

i could not agree more....:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Italy0219's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:49 PM

I believe... for every drop of acid rain that falls, the greedy corporate American business add more money in their coffers at the expense of nature and people not caring if anyone or anything is hurt by their incessant need and desire for money, pushing us down in the muck and mud caused by the acid rain that is ruining.... uh, sorry, go lost there.... I believe in love even though my heart has been ripped out of my chest and stepped on, ground into the jagged rocks of despair and.... oops did it again....

I believe puppies and kittens are cute... :smile:

please try to finish one thought process at a time for us slow people....:wink: :wink: :wink:

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