Topic: Government Socialized Theocracy? | |
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Sun 02/17/08 07:13 AM
"We have lost the understanding that in a democracy, we have a mutual obligation to one another -- that we cannot measure the greatness of our society by the strongest and richest of us, but we have to measure our greatness by the least of these. That we have to compromise and sacrifice for one another in order to get things done. That is why I am here, because Barack Obama is the only person in this who understands that. That before we can work on the problems, we have to fix our souls. Our souls are broken in this nation." Michelle Obama, speech given at UCLA
--- Okay, so Obama is going to save our souls? In a democracy, which we aren't, we have a mutual OBLIGATION to one another? All hail the great Obama. Government Socialized Theocracy. Who could support this guy? Socialists, Progressives, and Communists ..... or just those too dumb not to look further into this guy. The average response to the question: So why do you support Obama? Uhh... because he is a good speaker and wants change. ![]() Change, is not necessarily a good thing, remember when Germany CHANGED into a Fascist Dictatorship? All change is good right? |
"We have lost the understanding that in a democracy, we have a mutual obligation to one another -- that we cannot measure the greatness of our society by the strongest and richest of us, but we have to measure our greatness by the least of these. That we have to compromise and sacrifice for one another in order to get things done. That is why I am here, because Barack Obama is the only person in this who understands that. That before we can work on the problems, we have to fix our souls. Our souls are broken in this nation." Michelle Obama, speech given at UCLA --- Okay, so Obama is going to save our souls? In a democracy, which we aren't, we have a mutual OBLIGATION to one another? All hail the great Obama. Government Socialized Theocracy. Who could support this guy? Socialists, Progressives, and Communists ..... or just those too dumb not to look further into this guy. The average response to the question: So why do you support Obama? Uhh... because he is a good speaker and wants change. ![]() Change, is not necessarily a good thing, remember when Germany CHANGED into a Fascist Dictatorship? All change is good right? Very good...Glad to see someone else that see's through his bull |
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Sun 02/17/08 07:45 AM
I think this quote fits the topic quite nicely...
Never confuse motion with action. - Benjamin Franklin |
Very well said.
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Sun 02/17/08 09:02 AM
If any of you want to see how social programs affect taxes all you need to do is take a look at Canada. You get less than you pay for and you have no independent voice or rights. You pay taxes relative to the number of members in your family and the amount of income, which means the the more money the single guy or woman makes the more taxes they pay to offset the people who don't work and/or the family who has kids who ends up paying less taxes. Personally if I want to help out someone financially or otherwise it should be my choice, it should not be mandated that my tax dollar helps out someone who is too lazy to go to work or someone who does not live a healthy lifestyle and is wasting healthcare taxes dollars
If any of you want to see how social programs affect taxes all you need to do is take a look at Canada. You get less than you pay for and you have no independent voice or rights. You pay taxes relative to the number of members in your family and the amount of income, which means the the more money the single guy or woman makes the more taxes they pay to offset the people who don't work and/or the family who has kids who ends up paying less taxes. Personally if I want to help out someone financially or otherwise it should be my choice, it should not be mandated that my tax dollar helps out someone who is too lazy to go to work or someone who does not live a healthy lifestyle and is wasting healthcare taxes dollars Thats such a typical outlook, blame the poor or assume that they are poor by choice. Exactly HOW MANY welfare folks do you know personally? Have you ever found yourself in a position of needing assistance? If not consider yourself damn lucky and PRAY you never find yourself there, because trust me bro. there aint $hit out there to help you get back on your feet. Your taxes right now are going to fund the invasion of a soverign (sp?) country, the death of thousands of American soldiers and untold numbers of innocent civilians. You prefer your tax dollars go to that rather than provide a hot lunch to an inner city kid or health care for the sick? Skewed point of view... |
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Sun 02/17/08 10:05 AM
Thats such a typical outlook, blame the poor or assume that they are poor by choice. Exactly HOW MANY welfare folks do you know personally? Have you ever found yourself in a position of needing assistance? If not consider yourself damn lucky and PRAY you never find yourself there, because trust me bro. there aint $hit out there to help you get back on your feet. Your taxes right now are going to fund the invasion of a soverign (sp?) country, the death of thousands of American soldiers and untold numbers of innocent civilians. You prefer your tax dollars go to that rather than provide a hot lunch to an inner city kid or health care for the sick?
