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Topic: “Aim for the Gold”
TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 02/12/08 02:21 PM
“Aim for the Gold”

There will be many seasons.
We will hear all the reasons.
Why things went wrong.
We will be told to stay strong.

No matter how long we try.
We will be left asking why.
There are no quick answers in life.
We all will learn to deal with strife.

Yes it always seems.
That someone says always dream your dreams.
But what ever you do.
Just remember there is someone for you.

At times life deals us hard knocks.
We feel as if we can’t climb over those rocks.
Listen to what I have to say, no matter how high.
Those rocks are piled even up to the sky.

Gain your confidence and grab a hold.
Aim for the gold.
There is nothing you can not do.
Just remember to do it for you.


MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 02/12/08 02:24 PM
Very good write (((Txs))) flowerforyou :smile: flowerforyou

2Btrue2One's photo
Tue 02/12/08 02:35 PM

“Aim for the Gold”

There will be many seasons.
We will hear all the reasons.
Why things went wrong.
We will be told to stay strong.

No matter how long we try.
We will be left asking why.
There are no quick answers in life.
We all will learn to deal with strife.

Yes it always seems.
That someone says always dream your dreams.
But what ever you do.
Just remember there is someone for you.

At times life deals us hard knocks.
We feel as if we can’t climb over those rocks.
Listen to what I have to say, no matter how high.
Those rocks are piled even up to the sky.

Gain your confidence and grab a hold.
Aim for the gold.
There is nothing you can not do.
Just remember to do it for you.


Your words ring true
there's so much inside
in true wisdom
where one can reside

These words have meaning
they bring us hope
to look at life
through a new scope

We must take into account
that with every new dawn
there will always be friends
to help us carry on

I will remember your words
and the power they contain
because in my heart
they will remain..

By Daniel

Thank you kristi.. very beautifulflowerforyou

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 02/12/08 02:51 PM
At times you feel blue.
Listen to the words that ring true.
They are there and reside.
There within your heart inside.

Just learn to cope.
Never give up hope.
Look for that star.
No matter how far.

You learn in this life you must give.
It is a must in life to live.
So take the time and look around.
Never let another take you down.

Stand up and stand tall.
Never let them make you fall.
Give it all that you got.
Focus and give it a shot.

Set your mind to it.
What ever you do don’t quit.
For no matter what you do.
Make sure you do it for you.


pkh's photo
Tue 02/12/08 03:08 PM
So true Kristi you said it wellflowerforyou

shauna22's photo
Tue 02/12/08 03:20 PM

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 02/12/08 03:39 PM
Very nicely done, Txs.

2Btrue2One's photo
Tue 02/12/08 03:49 PM

At times you feel blue.
Listen to the words that ring true.
They are there and reside.
There within your heart inside.

Just learn to cope.
Never give up hope.
Look for that star.
No matter how far.

You learn in this life you must give.
It is a must in life to live.
So take the time and look around.
Never let another take you down.

Stand up and stand tall.
Never let them make you fall.
Give it all that you got.
Focus and give it a shot.

Set your mind to it.
What ever you do don’t quit.
For no matter what you do.
Make sure you do it for you.


As in this time
it's all so clear
your heart felt words
have brought a few tears

We all must remember
to always stand tall
no matter what happens
we must not fall

It's not within ourselves
that we find the strength
it's God little gift
from his cup we should drink

His angels surround us
with kind loving hands
they help us make it through
lifes tough demands

When all is said and done
with love we will stand
when we walk together
and leave footprints in the sand

By Daniel

Once again kristi
you have out done yourself
with what you have said,
very uplifting.. thank you my dear sweet friend.. hugs..

pkh's photo
Tue 02/12/08 04:01 PM
ok you too keep it coming I'm enjoying both your wordsflowerforyou

2Btrue2One's photo
Tue 02/12/08 04:07 PM

ok you too keep it coming I'm enjoying both your wordsflowerforyou

awww thank you pkh.. kristi and I kinda go back a little way, gotta tell ya she helped me through some very dark times, I will always love her for that..

pkh's photo
Tue 02/12/08 04:19 PM
She has been there for me many,many times she's one of a kind she is actually the one who encouraged me to write because I was so in awe of her...I'm hoping once and for all we will meet at the reunion I love her to deathflowerforyou

2Btrue2One's photo
Tue 02/12/08 04:24 PM

She has been there for me many,many times she's one of a kind she is actually the one who encouraged me to write because I was so in awe of her...I'm hoping once and for all we will meet at the reunion I love her to deathflowerforyou

hmmm, where will this be? and who all will be there, please forgive my southern style of words lol..

