Topic: President Bush- should he stay or should he go
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Sat 09/02/06 10:33 PM
worst ever!!!

ROCKY_F4X2's photo
Mon 09/04/06 09:32 AM
why don`t americans stop being so selfish and uncaring.nobody seems to
care about the abused and the children that are getting killed in irag
and all over the middle east.americans can care less about those human
beings.there are inascent people there you no.americans seem to only
care about themselves.that is sad.i am sorry for all our men and women
dying,but they died to save people in need.expecialy children.i am so
proud of our troops.they seem to care about others and not just them
selves.i do not care what the reason was that we went there.we are going
to help the children and women be free and hope one day those countries
will be like us.grow up america.all you non caring could be
you there.i love america and president bush has a good heart,unlikmost

Islandrose's photo
Tue 09/05/06 10:41 AM
President Bush..I think he should go and soon.He has sent 100's of U.S.
troops into a war and now he is dragging our canadians troops in with
him. This man is not very well liked in Canada,he cost 100's of people
up here their softwood lumber and the so called free trade
agreement. All the money that he has used for the war could be put to
better use, helping the poor instead of creating more poverty in other

no photo
Tue 09/05/06 10:45 AM
hes the worst !!! thats why everthing is all messed up!!

ROCKY_F4X2's photo
Tue 09/05/06 12:37 PM
everything is all mest up because of people like guys are
turning a good thing into a bad thing.there is nothing wrong with
helping other people.all you negetive americans are just being
selfish.all americans are pampered with freedom.go with the
flow.everything is going to be alright.i rather have a president who
cares about other people and the way they live then a president who only
cares about who he is getting laid by.if everyone stood by oneanother
and our troops and president.this country would be pleasent to live
in.all you bush bashers have nothing better to do than to hate
your life and let the president do his job.i am sick of all you negative
people.everyone has there opinion,but you guys are sorry excuses of
americans.that sounds harsh,but i love the fact were helping other
people that need guys only care about yourselves

stephanie25's photo
Tue 09/05/06 12:47 PM
so, i'm a sorry excuse for an american, huh? well you know i would care
more about bush if he cared more about the working american and stopped
caring how rich his family has gotton investing in oil in texas! so,
don't think you know anyone on here, until you have all the facts! i've
read all your threads on here, and all you do is constantly put woman
down, and now americans in general!!

lionsbrew's photo
Tue 09/05/06 12:59 PM
the way i see it people keep comparing this war to vietnam and im sorry
but this war isnt even close hell we lost more people in the first two
weeks of vietnam than we did in the last two wars with iraq.........and
people want to know something else we all take for granted our freedom
of religion people are dead because of differences in beliefs im
a christion and my buddy is muslim does that mean since we dont believe
the same thing we should kill each other ........and the u.n has been
using the u.s as a ref for a long time now and then people get pissed
when we go throw a penalty flag .....people need to get over it
sometimes we are the last of the great superpowers militarily speaking
no other country has the means to even come close to putting and end to
the fighting someone had to step up and well noone else can hopefully
they will come up with a dead line when it is safe for the people there
so we can leave and not worry of some other dictator or terrorist group
to just come along and take over again and start ethnic cleansing like
sadamn did people thought germany was bad in ww2 husein did the same
thing wiping groups of people off the face of the earth for having
different veiws ...arent you all glad we dont get shot or gassed for
believing something different....dont those children over there and
their mothers and fathers who just work to survive deserve to not have
to worry about ending up dead over a difference of opinion

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Tue 09/05/06 01:38 PM
u know something u fake muscular jacka$$ pres. Bush went to war on Iraq
IRAQ. the bush family screwed up my workers comp case that i had going
on. yea i got money for my injuries but not enough to get the surgery i
very badly need. i got 32,510.00 dollars last year and still have my
injuries so shut ur cry baby attitude for those that are sick and tired
of bush's lies. sure he has been an ok president hell i voted for him.
but watch farenhit 9-11 and u'll get bush's true colors. u liberial

stephanie25's photo
Tue 09/05/06 01:43 PM
omg, that's great!! no wonder we get along so great!! pat on the back
for tiredof beingsingle!!

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Tue 09/05/06 02:05 PM
well the truth is the truth no matter which way u put it. and the truth
hurts to to that liberial jacka$$

lionsbrew's photo
Tue 09/05/06 02:05 PM
first off ferinhight 9/11 is political satire......second he isnt the
only one making the moves on capitalhill our senate voted on weather we
should go or not so all of our public officials down the line are to
blame as well....and i hope you werent calling me a liberal cause i
personaly am not but everyone has a right to an opinion thats the great
thing about this country we can have differance in beliefs and opinion
and not have to worry about losing our job,living or dieing,getting
thrown out of our homes or anything like that

dwa512's photo
Tue 09/05/06 02:12 PM
he should stay and for all you bleeding hearts,its because of your asses
that we are over there,in 1991 it could have been over,but no you and
your kind wouldnt let the US army go on into Baghdad and end this quit crying about what you Buch is doing cause you fucking
cry babies arent going to be happy until America's been taken over by
some rag heads

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Tue 09/05/06 02:47 PM
this is the wrong subject to be on because there is to many liberial
jacka$$'s among us. and no it wasn't u

no photo
Tue 09/05/06 03:00 PM
what fuckin rag head from iraq should we have worried about you dumbass?
iraq wasn't even a threat when we went over this time. i agree with you
about taking care of it then but he's been virtually quiet since then. i
bet you believe every one of the 4 bullshit reasons that bush told you
huh. what did you just pull down your pants and present him your hole
everytime he changed his mind or did you ever think about it for a
minute before he packed your ass. wait for his call dude his next line
will be ," baby, i'm sorry baby it'll never happen again i swear." you
gonna be stupid enough to spread your cheeks again huh

no photo
Tue 09/05/06 03:03 PM
when the next plane explodes because bush was chasing ghosts into iraq
instead of looking for that 7 ft. bitch i don't want to hear bout no
liberal ass crybaby. hey man do you think he won't tap your phone too
just because you're suckin his dick?

no photo
Tue 09/05/06 03:07 PM
i wouldn't get to caught up in his phony ass cowboy bullshit, i thought
it was completely dispicable to show up on the carrier in a fuckin
flight suit like he was even on the same level as those men after he
ho'd himself out when he had the chance. i guess your son can go die in
iraq because when bush was called up he told them i ain't brave, i just
wanted to wear this cool flight suit and pick up chicks

no photo
Tue 09/05/06 03:08 PM
i ain't no fucking bleeding heart i'm just tired of stupid americans
completely being snowed by stupider americans

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Tue 09/05/06 04:12 PM
the sole purpose of going to Iraq was for WMD's, and despite all the
rhetoric and the WMD's being nothing more than excuse to go, the fact
is, Iraq DID have WMD's..and the US and Great Britain GAVE them to him
during the Iran/Iraq war..ya'll remember that dontcha???The US gave him
the raw materials and the apparatus to build the shit and the Brits sent
the scientists to shem 'em how to put it all together and to make the
shit. Ya know why they didn't find any? cuz Iraq had lot's of warning
thanks to the by the time the troops got there it was akin to the
police calling a known drug dealer and telling him he's gonna be raided
a week from next tuesday. Those weapons ended up in Iran and Syria and
anyone that's been paying attention knows it. Now as far as Bush goes,
he's an idiot, always has been, always will be. He hasn't got the brain
power to run an electric train set nevermind the 2nd most powerful
nation on Earth..yes the 2nd..I seen pics from China that would
straighten yer pubic hairs

ROCKY_F4X2's photo
Tue 09/05/06 06:09 PM
it1s people like tired of being single is why there is so much hatred in
this country.your a big boy aren`t you?lol.listen mr.nobody.i`m not
saying there is nothing wrong with situations that are going on in our
country.i am all for the war.and that is what my discussion are
maybe you need to go see a lunitic doctor to calm yourself.i have a
problem with people who are against the war you fool.the president can
only do what he can for what we are dealing with at this time.i am sorry
for your surgery that you needed.why is it the pressidents
responsability to pay for doctor bills.i do not expect the president to
pay my doctor bills.i do not no your whole situation,but everybody wants
something for was rich befor he was preasident.why would
it change whole problem with this is the war,not nothing
else.take a chill pill frankie

ROCKY_F4X2's photo
Tue 09/05/06 06:28 PM
everybody wants to no why we did not get binladen.the middle east is is like finding a needle in a haystack.we have to dig through
the hay(we got sudam,his sons,and a ton of top notch terrorists)to get
to the isn`t going to happen over night.we will get him.if we
can just go on with our lives and stop worrying and let our military do
there jobs with out so much will be over.were still in
iragu because children and women deserve the same freedom we have.our
troops joined to serve don`t think there overthere feeling
overwhelmed on what they have to see.they see what is going on.we just
hear about it and assume.if we did not get rid of sudam and sons where
do you think we might be at now.i tell you right now that i wouldn`t
want to find out.we arec working for future not dat bt day.get them now
why we can.i do apoligize to mr.single and hope you are fine on your
injury that happened.i no those comments were at me.i may not respect
you for your comments,but i am sorry for your injury.good luck.our
troops will be home,but we will come home victorious.years to come
everybody will look back and realize that president bush made the right
descision.god bless america and let freedom spread.we all deserve
it.again.all deserve it.