Skewed point of view... can you not read well?..your reply is typical of someone who needs the goverment security blanket. And I'm not in the US, unfortunately I am here in Canada for now and paying the high taxes for those because of those like I said too lazy to work and for the other who have more kids than they can afford. As for the war in Iraq it is a necessary evil so people like you can exist. If not for the war in Iraq the war would be in the western world and then you'd really have something to b!tch about. |
i agree we need some social programs. There are people that need our services. I just seems like we make it easy for people to get by, but impossible for them to get ahead. Many is the time people on welfare are encouraged to have children to increase their benefits or, if the person tries to work a job making nothing, they take paycuts. People are going to abuse systems we put in place anyway. But for god's sake i know a woman who is taking a paycut because she is trying to work a job and not take advantage of the system. This wouldn't be a bad thing, but when she had her kid she hadn't finished her college degree yet. She can't make endsmeat because the welfare system doesn't consider her loans an expense. Many, many people are stuck in this situation as well. Why can't we figure out a way to help these people? When people are slipping past the poverty line why can't we help keep them up somehow? Just like the medical field, we don't practice enough preventative medicine. Why wait till someone has a heart attack before we put him or her on a diet/exercise plan?
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Sun 02/17/08 11:51 AM
I don't argue that social programs are needed but here in Canada welfare is an industry where generation after generation stay on the system at my was recently found out that Muslims in Ontario come here with one main wife but bring over the other 3 they married under the laws in the country they came from...what happened was they were living in a polygamist lifestyle and all collecting welfare checks as a married person. It seems they found a loophole in the laws and are now demanding their 4 marriages be accepted.......then we have people go to emergency room for a cold wasting money and services....I almost never use any medical services but I have no choice but to pay what the gov demands
The term "soul" is not neccesarily specific to religion, and this doesn't sound religious in context and your claim of theocracy is far off point, see Huckabee for theocratic leaders. And on that note I completly agree with their statement, but then I am a bleeding heart progressive (as if there's anything wrong with that). I fully support Obama in this campaign;^]
I fully support Obama in this campaign
Obama says he is going to pay for all his programs with the money he is going to save with pulling the troops out of Iraq and stop spending money on the war. The question I have about that is that Obama has also said the US can't afford the cost of the if they can't afford the war, by stopping the war he isn't going to have any money for his programs.. the other question that he has avoided is what is he going to do with the terrorists that'll be following the troops home? |
They aren't following us home, that's just fear mongering by the conservative base. Obama isn't perfect, but I think he can make it work with the assistance of those he'll keep close. As long as he pulls the troops out responsibly it can work;^]
They aren't following us home, that's just fear mongering by the conservative base
then where are the terrorists going to go? think that they will just put on 3 piece suits and head off to the office? |
Which terrorists? They're not all the same group and half of the enemy in Iraq aren't doing anything but trying to drive us out with no interest of coming here. Most of the terrorists fight us because we're on their holy land, "following us home" is just another lie by this administration, just like the "yellow cake" bit in Niger;^]
Which terrorists? They're not all the same group and half of the enemy in Iraq aren't doing anything but trying to drive us out with no interest of coming here. Most of the terrorists fight us because we're on their holy land, "following us home" is just another lie by this administration, just like the "yellow cake" bit in Niger;^] I hate to break it to ya but the Iraqi people are not the terrorists....most of the terrorists are from other counties or havn't you heard that?. I suppose the words "death to all infidels" is something conservatives just made up to huh? |
No, but Iraq is the subject at hand. They don't want to kill us because of our freedom as Bush says, they hate us, as I said, some for interfering on their land and some for not interfering enough. Again, a complicated situation;^]
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Sun 02/17/08 01:34 PM
^^^ what are those terrorists going to do after Obama or Clinton sends out the order to cut and run?. I bet the terrorists are hoping real hard for a Democrat to get elected....that'll give them lots of job security
If any of you want to see how social programs affect taxes all you need to do is take a look at Canada. You get less than you pay for and you have no independent voice or rights. You pay taxes relative to the number of members in your family and the amount of income, which means the the more money the single guy or woman makes the more taxes they pay to offset the people who don't work and/or the family who has kids who ends up paying less taxes. Personally if I want to help out someone financially or otherwise it should be my choice, it should not be mandated that my tax dollar helps out someone who is too lazy to go to work or someone who does not live a healthy lifestyle and is wasting healthcare taxes dollars another holier than thou who assumes poverty is caused by laziness and a fat butt.not.Poor people have the same rights as you.I pay my healthcare thru my work.I am also glad to give someone a helping hand because it only takes one bad accident or illness to screw the finances. |
Cut & run, another lie by the conservative base. That implies overnight withdrawel without any involvement left in the matter. Neither have proposed doing that;^]
another holier than thou who assumes poverty is caused by laziness
another holier than thou who assumes instead of reading what's there.... ![]() |