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Topic: I can't be the only one...
Winx's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:58 PM

mozilla firefox for spelling.drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

Can you really do spellcheck on here?

johncarl's photo
Wed 02/13/08 09:59 PM

that hates misspelling, poor grammar, use of the wrong word, (there, their, they're) etc.

I mean, I get that it's the internet and it's informal, but it really puts me off when I see so many mistakes.

You're definitely not the only one....

Is it really that hard to differentiate between "loose" and "lose"? Is it really that hard to deal with the fact that "I saw two dog's playing with bone's in the back yard" is wrong? This is basic stuff.
that definitely drives me crazy.
you are the bomb flowerforyou

johncarl's photo
Wed 02/13/08 10:02 PM

Mozilla Firefox for spelling.drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

Can you really do spell check on here?
yes you can and it is way cool check out their web site if they had grammar perfect i would be in love:heart: love love love

katrina_4888's photo
Wed 02/13/08 10:04 PM

that hates misspelling, poor grammar, use of the wrong word, (there, their, they're) etc.

I mean, I get that it's the internet and it's informal, but it really puts me off when I see so many mistakes.

You're definitely not the only one....

Is it really that hard to differentiate between "loose" and "lose"? Is it really that hard to deal with the fact that "I saw two dog's playing with bone's in the back yard" is wrong? This is basic stuff.
that definitely drives me crazy.
you are the bomb flowerforyou
hahaha. thanks.

it's funny because tonight i just wrote "katrina is the bomb diggity" on the whiteboard in the room next to mine. hahaha.

johncarl's photo
Wed 02/13/08 10:09 PM

that hates misspelling, poor grammar, use of the wrong word, (there, their, they're) etc.

I mean, I get that it's the internet and it's informal, but it really puts me off when I see so many mistakes.

You're definitely not the only one....

Is it really that hard to differentiate between "loose" and "lose"? Is it really that hard to deal with the fact that "I saw two dog's playing with bone's in the back yard" is wrong? This is basic stuff.
that definitely drives me crazy.
you are the bomb flowerforyou
hahaha. thanks.

it's funny because tonight i just wrote "Katrina is the bomb dignity" on the white board in the room next to mine. hahaha.
it is fate that we become friends flowerforyou ps i fixed some spellinglaugh laugh laugh

katrina_4888's photo
Wed 02/13/08 10:16 PM
nope. i totally meant diggity.

and is white board really two words? my professor wrote it as one today...

robinlynn42's photo
Wed 02/13/08 10:17 PM
thank goodness for yahoo and sweetims.i can use a face or object to get my point across.

popcornncoke's photo
Wed 02/13/08 10:23 PM
Some people could have short memory loss.they know how to spell a word and what they want to say.but for some reason it just comes out wrong,today but later it will be right.

no photo
Wed 02/13/08 10:25 PM

nope. i totally meant diggity.

and is white board really two words? my professor wrote it as one today...

I've seen it both ways, but I always assumed "whiteboard" is legitimate, as a counterpoint to "blackboard"....

katrina_4888's photo
Wed 02/13/08 11:13 PM

nope. i totally meant diggity.

and is white board really two words? my professor wrote it as one today...

I've seen it both ways, but I always assumed "whiteboard" is legitimate, as a counterpoint to "blackboard"....
me too. thanks, lex! lol.

no photo
Wed 02/13/08 11:14 PM
I don't think it is all that important .
If I can understand what the person is trying to say I overlook grammatical errors .

I often can't recall when to use to or too ... so I always type toooooo then I just seem enthusiastic ? Right ?

I also never get there , their , they're right .
I never know when to use commas in a sentence .

Spelling .... the only thing I personally have a problem with is i before e except after c ? That isn't really true though . I've been spelling weird wrong for a long time .

I only completed my education up to Grade 9 and I think my 12 year old Sister knows more than I do .

I catch myself when i'm typing in a hurry replacing know with no and right with write .... I think my fingers sometimes move faster than my brain .

This is long ..... sorry . Carry on !

Motownkid's photo
Wed 02/13/08 11:21 PM
hello katrina how are you doing tonight?

Motownkid's photo
Wed 02/13/08 11:22 PM
ok robin what can't you be the only one too? damn sister of yours I feel like sending you the money to hook up your line...

katrina_4888's photo
Wed 02/13/08 11:27 PM

hello katrina how are you doing tonight?
good. but it's bedtime! i'm wiped. finally. :]

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