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Topic: A Teasing Reality
Fadedspirit's photo
Sat 02/09/08 08:00 PM
A Teasing Reality

Etched in my soul
Are the words to reveal,
For once they are written,
They can't be resealed.
Waiting for fate
To release my cold heart.
Feeling your light,
My warmth in the dark.
A revelation yet to be told,
A glimpse of the future,
Now to behold.
My love will wait till forever is through,
Having patience with caring, this must I do.
The bond that is felt, much stronger than love
And never is quenched or never enough.
I will be patient, for you know I am kind
Someone truer than you, never I'll find.
You've caused me to grow and you've given me life,
Amid all the worries, what not, and strife.
I'll close now by saying I'll always be there,
When you are needing someone special to care.
I know it's a tease
Writing words much like these,
But atleast you now know
Something I feel so deep in my soul.

Fadedspirit 2/9/2008

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 02/09/08 08:02 PM

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 02/09/08 08:02 PM

kirk443's photo
Sat 02/09/08 08:03 PM

A Teasing Reality

Etched in my soul
Are the words to reveal,
For once they are written,
They can't be resealed.
Waiting for fate
To release my cold heart.
Feeling your light,
My warmth in the dark.
A revelation yet to be told,
A glimpse of the future,
Now to behold.
My love will wait till forever is through,
Having patience with caring, this must I do.
The bond that is felt, much stronger than love
And never is quenched or never enough.
I will be patient, for you know I am kind
Someone truer than you, never I'll find.
You've caused me to grow and you've given me life,
Amid all the worries, what not, and strife.
I'll close now by saying I'll always be there,
When you are needing someone special to care.
I know it's a tease
Writing words much like these,
But atleast you now know
Something I feel so deep in my soul.

Fadedspirit 2/9/2008
to me that is a "cry call" and a bit depressing.

Fadedspirit's photo
Sat 02/09/08 08:20 PM
Thanks MirrorMirror and PATSFAN!:smile:

Kirk, To each his own, but go depress yourself somewhere more suited for your needs. Your words only bring you shame.

"those who speak with the mouth of a fool are often found lacking in wisdom and truth." from voices of truth in a dark world.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sat 02/09/08 08:44 PM
flowerforyou (((Fade)))drinker

Fadedspirit's photo
Sat 02/09/08 08:46 PM
Awww, thanks (((MsTeddyBear!))) :smile:

kc0003's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:08 PM
hope, faith and internal recognition…how does one get
depression from that ?

nice one faded (or maybe I read the wrong one)

Fadedspirit's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:21 PM
Thanks for the comment read the right one....someone just needs to remove a stick that got deposited in the wrong

kc0003's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:25 PM

Thanks for the comment read the right one....someone just needs to remove a stick that got deposited in the wrong

Ouch! yes i see where that could cause pain
but not necessarily depression … lol

EtherealEmbers's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:27 PM
I don't think it's very nice that you attacked the only one that said something which you perceived to be negative. Poetry will never give everyone the same view. Every good writer knows that.

Fadedspirit's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:36 PM
As I said before, To each his own, but go depress yourself somewhere more suited for your needs.

And if it was just a simple view, someone truly wishing to give their view would also explain. enough said.

LAMom's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:39 PM
Very Nice Indeed flowerforyou flowerforyou

Fadedspirit's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:41 PM
Awww thanks LAMom!:smile: flowerforyou

EtherealEmbers's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:41 PM

As I said before, To each his own, but go depress yourself somewhere more suited for your needs.

And if it was just a simple view, someone truly wishing to give their view would also explain. enough said.

You seem very bitter... and attacking... everyone is allowed to express their opinions in an open forum... and I can see why that other guy would say that it was depressing, it depends on how you look at it... Welcome to America!!

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 02/09/08 10:34 PM
another good one bigsmile

Fadedspirit's photo
Sat 02/09/08 10:37 PM
Awww, thanks TxsGal. Always enjoy your visits. :smile:

shauna22's photo
Sun 02/10/08 07:28 AM

kirk443's photo
Sun 02/10/08 07:34 AM

As I said before, To each his own, but go depress yourself somewhere more suited for your needs.

And if it was just a simple view, someone truly wishing to give their view would also explain. enough said.

You seem very bitter... and attacking... everyone is allowed to express their opinions in an open forum... and I can see why that other guy would say that it was depressing, it depends on how you look at it... Welcome to America!!
Thankyou Ethereal - America is all about Freedom of Speech!

Fadedspirit's photo
Sun 02/10/08 09:27 AM
Aww thanks shauna!:smile:

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