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 02/12/08 04:25 PM

ok you too keep it coming I'm enjoying both your wordsflowerforyou

awww thank you pkh.. kristi and I kinda go back a little way, gotta tell ya she helped me through some very dark times, I will always love her for that..

Awww Daniel I did no more for you then you would have done for me bigsmile

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 02/12/08 04:26 PM
Before you I will stand.
And hold out my hand.
I will lend you my ear.
Your words I will hear.

Along this path we will walk.
Together we will take the time to talk.
What we have dealt with in life.
And learn to deal with the strife

I’ll help wipe away your tears.
And chase away the fears.
I will remind you what is ahead.
And tell you never to dread.

For no matter what.
Listen to your gut.
Hear what your heart has to say.
For it will not lead you astray.

The road will not be easy.
At times it will make you queasy.
Remember I will be your friend.
Right here till the end.


2Btrue2One's photo
Tue 02/12/08 04:29 PM

ok you too keep it coming I'm enjoying both your wordsflowerforyou

awww thank you pkh.. kristi and I kinda go back a little way, gotta tell ya she helped me through some very dark times, I will always love her for that..

Awww Daniel I did no more for you then you would have done for me bigsmile
This is true, and you know I will be there for you anytime, even if it means I have to get in my truck and drive there in person to help you kristi... for you I would do that without hesitation

2Btrue2One's photo
Tue 02/12/08 04:38 PM

Before you I will stand.
And hold out my hand.
I will lend you my ear.
Your words I will hear.

Along this path we will walk.
Together we will take the time to talk.
What we have dealt with in life.
And learn to deal with the strife

I’ll help wipe away your tears.
And chase away the fears.
I will remind you what is ahead.
And tell you never to dread.

For no matter what.
Listen to your gut.
Hear what your heart has to say.
For it will not lead you astray.

The road will not be easy.
At times it will make you queasy.
Remember I will be your friend.
Right here till the end.


As you reach out
I take your hand
together we are strong
to meet lifes demands

We will not be defeated
we will overcome all
we will pick eachother up
we will never fall

Together we have strength
together we have power
it's lifes strugles we overcome
in the final hour

Nothing can stop us
when we combine our strength
because for eachother
we would go to any length..

By Daniel..

Another good one kristi..

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 02/12/08 05:13 PM
Wow Daniel a hard one to follow very good my friend will have to see what I can come up with.

The gathering is at OleSages place the thread is in Genearl will have to pull it back up in a few when I get a few minutes here lolbigsmile

2Btrue2One's photo
Tue 02/12/08 05:30 PM

Wow Daniel a hard one to follow very good my friend will have to see what I can come up with.

The gathering is at OleSages place the thread is in Genearl will have to pull it back up in a few when I get a few minutes here lolbigsmile

I know you can do it kristi, this isn't a competition between us.. just frendly poems enhancing one another.. love ya girl.. hugs...flowerforyou

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 02/12/08 05:56 PM

Wow Daniel a hard one to follow very good my friend will have to see what I can come up with.

The gathering is at OleSages place the thread is in Genearl will have to pull it back up in a few when I get a few minutes here lolbigsmile

I know you can do it kristi, this isn't a competition between us.. just frendly poems enhancing one another.. love ya girl.. hugs...flowerforyou

Awww ya sweet my friend for sure I would never get in a competitiion anyway lol shshsh would blow me out of the water just had some things to do and eating now but will be back with one lollaugh bigsmile

Fadedspirit's photo
Tue 02/12/08 06:01 PM
Written in stone
With letters of gold.
You capture the truth
And here is the proof.
The thoughts that are shared
Between hearts that are bared,
A knowledge to part
Taken straight to the heart.

Excellent write TxsGal!

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