Topic: Flowers
shoes4rhon's photo
Wed 02/13/08 01:07 PM
Whoot I got flowers today with a card that said some sweet stuff and ended because they won't deliver a severed head ... Whooot Whooot :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Okay so who is sending flowers out tomorrow and what will your card say ??

soxfan94's photo
Wed 02/13/08 01:09 PM

Whoot I got flowers today with a card that said some sweet stuff and ended because they won't deliver a severed head ... Whooot Whooot :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Okay so who is sending flowers out tomorrow and what will your card say ??

All I get to do tomorrow is deliver flowers for friends who are in love. grumble

But, as payback I'll share what their cards said! :tongue:

Wonderbread's photo
Wed 02/13/08 01:09 PM
Not me. but if i was the card would be blank cept for you brighten my day. no names, no nothing.

shoes4rhon's photo
Wed 02/13/08 01:09 PM

Whoot I got flowers today with a card that said some sweet stuff and ended because they won't deliver a severed head ... Whooot Whooot :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Okay so who is sending flowers out tomorrow and what will your card say ??

All I get to do tomorrow is deliver flowers for friends who are in love. grumble

But, as payback I'll share what their cards said! :tongue:
Cool I can't wait ....

shoes4rhon's photo
Wed 02/13/08 01:10 PM

Not me. but if i was the card would be blank cept for you brighten my day. no names, no nothing.

ohhh woman love a mystery

Brenda_Darling's photo
Wed 02/13/08 01:17 PM

Whoot I got flowers today with a card that said some sweet stuff and ended because they won't deliver a severed head ... Whooot Whooot :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Okay so who is sending flowers out tomorrow and what will your card say ??

All I get to do tomorrow is deliver flowers for friends who are in love. grumble

But, as payback I'll share what their cards said! :tongue:

I'm doing that one too...but i know what the card says...

its a boquet of carnations with a single rose...and the card says IN My Garden...U R THE ONLY ROSE...LOve you my angel...

TristanBru's photo
Wed 02/13/08 01:17 PM
Severed Head? Sound like a death threat to me.laugh laugh

briancarr's photo
Wed 02/13/08 01:57 PM
Edited by briancarr on Wed 02/13/08 01:58 PM
Since my mother is alone, i allways send her flowers. Happy Valentine Mom. From you good son.

shoes4rhon's photo
Wed 02/13/08 01:57 PM

Since my mother is alone, i allways send her flowers

Brain you are right my grandmother would love you :heart: