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Topic: wtf
longhairbiker's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:16 PM
She must pay for blocking you on an internet dating and freinds interacting site. Hoo ha.

Suzanne20's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:17 PM

so i was just talking to a girl who seemed interested in me and then she decides to block me? has this happened to anyone? why would someone be that mean?

Is it at all possible that you said something offensive? No? I didn't think so.

I know for a fact that no guy has ever said anything offensive to the women on this site!

Who do you talk to?laugh laugh You should talk to some of the people that used to message me before I hit the magic button.

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:25 PM

Who do you talk to?laugh laugh You should talk to some of the people that used to message me before I hit the magic button.

Oh come on... After all.. according to us, we are all nice, well intentioned gentlemen! Would we lie?
You must have overreacted or something....

Suzanne20's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:29 PM

Who do you talk to?laugh laugh You should talk to some of the people that used to message me before I hit the magic button.

Oh come on... After all.. according to us, we are all nice, well intentioned gentlemen! Would we lie?
You must have overreacted or something....

Ok next time I get a message like that I will send it to you.laugh

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:43 PM
Edited by Jistme on Thu 02/14/08 10:44 PM

Ok next time I get a message like that I will send it to you.

Like I don't see enough of them already? Some of the crap I've read, pasted into a chat window, when she receives it? Talking of a variety of fetishes, sexual position preferences, length and girth, fruits and vegetables, battery operated devices, email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses, oils and lubricants, body fluids, noises, what they are wearing or doing while writing... Then when all that fails? Threats of stalking or just inviting themselves to come over... sometimes violence....
...Then the second email comes...

briank66's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:44 PM
Maybe her parole was revoked....smokin

Jill298's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:48 PM

Ok next time I get a message like that I will send it to you.

Like I don't see enough of them already? Some of the crap I've read, pasted into a chat window, when she receives it? Talking of a variety of fetishes, sexual position preferences, length and girth, fruits and vegetables, battery operated devices, email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses, oils and lubricants, body fluids, noises, what they are wearing or doing while writing... Then when all that fails? Threats of stalking or just inviting themselves to come over... sometimes violence....
...Then the second email comes...
LOL who in the world are you talking to?/

Suzanne20's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:56 PM

Ok next time I get a message like that I will send it to you.

Like I don't see enough of them already? Some of the crap I've read, pasted into a chat window, when she receives it? Talking of a variety of fetishes, sexual position preferences, length and girth, fruits and vegetables, battery operated devices, email addresses, phone numbers, street addresses, oils and lubricants, body fluids, noises, what they are wearing or doing while writing... Then when all that fails? Threats of stalking or just inviting themselves to come over... sometimes violence....
...Then the second email comes...

Wow! I think that all the people that email me get sex changes and email youlaugh

madamx7316's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:57 PM
only time i ever did that is if he pissed me off but rest assured he got told why before i did it laugh

Suzanne20's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:58 PM

only time i ever did that is if he pissed me off but rest assured he got told why before i did it laugh

OMG Madam, it was so funny earlier. I had a friend thinkin I was mad at him! He said somethin that could've been taken offensively if he didn't know me. I acted like he hurt me so bad! He sent me an ecard on yahoo!devil devil

madamx7316's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:59 PM

only time i ever did that is if he pissed me off but rest assured he got told why before i did it laugh

OMG Madam, it was so funny earlier. I had a friend thinkin I was mad at him! He said somethin that could've been taken offensively if he didn't know me. I acted like he hurt me so bad! He sent me an ecard on yahoo!devil devil

lmao work it girl!

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:00 PM
Lilith now.. She has had a few winners get in touch with her here and doesn't hesitate to share the worst of them with me, as I do when I get the occasional oddball, crude email.

The worst of them were at a site very similar to this one. Where ~ over a handful of years, I talked to many woman as both friends and on rare occasion more.

They alway leave me wondering, who it actually works on? You figure they would change up their game a bit after a few failed attempts.. but I'd read the same things from the same guy addressed to 3 or 4 different women.

All of them were from self proclaimed 'Nice guys'.

Suzanne20's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:11 PM

Lilith now.. She has had a few winners get in touch with her here and doesn't hesitate to share the worst of them with me, as I do when I get the occasional oddball, crude email.

The worst of them were at a site very similar to this one. Where ~ over a handful of years, I talked to many woman as both friends and on rare occasion more.

They alway leave me wondering, who it actually works on? You figure they would change up their game a bit after a few failed attempts.. but I'd read the same things from the same guy addressed to 3 or 4 different women.

All of them were from self proclaimed 'Nice guys'.

I don't believe when people say they are nice. I have to see for myself. And I think all the pervs use the same manuallaugh

madamx7316's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:12 PM
im not nice, but honest haha at least i admit it :tongue:

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:13 PM

Lilith now.. She has had a few winners get in touch with her here and doesn't hesitate to share the worst of them with me, as I do when I get the occasional oddball, crude email.

The worst of them were at a site very similar to this one. Where ~ over a handful of years, I talked to many woman as both friends and on rare occasion more.

They alway leave me wondering, who it actually works on? You figure they would change up their game a bit after a few failed attempts.. but I'd read the same things from the same guy addressed to 3 or 4 different women.

All of them were from self proclaimed 'Nice guys'.

I don't believe when people say they are nice. I have to see for myself. And I think all the pervs use the same manuallaugh
:tongue: huh i said thathuh :tongue:

Suzanne20's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:16 PM

Lilith now.. She has had a few winners get in touch with her here and doesn't hesitate to share the worst of them with me, as I do when I get the occasional oddball, crude email.

The worst of them were at a site very similar to this one. Where ~ over a handful of years, I talked to many woman as both friends and on rare occasion more.

They alway leave me wondering, who it actually works on? You figure they would change up their game a bit after a few failed attempts.. but I'd read the same things from the same guy addressed to 3 or 4 different women.

All of them were from self proclaimed 'Nice guys'.

I don't believe when people say they are nice. I have to see for myself. And I think all the pervs use the same manuallaugh
:tongue: huh i said thathuh :tongue:

Let's not forget, Mirror, the night we met you were a jackass to me.laugh

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